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Body System Terms

Week 5

myocardium the heart muscle, which includes nerves and blood vessels
pericardial adjective form of pericardium
pericardial cavity the subcavity of the thoracic cavity in which the heart is enclosed
pericardial sac another lining of the pericardium closes to the heart
pericardium serous membrane lining the pericardial cavity
pulmonary semilunar valve valve connecting the right ventricle and the lungs
right atrioventricular valve valve connecting the right atrium to the right ventricle
septa tin wall that separates cavities or masses; in the heart, septa separate the right atrium from the left atrium and the right ventricle from the left ventricle
troponin a protein that is release into the bloodstream when a heart attack occurs
ventricle two of the four heart chambers, composed of the right ventricle and left ventricle
arrhythmia abnormal rhythm; irregular heartbeat
atriomegaly enlargement of an atrium
bradycardia abnormally slow heartbeat
cardiac arrest cessation of heart activity
cardiodynia heart pain
cardiomalacia softening of the heart
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle
cardiopathy any heart disease
cardiorrhexis rupture in the wall of the heart
carditis inflammation of the heart
endocarditis inflammation of the endocardium
myocardial infarction heart attack
myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle
pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium
tachycardia abnormally rapid heartbeat
vavulitis inflammation of a heart valve
cardiogram a graphic trace of heart functions
myocardiograph a machine to electrically measure heart functions
ventriculoscopy looking at heart ventricles with an endoscope
cardiologist heart specialist
cardiology medical specialty dealing with the heart
atrioseptoplasty surgical repair of an atrial septum
cardiomyoplasty surgical procedure that involves engaging the latissimus dorsi muscle to stimulate the heart
cardiorrhaphy suturing of the wall of the heart
cardiotomy incision into the HEART or incision into the cardia of the STOMACH
pericardiorrhaphy suturing of the pericardium
pericardiotomy incision into the pericardium
vavoplasty surgical repair of a heart valve
valvotomy surgical removal of a blocked heart valve (stenosis of a heart valve) by cutting into it
ventriculoplasty surgical repair of a heart ventricle
atrial adjectival form of atrium
cardiac relating to the heart
cardiogenic adjective describing something originating in the heart
ventricular adjectival form of ventricle
albumins one of the three main blood plasma proteins; globulins and fibrinogens are the other two
antibodies also called immunoglobulins; a common blood protein
aorta the main trunk of the systemic arterial system
arteries the largest of the blood vessels
arterioles the smallest arteries that connect with the capillaries
azygos vein a vein that connects the brachiocephalic veins with the superior vena cava
brachiocephalic trunk one of three major conducting arteries branching from the aortic arch
brachiocephalic veins vein connecting the azygos vein to veins of the head, neck, shoulder, and arms
capillaries the smallest of the blood vessels
cholesterol a fat-soluble steroid alcohol found in animal tissues and in food; consists of both HDL and LDL varieties
conducting arteries the largest of the arteries and nearest the heart
digital veins veins in the fingers and toes
elastic arteries another term for conducting arteries
erythrocytes red blood cells; abbreviated RBC
femoral veins veins in the legs
fibrinogens one of the three main blood plasma proteins; globulins and albumins are the other two.
formed elements phrase used to refer collectively to the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood
globulins one of the three main blood plasma proteins; albumins and fibrinogens are the other two
gonadal veins veins in the reproductive system
great cerebral vein vein of the cranium
hemoglobin the protein that gives blood its red color; abbreviated Hb
hepatic veins veins that drain the liver
immunoglobulins also called antibodies; a common blood protein
inferior vena cava large vein that collects blood from the smaller veins of the lower body
internal jugular vein a vein in the neck that runs alongside the common carotid artery
left common carotid artery one of three major conducting arteries branching from the aortic arch
left subclavian artery one of three major conducting arteries branching from the arotic arch
leukocytes white blood cells; abbreviated WBC
lipoproteins a common blood protein
lumbar veins veins in the lower back
muscular arteries medium-size arteries that connect the conducting arteries and teh arterioles
plasma as differentiated from its non-medical context, the yellow fluid that makes up a bit more than half of whole blood by volume
platelets smallest of the formed elements; important in the coagulation process
renal veins veins in the kidneys
right common carotid artery one of two conducting arteries attached to the brachiocephalic trunk
right subclavian artery one of two conducting arteries attached to the brachiocephalic trunk
superior vena cava large vein that collects blood from the smaller veins of the upper body
tibial veins veins in the legs
venae cavae the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, taken together
veins the blood vessels that return blood from the tissues to the heart
vertebral veins veins flowing from the upper spinal area into the brachiocephalic veins
aneurysm a localized dilation of an artery, cardiac chamber, or other vessel
angiitis inflammation of a vessel
angiopathy any disease of blood vessels
angiospasm spasm in blood vessels
angiostenosis narrowing of a blood vessel
arteriolitis inflammation of an arteriole
arteriopathy any disease of the arteries
arteriorrhexis rupture of an artery
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
arteriospasm spasm of an artery
arteriostenosis narrowing of an artery
arteritis inflammation of an artery or arteries
hemolysis change or destruction of red blood cells
hemopathy any disease of the blood
hemophilia congenital disorder affecting the coagulation process
hemorrhage discharge of blood
hemorrhagic fever category of diseases that include a number of viral diseases, one of which is Ebola fever.
