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MAT VocRev 02

viable (1) capable of living (2)able to stand or develop independently
hibernate to spend the winter in a dormant, inactive state
xanthic yellowish
invidious offensive; envious; obnoxious
platitude the state of being dull, banal, or trite
tractable docile; mallable; obedient ANTONYM: unruly
parvenu one recently risen to an unaccustomed position and not yet possessing the requisite dignity or characteristics; upstart
satiric using ridicule or sarcasm to convey criticism; lampooning
indemnify (1) to secure against loss; (2) to compensate for hurt or loss
synthesis the combination of parts to form a whole, or of thesis and antithesis to form a higher truth
denoument the unfolding or outcome of a series or events
vacuous stupid; lacking intelligence
hirsute roughly hairy
sycophant servile flatterer; parasite
inculcate to teach and impress by repetition
vapid flat; uninteresting; insipid
quizzical (1) eccentric; odd; (2) inquisitive; questioning
triskaidekaphobia the fear of the number 13
sanguine hopeful
capricious unpredictable; governed by a whim
induction (1) an initiation into military service; (2) reasoning from parts to whole
discomfit to confuse, to deject; to frustrate; to deceive
loquacious talkative
masticate to chew
iniquitoue vicious; wicked
mordant biting in manner or style; incisive
onus a burden; an obligation
diametric completely opposed; at opposite extremes
opus a major work, especially a set of musical compositions
dexterous mentally skillful; artful; clever
assuage to ease the intensity of; to appease; to pacify ANTONYM: exacerbate
imprecate to curse
effluvium a disagreeable or noxious vapor; escaping gas
disavow to deny
harangue a ranting speech without much real meaning
spelunker one who studies and explores caves as a hobby
deleterious harmful ANTONYM: beneficial; salubrious; salutary
diaphanous sheer; extremely delicate
impolitic inwise; injudicious
agglomeration a collection in a mass, heap or cluster; aggrandizement
dauntless fearless
desultory lacking plan, regularity, or purpose; random
erratic unpredictable; wandering; arbitrary ANTONYM: static; stable
adjure to command solemnly; to advise earnestly; to beg
broach to make known for the first time; to open up (a subject) for discussion
doughty fearless; valiant
engender to bring into being; to produce
hone to sharpen
boycott to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (a person, store, organization) as a sign of disapproval
homonyms homophones; also, words that are spelled the same but have different meanings (e.g. cleave, quail, bear)
Created by: markda714
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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