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Stack #184233

The Nervous System

Alzheimer's disease progressive and debilitating beginning with memory loss and progresses to complete loss of mental, emotional, ad physical functioning.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a severe weakening and wasting of the involved muscle groups, usually beginning with the hands and progressing to the shoulders and upper arms then the legs, caused by decreased nerve innervation to the muscle groups.
bradykinesia abnormally slow movement
cauda equina The lower end of the spinal cord and the roots of the spinal nerves; so named because it resembles a horse's tails.
cerebellospinal cerebellum
Cheynes-Stokes respirations An abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by periods of apnea followed by deep rapid breathing.
dementia A progressive irreversible mental disorder in which the person has deteriorating memory, judgement, and ability to think.
diencephalon the part of the brain that islocated between the cerebrum and the mid-brain.
dura mater the outermost of the three membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.
electroencephalography measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain and recorded through electrodes placed on the scalp.
Guillanin-Barre syndrome acute polyneuritis of the peripheral nervous system.
gyrus one of the many elevated folds of the surface of the cerebrum.
hemiplegia paralysis of one-half of the body
hydrocephalus an abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain that causes the ventricles of the brain to dilate.
intrathecal within sheath
kinesiology the study of muscle movement.
medulla oblongata one of the three parts of the brain stem; most essential part it contains the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers of the brain.
meningitis (acute bacterial) a serious bacterial infection of the meninges.
myasthenia gravis a chronic progressive neuromuscular disorder and autoimmune disease in which antibodies block or destroy some acteylcholine receptor sites causing severe skeletal muscle weakness and fatigue.
neuroblastoma a highly malignant tumor of the sympathetic nervous system.
parasympathetic regulate involuntary, essential body functions.
parasympathomimetic copying or producing the same effects as those of the parasympathetic nerves.
pneumoencephalography a process used to radiographically visualize one of the ventricles or flud occupying spaces in the central nervous system.
pons the part of the brain that is located between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain; it acts as a bridge to connect the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum to the upper portions of the brain.
spina bifida cystica a congenital defect of the central nervous sstem in which the back portion of one or more vertebrae is not closed normally and a cyst protrudes through the opening in the back.
sympathomimetic copying or producing the same effects as those of the sympathetic nerves.
syncope fainting
trigeminal neuralgia tic douloureux short periods of severe unilateral pain which radiates along the fifth cranial nerve.
ventriculostomy an artificial hole of the ventricle of the heart or brain
Created by: krm602
Popular Medical sets




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