vasculitis inflammation of a vessel
vasculopathy any disease of blood vessles
vasocontriction narrowing of the arteries
vasodilation the widening of the arteries
vasoparalysis paralysis of blood vessels
vasoparesis similar to but less severe than vasoparalysis
vasospasm spasm in blood vessels
angiogram printed record obtained through angiography
angiography radiography of a blood vessel after injection of a contrast medium
angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel
angiorrhaphy suturing of a vessel
angiotomy incision of a blood vessel
arterioplasty surgical repair of an artery
arteriorrhaphy suturing of an artery
arteriotomy incision of an artery
angiogenic originating in a blood vessel
angioid resembling blood vessels
angina pectoris pain in the chest
arteriovenous adjectival form of "arteries and veins"
atherosclerosis the most common form of arteriosclerosis
basophil a white blood cell with granules that stain with basic dyes
eosinophil a white blood cell that stains with certain dyes
hemolytic adjective form of hemolysis
lymphocyte a white blood cell formed in lymphatic tissue
monocyte a relatively large white blood cell
neutrophil a mature white blood cell normally constituting more than half of the total number of leukocytes
phagocyte a white blood cell capable of ingesting bacteria and other foreign matter
vascular adjectival form of vessel
venous adjectival form of vein
alveoli small cavities in which oxygen is removed from the air delivered by the bronchioles
apex word used to describe the upper tip of each lung
base word used to describe the bottom of each lung
bronchi tubes branching off from the trachea and into the lungs
bronchiole very small branches of bronchi that extend into the lungs
diaphragm muscular partition at the base of the thoracic cavity
epiglottis a mucous membrane-covered, leaf-shaped piece of cartilage at the root of the tongue
larynx vocal cords, voice box
nasal adjective referring to the nose
pharynx passageway just below the nasal cavity and mouth
phrenic adjective referring to the diaphragm; synonymous with diaphragmatic
pulmonary adjective frequently used to modify another term in or associated with the lungs
trachea windpipe
apnea absence of breathing
asthma a lung disease characterized by reversible inflammation and constriction
bronchial pneumonia inflammation of the smaller bronchial tubes
bronchioloites inflammation of the bronchioles
bronchiostenosis narrowing of the bronchial tubes
bronchitis inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes
bronchiomalacia degeneration or softening of the bronchi
bronchopneumonia inflammation of the smaller bronchial tubes
bronchorrhea excessive mucus production by a bonchus
bronchospasm abnormal contraction of bronchi
bronchostenosis chronic narrowing of a bronchus
dyspna difficult breathing
emphysema condition in which the alveoli are inefficient because of distension
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngospasm involuntary contraction of the larynx
laryngostenosis a narrowing of the larynx
pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx
pharyngocele a hernia or diverticulum in the pharynx
pharyngoplegia paralysis of pharynx
pharynogospasm involuntary contraction of the pharynx
pharyngostenosis narrowing of the pharynx
phrenalgia pain in the diaphragm
pneumolith calculus in a lung
pneumonia inflammation of a lung caused by infection, chemical inhalation, or trauma
rhinalgia pain in the nose
rhinitis inflammation of the inner lining of the nasal cavity
rhinalgia pain in the nose
rhinitis inflammation of te inner lining of the nasal cavity
rhinodynia rhinalgia; pain in the nose
rhinopathy any disease of the nose
rhinorrhea discharge from the rhinal mucous membrane
rhinostenosis narrowing or obstruction occurring in the nasal passages
sinusitis inflammation of the respiratory sinuses
tracheitis inflammation of the trachea
tracheomalacia softening of tracheal tissue
tracheomegaly abnormal dilation of the trachea
tracheorrhagia hemorrhage of the trachea
tracheostenosis abnormal narrowing of the trachea
angiogram printed record obtained through angiography
bronchoscope a device for visually inspecting the interior of a bronchus
bronchoscopy inspection using a bronchoscope
laryngoscope instrument with a light at the tip to aid in visual inspection of the larynx
laryngoscopy visual inspection of the larynx with the aid of laryngoscope
pharyngoscope instrument with a light at the tip to aid in the visual inspection of the pharynx
pharyngoscopy visual inspection of the pharynx with aid of pharyngoscope
rhinoscope a small mirror with a thin handle; used in rhinoscopy
rhinoscopy visual inspection of the nasal areas
bronchoplasty surgical repair of a bronchus
