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Endocrine Stuff

2 types of fat adipose tissue, and deep belly fat
adipose tissue is ment for insulation and protection
deep belly fat acts as an endocrine organ. the more overweight a person is the more they have. it makes estrogen in females. too much makes a woman at risk for breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer.
what types of insulin can you mix? regular and intermediate insulin can be mixed
what is the formula for mixing insulin? clear, cloudy, cloudy, clear
increased PTH = increased _______? Calcium
People with Addison's disease crave________? Salt
The average urinary output for 24 hours =____________________? 1.5 Liters
Thyroid Gland is a butterfly shaped gland, with one lobe lying on either side of the trachea. It lyes just below the larynx.
Sex Hormones Male: AndrogensFemale: Estrogens
The endocrine tissue of the pancreas contains more than a million tiny clusters of cells known as the ________ ___ _______? Islets Of langerhans.
anatomy of Adrenal Glands -small yellow masses that lie on top of the kidneys like a hat.-both glands contain an outer section, the adrenal cortex, and a smaller inner section, the adrenal medulla.
isthmus The center of the thyroid gland that connects the two lobes.
how many ML's of blood does the thyroid gland receive each min? 80-120
T___ converts to T______. t4 converts to t3
DKA abbreviation for diabetic ketoacidosis
What does the thyroid gland secrete? thyroxine T4 and triidothroine T3
Kussmauls Respirations Fast Deep Breathing
Pre Mix Regular Insulin Onset 30-60 min, dual peak, duration 10-16 h
Pre Mix Analog Insulin 75NPL/25 Lispro 70/30: Onset 5-15 min, dual peak, duration 10-16 hours
What is long Acting Insulin (Ultralente)? Ultralente/ Humalin U: Onset 6-12 h, peak 10-16 hours, duration 18-24 hours
Long Acting Insulin (Lantus) Galgrine (Lantus): Onset 2-4 hours, peakless, duration 20-24 hours
Basil or Intermediate Insulin? Humalin N, Novolin N, NPH, Lente: Onset 2-4 hours, peak 4-10 hours, duration 10-16 hours
What are short acting insulins? Novolin R, Humalin R, Regular: Onset 30-60 min, peak 2-3 hours, duration 5-8 hours.
What are rapid acting insulins? Humalog (Lispro), Novolog (Aspart), Apidra:Onset 5-15 min, peak 30-90 min, duration 5 hours.
Diagnostic Tests for Hyperthyroidism include: T3 Blood Test (elivated T3)T4 Blood Test (elivated T4 HYPOthyroidism)Free T4 Blood Test (elivated free T4 HYPER, decreased T4 HYPO)TSH Blood Test (elivated TSH HYPO, decreased HYPER)Radioactive Iodoine uptake Test (RAIU)Thyroid Scan
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Cause the heart rate to increase, blood pressure to increase, blood vessles to constrict, the liver to release glucose reserves for immediate energy. it prepares the body for a flight or fight response needed in times of crisis.
Adrenal Medulla The cells making up the adrenal medulla come from the same type of cells as the sympathetic nervous system. Two hormones released during streess include epinepherine and norepinepherine.
Aldosterone principal mineralcorticoid. Regulates Na+ and K+ by exerting effects on the kidney tubuals. It decreases Na+ and increases K+. Retention of Na+ causes H2O retention, which leads to increased BP and volume.
Mineralcorticoids Major function is H20 and electrolyte balance. They indirectly manage BP.
Medications reccomended in the Tx of HYPERthyroidism include: Trapazole/methimazole, Iodine or Iodine products such as K+, Na+ iodide, with strong iodine solution, Lugol's solution, 131INa+, 125INa+, Propyl-Thoracil, and PTU.
Hypothyroidism Medications Include: Levonthroid, Synthroid, Levothyroxine Na+, Cymotel, Terteoxrine, Euthroid, Thyrolar, Proloid, Armor Thyroid,and thyro-teric.
Chvostek's Sign is an abnormal spasam of the facial muscles wehn the nerve is tapped lightly in people who are hypocalcemic.
Trousseau's Sign a spasam of the arm that happens when a BP cuff is inflated above the SBP for 3 min.
