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PCOM #15a

PCOM Herbs A (comps 1) - Pinyin, Latin, English, Props, Channels, Categories

Bai Zhi Angelicae dahuricae Radix angelica root Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, warm LU, ST, SP Aromatic, warm, releases the exterior, opens th eorifices (especially the nose), dries dampness; frequently used for wind-cold frontal headaches. (3-9g)
Sheng Jiang Zingiberis Rhizoma recens fresh ginger rhizome Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, slightly warm LU, SP, ST Dispersing in nature, benfits the ST, alleviates nausea, stops coughing, transforms phlegm. (3-9g)
Cang Er Zi Xanthii Fructus xanthium fruit, cockleburr fruit, "deep green ear seeds" Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior sweet, bitter, warm, toxic LU Disperses wind, unblocks the orifices, removes painful obstruction, eliminates damp qi from the skin, treats sores. (3-9g)
Bo He Menthae haplocalycis Herba mentha, field mint Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, aromatic, cooling LU, LV Facilitates the dispersal of upper burner wind-heat, cools and clears the eyes and head, soothes the throat, facilitates the flow of LV qi and expels turbid filth. (3-6g)
Sang Ye Mori Folium white mulberry leaf Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior sweet, bitter, cold LU, LV Light, rising, cooling and moistening, sweet, bitter, and cold: disperses wind-heat, cools and drains the LU and LV. (4.5-9g)
Ju Hua Chrysanthemi Flos chrysanthemum flower Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior sweet, bitter, slightly cold LU, LV Cooling, aromatic and light; can ascend or descend, drain or tonify; particularly effective for dispersing wind-heat, cooling and tonifying the LV, and brightening the eyes; also resolves toxicity. (4.5-15g)
Dan Dou Chi Sojae Semen preparatum prepared soybean Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior sweet, slightly bitter, cold or warm (depending on preparation) LU, ST Ascending, vents and disperses exterior pathogens, disseminates and disperses constrained heat above the diaphragm. (6-12g)
Ge Gen Puerariae Radix kudzu root, pueraria Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior sweet, acrid, cool SP, ST Raises the clear yang qi of yang brightness, encourages the ST qi and thus releases muscle layer heat and vents rashes; alleviates thirst by raising ST fluids, treats diarrhea. (9-21g)
Chai Hu Bupleuri Radix bupleurum, hare's ear root, thorowax root, "twigs of the barbarians" Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior bitter, acrid, cool GB, LV, PC, SJ Treats alternating chills and fever, releases heat in the muscle layer, harmonizes lesser yang stage disorders, raises the clear qi of the ST and GB, relieves LV qi constraint. (3-9g)
Sheng Ma Cimicifugae Rhizoma cimicifuga, bugbane rhizome, black cohosh rhizome Cool Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior sweet, acrid, slightly cold LI, LU, SP, ST Raises yang qi, disperses heat, resolves toxicity. (3-9g)
Shi Gao Gypsum fibrosum gypsum, "stone paste" Herbs that Drain Fire sweet, acrid, very cold LU, ST Very cold; excels at cooling LU and ST fire, while also dispersing to vent to the exterior and release the muscle layer. (15-60g)
Zhi Mu Anemarrhenae Rhizoma anemarrhena rhizome, "know about mother" Herbs that Drain Fire bitter, sweet, cold LU, ST, KD Clears fire and nourishes the yin of the LU, ST, KD. (6-12g)
Zhi Zi Gardeniae Fructus gardenia fruit, Cape Jasmine fruit Herbs that Drain Fire bitter, cold HT, LU, ST, LV, SJ Resolves constrained heat, directs damp-heat downward and out through the urine, cools the blood, breaks up toxic accumulations. (6-9g)
Dan Zhu Ye Lophatheri Herba lophatherum stem and leaves, "bland bamboo leaves" Herbs that Drain Fire sweet, bland, cold HT, SI, ST Leaches out dampness and facilitates urination; also treats irritability associated with heat. (6-9g)
Xia Ku Cao Prunellae Spica prunella, selfheal spike, "summer withered herb" Herbs that Drain Fire bitter, acrid, cold GB, LV Cools LV fire, disperses clumps, benefits the eyes. (9-15g)
Tian Hua Fen Trichosanthis Radix trichosanthes root, "heavenly flower powder" Herbs that Drain Fire bitter, slightly sweet, cold LU, ST Cools heat, generates fluids, resolves toxicity, reduces swelling, invigorates the blood. (10-15g)
Lu Gen Phragmitis Rhizoma reed rhizome Herbs that Drain Fire sweet, cold LU, ST Cools the LU and ST, generates fluids without being cloying, alleviates nausea, promotes urination. (15-30g)
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Chinese Fox Glove Root, "unprepared earth yellow" Herbs that Cool the Blood sweet, bittter, cold HT, LV, KD enriches the yin, cools the blood, clears heat. (9-15g)
Xuan Shen Scrophulariae Radix scrophularia, ningpo figwort root, "dark root" Herbs that Cool the Blood salty, sweet, bitter, cold KD, LU, ST Enriches the yin, moistens dryness, drains fire, resolves toxicity, softens hardness, transforms phlegm-heat. (9-15g)
Mu Dan Pi Moutan Cortex moutan root bark, tre peopny root bark Herbs that Cool the Blood acrid, bitter, slightly cold HT, LV, KD Cools heat from either excess or deficiency, gently invigorates the blood without injuring the blood or yin, clears lurking fire from the blood. (6-12g)
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis Baical Skullcap Root Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness bitter, cold LU, ST, GB, LI Cools heat, dries dampness, stops bleeding, quiets the fetus in pregnancy. (3-9g)
