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Stack #184241

Common Communicable Diseases of Childhood

Slight fever, malaise, anorexia Chickenpox
Rash is pruritic, begins as macule, then papule, and then vesicle with successive crops of all three stages present at any one time. Chickenpox
Lymphadenopathy Chickenpox
Elevated temperature Chickenpox
Transmitted by direct contact, droplet, contaminated object Chickenpox
Isolation until all vesicles ar crusted Chickenpox
Communicable from 2 days before rash Chickenpox
Avoid use of aspirin due to association with Reye's sundrome Chickenpox
Use Tylenol Chickenpox
Topical applicatio of calamine lotion or baking soda baths Chickenpox
Incubation 13-17 days Chickenpox
Incubation 2-5 days Diphtheria
Resembles common cold Diphtheria
Low-grade fever, hoarseness,malaise, pharyngeal lymphadenitis Diphtheria
Characteristic white/gray pharyngeal membrane Diphtheria
Transmission by direct contact with carrier, contaminated articles Diphtheria
Contact and driplet precautions until two successive negative nose and throat cultures are obtained Diphtheria
Complete bedrest Diphtheria
Watch for signs of respiratory distress and obstruction Diphtheria
Provide for humidification and suctioning as needed Diphtheria
Severe cases can lead to sepsis and death Diphtheria
Incubation 5-21 days Pertussis
Upper respiratory infection for 1-2 weeks Pertussis
Severe cough with high-pitched "whooping" sound, especially at night, lasts 4-6 weeks Pertussis
Vomiting Pertussis
Transmission by direct contact, droplet, contaminated articles Pertussis
Hospitalization for infants Pertussis
Bedrest and hydration Pertussis
Complications are pneumonia, weight loss, dehydration, hemorrhage, hernia, airway obstruction Pertussis
Maintain high humidity and restful environment Pertussis
Suction Pertussis
Incubation 14-21 days Rubella
Low fever and sore throat in adolescent Rubella
Maculopapular rash appears first on face and then on rest of the body Rubella
Symptoms subside first day after rash Rubella
Transmission by droplet spread and contaminated articles Rubella
Contact precautions Rubella
Isolate child from potentially pregnant women Rubella
Comfort measures Rubella
Antipyretics and analgesics Rubella
Rare complications include arthritis and encephalitis Rubella
Droplet precautions Rubella
Incubation 10-20 days Rubeola
Fever and malaise followed by cough and Koplik's spots on buccal mucosa Rubeola
Erythematous maculopapular rash with face first affected; turns brown after 3 days when symptoms subside Rubeola
Transmission by direct contact Rubeola
Isolate until 5th day Rubeola
Created by: Izobel5614
Popular Nursing sets




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