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Ch. 6 Vocab. Gov.

Mass media All means of communication with the general public
agenda setting deciding what will be decided, defining the issues and problems to be decided by decision makers
socialization The learning of a culture and its values.
muckraking Journalist's exposure of corruption, wrong-doing, and mismanagement in government, business or other institutions of society
"feeding frenzy" Intense media coverage of a scandal or event that blocks out other news stories.
name recognition Public awareness of a candidate- whether a person even knows his or her name.
horse-race journalism Media coverage of electoral campaigns that concentrate on who is ahead and who is behind, and neglects the issues at stake.
sound bites Concise and catchy phrase that attracts media coverage
prior restraint Government actions to restrict the publication of a magazine, newspaper, or book on the grounds of libel, obscenity, or other legal violations prior to the actual publication of the book.
equal time rule FCC requirement that broadcasters who sell time to any political candidate must offer the same time at the same price to the opposition.
libel Writings that are false and malicious and intended to damage an individual
slander Oral statements that are false and malicious and intended to cause damage to an individual.
Sullivan Rule court guideline that malicious statements about public officials are protected by the first amendment unless it can be proven that it is known to be false at the time they were made.
information overload Situation in which individuals are subjected to so many communications that they cannot make sense of them
selective perception mentally screening out information or opinions with which one disagrees.
Created by: Cole1722
Popular American Government sets




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