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unit 9

Apt suitable, fitting; quick to learn Syn:Fit proper liable Anym: Unlikely, slow
awry in a turned or twisted position or direction Synonyms/crooked Antonyms/straight
bludgeon a short club used as a weapon; to strike with a heavy club Synonyms/cudgel,clout
Capitulate give up, surrender,to end resistance Antonyms/ hold out
chafe to warm by rubbing, annoy, irk Synonyms/irritate , scrape Antonyms/soothe ,please
defile to make unclean or dirty, to march in single file line or columns Synonyms/pollute , desecrate antonyms/cleanse
dire causing fear or suffering, Synonyms/ominous Antonyms/favorable
disarming charming, tending to get rid of friendliness Synonyms/winning Antonyms/alarming. trouble
disgruntled in a bad humor, annoyed Synonyms/grumpy Antonyms/ pleased
encroach to advance beyond the usual or proper limits Synonyms/intrude
endow to furnish, provide with funds or some other desirably thing or quality Synonyms/ grant, bestow Antonyms/ take away, deprive
fend to ward off, resist Synonyms/ stave off
impunity freedom from punishment Synonyms/immunity
mien air, manner, expression Synonyms /bearing, look
penal having to do with punishment Synonyms/disciplinary
pertinent to the point Synonyms/relevant Antonyms/irrelvant
predominant the greatest in strength or power; most common Synonyms/ chief, major Antonyms/ secondary, minor, rare
prodigy something wonderful or marvelous Synonyms/marvel, wonder, genius antonyms/dumbbell,dullard
recluse a person who leads a life shut up or withdrawn for the world synonyms/ loner, hermit
renown fame , glory Synonyms/ celebrity, reputation Antonyms/ infamy, obscurity
Created by: amourlahra
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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