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Micro Gram-Neg

Micro106 - Gram Negative Intestinal Pathogens

Which gram-negative pathogens cause intestinal disorders? Species of Salmonella, Shigella, as well as pathogenic strains of E. coli cause salmonellosis, typoid fever, dysentery, gastroenteritis & diarrhea.
What is the definition of a coliform? A coliform is gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, non-spore forming rod that ferments lactose to acid and gas.
How is MacConkey agar selective? It contains bile salts to inhibit nonenteric bacteria.
How is MacConkey agar differntial? It has two dyes, neutral red & crystal violet that are taken up by lactose fermenting bacteria (coliforms). Crystal violet will inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria.
What are the components of Russell double sugar agar? RDS contains glucose, lactose & pH indicator phenol red.
RDS results yellow butt/red slant means what? This result means that only glucose was fermented.
RDS results yellow butt/yellow slant, means what? This result means both glucose & lactose were fermented.
RDS results red butt/red slant, means what? This result means no fermentation took place.
What results would you see if CO2 was produced with RDS? There may be cracks or fissures in the medium, or portions of the media may be pushed up.
What is SIM Medium? The medium contains hydrolyzed casein, which is a cysteine rich polypeptide and ferrous salts. It is used to test for hydrogen sulfide production.
How does SIM Medium differentiate gram-negative pathogens? If cysteine is degraded, hydrogen sulfide will be released which will combine with the ferrous salts and produce a precipitate, ferrous sulfide.
How does SIM Medium show motility? The cloudiness or black precipitate will spread from the point of inoculation through out the tube.
Urea Hydrolysis In the presence of urease, urea is broken down into ammonia and CO2. The release of ammonia causes the pH to become alkaline, causing phenol red to turn bright pink.
Created by: jrb265
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