Define Cushing Syndrome Adrenal HYPERfunction = Cushing Syndrome.Cushings syndrome is a spectrum of clinical abnormalities caused by excess cortiosteroids primarialy glucocorticoids.
S/S of Cushings Syndrome Moon face, Buffalo Hump, HYPOkalemia, arms and legs become thin due to muscle atrophy, HYPERglycemia (due to glucose intolerance r/t cortisol induced insulin resistance.), protien in the urine, and increased urinary Ca+ excretion.
What are the S/S of Addison's Disease? -progressive weakness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, GI problems, hypoglycemia, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, HYPOtension, and HYPERpigmentation of the skin.
Possible causes of Addison's Disease include: -autoimmune response with a genetic component.-Cancer of the adrenal cortex-TB-adrenalectomy, pituitary HYPOfunction, prolonged steroid use.
Tx of Addison's Disease: Restore Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance (decreased Na+ and increased K+ need to be fixed.), replacement of deficient adrenal hormones, diet high in Na+ and low K+, Florinef is a drug of choice, and Glucocortioids such as hydrocortisone.
acanthosis nigrans much darker, thicker, velvety skin seen in the axilla and groin of people with type II diabetes.
If left untreated diabetes insipidus may lead to what S/S? Changes in LOC, tachycardia, tachypnea and hypotension.
Normal T4 Range: 5-12 mcg/dl
Normal T3 Range: 65-195mg/dl
Normal TSH Range: 0.3-5.4 mcg/ml
Normal Specific Gravity Range: 1.003-1.030
Hypernaturemia High levels of Na+ in the blood.
What are the clinical manifestations of diabetes insipidus? Urine is dilute and water like with low specific gravity.Urine output may exceed 2-20L q 24h. pt typically loose 200ml of urine q hr for 2 hr consecutively. pt craves cold H2O and may drink 4-20L q day, but may become severely dehydrated. high Na+ level.
Explain the purpose of T3 and T4 hormones: To regulate growth and development, metabolism, and control activity of the nervous system. Their function is controlled by the secretion of TSH from the pitutary gland.
Glucocorticoids The most important glucocorticoid is Cortisol. It is involved with glucose metabolism and provides extra energy in times of stress. These also exhibit antiinflammitory properties.
Increased PTH = Increased_____________? Calcium
Oxytocin promotes the release of milk and stimulates uterine contractions during labor.
Posterior Pituitary Gland 2 hormones are released when the hypothalamus stimulates their release. they are oxytocin and ADH.
Anterior Pituitary Gland 6 major hormones are released. 5 of the 6 are called tropic because tehy are responsible for the stimulation of other endocrine glands. prolactin the 6th hormone causes the mammory glands to produce milk.
Why is the pituitary gland called the master gland? because through the negative feedback system it exerts control over the other endocrine glands.
Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to their target organs.
ADH causes the kidneys to conserve water by decreasing the amount of urine produced. it also causes constriction of the arterioles in the body which result in increased BP. This hormone is sometimes called vasopressin because of it's effects on BP.
What is the cause of diabetes insipidus? Deficient ADH levels. Head injury, and illness such as intercranial anyuresum, infarct, encephalitis, menengitis, and ICP can cause this.
Adrenal Cortex Is divided into 3 seperate layers. Each layer secretes a particular hormone, all 3 are called steroids.
The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas secrete 2 major hormones. They are ________ and ____________. insulin and glucagon.
How do parathyroid glands effect the kidney's? They increase the asorbtion of Ca+ and Magnesium from the kidney tubals. They also accelerate the excretion of phosphrous in the urine.
tetany when Ca+ blood levels are low, the nerve cells become excited and stimualte the muscles with too many impulses, resulting in spasms.
parathormone is an antagonist to calcitonin from the thyroid. it tends to increase the concitration of Ca+ in the blood.
Calcitonin is a hormone released by the thyroid gland. It decreased blood Ca+ levels by causing Ca+ to be stored in the bones.
Tx for DKA -Admin isotonic fluids-admin electrolytes such as K+-admin reg insulin to move glucose to cells-check BP q hour-look for sighns of HYPOglycemia-check VS q 4 hr
Created by: heidiannee
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