bronchorrhaphy suturing of a bronchus
bronchotomy incision into a bronchus
laryngectomy excision of the larynx
laryngoplasty surgical repair of the larynx
laryngotomy incision into the larynx
pharyngoplasty surgical repair of the pharynx
pharyngotomy surgical incision into the pharynx
pneumonectomy removal of pulmonary lobes from a lung
pneumonopexy surgical fixation of a lung
pneumonorrhaphy suturing of a lung
pneumonotomy incision into a lung
rhinoplasty surgery performed on the nose
rhinotomy surgical incision into the nose
sinusotomy incision into the sinus
tracheoplasty surgical repair of the trachea
tracheotomy incision into the trachea for the purpose of restoring airflow to the lungs
laryngology branch of medical study concerned with the larynx and diagnosis and treatment of its diseases
rhinologist one who specializes in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormal conditions of the nose
rhinology branch of medical study concerned with the nose and diagnosis and treatment of its diseases
atelectasis reduction or absence of air in part or all of a lung, resulting in loss of lung volume
pertussis an acute infectious inflammation of the larnyx, trachea, and bronchi caused by Bordetella pertussis
tuberculosis disease caused by presence of Mycobacterium turberculosis, most commonly affecting the lungs
antibody a molecule generated in specific opposition to an antigen
antigen substance that induces sensitivity or an immune response in teh form of antibodies
autoimmunity literally, immune to oneself
B cell lymphocytes that work with T cells to fight off infection
leukocyte white blood cell
lymph fluid that flows through the lymphatic system; adjective synonymous with lymphatic
lymph duct another term for lymph vessel
lymph gland a large lymph node
lymph node structures of variable size that contain macrophages that filter out disease-causing antigens and other debris as the lymph flows through
lymph vessel vessel (or duct)within the lymphatic system
lymphatic system collectively, the vessels, nodes, and capillaries that carry the lymph and its disease-fighting cells to the areas in which they are needed
lymphocyte white blood cell in the lymphatic system
macrophage large phagocyte
microphage small phagocyte
NK cell type of lymphocyte; natural killer
perforin protein that NK cells use to kill invading cells
phagocyte white blood cells that clear away pathogens and debris
right lymphatic duct large lymph vessel
spleen immune system organ that gets rid of damaged red blood cells and reclaims and stores iron
T cell cells that make up about 80% of lymphocytes; the T denotes their work with the thymus
thoracic duct large lymph vessel located in the chest area
thymosin hormone secreted by the thymus that helps create T cells
thyum immune system gland located behind the sternum
tonsil collection of lymph tissue; in common understanding, the lingual, pharyngeal, and (especially) the palatine tonsils
immunodeficiency impairment of the immune system
lymphadenopathy chronic or excessively swollen lymph nodes; any disease of the lymph nodes
lymphadenitis inflammation of a lymph node or nodes
lymphangitis inflammation of lymph vessels
lymphatitis inflammation of the lymph vessels or nodes
lymphoma tumor of lymph tissue
lymphopathy disease f the lymph vessels or nodes
splenitis inflammation of the spleen
splenomalacia softening of the spleen
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
splenopathy any disease of the spleen
splenorrhagia hemorrhage from a ruptured spleen
thymitis infalmmation of the thymus
tonsillitis inflammation of a tonsil
lymphangiography radiography of the lymph vessels
immunologist a medical practitioner specializing in the immune system
immunology the medical specialty dealing with the immune system
lymphadenectomy excision of lymph nodes
lymphgiectomy excision of a lymph vessel
lymphangioplasty surgical repair of lymph vessels
lymphangiotomy incision of lymph vessels
splenectomy excision of the spleen
splenorrhaphy suture of a ruptured spleen
splenotomy incision of the spleen
thymectomy excision of the thymus
tonsillectomy excision of a tonsil
tonsillotomy incision of a tonsil
allergen an allergy-producing substance
immunosuppressant something that interferes with the immune system
inflammation redness and irritation caused by injury or abnormal stimulation by a physical, chemical, or biologic agent
pathogen substance that produces disease
phagocytosis process of white blood cells clearing away pathogens and debris
reaction an action of an antibody on a specific antigen; also, in reference to immune responses, an abnormal or unwanted reaction
toxin a poisonous substance
Created by: aparke27
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