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis Coptis Rhizome, "yellow links" Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness bitter, cold HT, LI, LV, ST Cools heat, drains fire (especially in the HT and ST), dries dampness, resolves toxicity (1.5-9g)
Huang Bai Cortex Phellondendri Amur Cork-tree Bark, "yellow fir" Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness bitter, cold KD, UB Directs fire downward, clears damp-heat in the lower burner. (3-12g)
Long Dan Cao Gentianea Radix gentian root, Chinese gentian root, "dragon gallbladder herb" Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness bitter, cold GB, LV, ST Drains fire from excess in the LV and GB, eliminates lower burner damp-heat. (3-9g)
Ku Shen Sophorae flavescentis Radix sophora root, flavescent sophora root, "bitter root" Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness bitter, cold UB, HT, LV, LI, ST, SI Expels wind, stops itching, promotes urination. (3-9g)
Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Flos honeysuckle flower "gold silver flower" Herbs that Clear Heat and Resolve Toxicity sweet, cold LU, LI, ST Disperses heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, stops bleeding if charred. (6-20g)
Lian Qiao Forsythiae Fructus forsythia fruit Herbs that Clear Heat and Resolve Toxicity bitter, slightly acrid, slightly cold HT, LU, GB cools and vents heat, particularly in the HT and upper burner, resolves toxicity, disperses clumps. (6-15g)
Bei Ban Lan Gen Isatidis Radix isatis root, woad root Herbs that Clear Heat and Resolve Toxicity bitter, cold HT, LU, ST Drains heat, resolves fire toxicity, cools the blood, benefits the throat. (9-15g)
Nan Ban Lan Gen Baphicacanthis cusiae Rhizoma et Radix baphicacanthus root, "southern ban lan gen" Herbs that Clear Heat and Resolve Toxicity bitter, cold HT, LV, ST Cools heat and resolves toxicity, primarily in the treatment of epidemic disorders. (15-30g; 60-120g when a large dose is required).
Pu Gong Ying Taraxaci Herba dandelion, taraxacum Herbs that Clear Heat and Resolve Toxicity bitter, sweet, cold LV, ST Cools heat, resolves toxicity, directs downward, facilitates urination. (9-30g)
Qing Hao Artemisiae annuae Herba sweet wormwood, "blue-green artemisia" Herbs that Clear Heat from Deficiency bitter, cold KD, LV, GB Clears all types of yin level heat without injuring the qi, blood, or yin. (6-12g. Do not subject to prolonged cooking)
Di Gu Pi Lycii Cortex lycium bark, cortex of wolfberry root, "earth bone bark" Herbs that Clear Heat from Deficiency sweet, bland, cold LU, LV, KD Eliminates heat from both excess and deficiency in the blood; used for steaming bone disorder with sweating, and to cool the LU. (6-15g)
Da Huang Rhei Radix et Rhizoma rhubarb root and rhizome Downward-Draining Herbs: Purgatives bitter, cold HT, LI, LV, ST purges clumped heat in the Intestines, cools the blood, removes blood stasis; in its charred form, can stop bleeding. (3-15g)
Mang Xiao Natrii Sulfas mirabilite, glauber's salt Downward-Draining Herbs: Purgatives acrid, bitter, salty, very cold ST, LI Softens hardened clumping of pathogenic heat in the Intestines. (6-18g)
Huo Ma Ren Cannabis Semen hemp seeds, "fire hemp seeds" Downward-Draining Herbs: Moist Laxatives sweet, neutral LI, SP, ST Enriches the yin fluids, moistens the Intestines, unblocks dry constipation. (9-15g. Crush before decocting.)
Fu Ling Poria White Poria Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, neutral HT, SP, KD, LU Tonifies the SP, eliminates dampness, calms the HT spirit. (9-15g)
Chi Fu Ling Poria Rubra Red Poria Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, neutral HT, SP, KD, LU Only drains heat and mobilizes water (does not have all functions of white poria), for scanty, dark urine or urinary difficulty. Enters the blood aspect instead of the Qi aspect (white poria).
Fu Ling Pi Poriae Cutis Poria Cutis Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, neutral HT, SP, KD, LU The blackish brown outer layer of the fungal node promotes urination and reduces edema without exhausting the Qi.
Fu Shen Poriae Sclerotium Pararadicis Root Poria Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, neutral HT, SP, KD, LU The innermost part of the fungus, around and including the root, used primarily for its spirit-calming effect.
Zhu Ling Polyporus polyporus, "pig's fungus" Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, slightly cool SP, KD, UB Promotes urination, leaches out dampness, facilitates fluid metabolism. (6-12g)
Ze Xie Alismatis Rhizoma alisma rhizome, water plantain, "marsh drain" Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, cold KD, UB Facilitates the fluid pathways, clears blazing ministerial fire. (4.5-9g)
Yi Yi Ren Coicis Semen coix seeds, Job's tears, Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, slightly cold LU, SP, ST, KD Tonifies the SP and augments the LU; leaches out dampness from the bones, sinews, and muscles to treat painful obstruction disorder; cools heat and expels pus to treat sores and abscesses.
Che Qian Zi Plantaginis Semen plantago seeds, "before the cart seeds" Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, cold UB, KD, LV, LU Facilitates urination, separates the clear and turbid fluids, guides damp-heat downward and out of the body through the urine. (9-15g. Put in a tea bag before decocting with other herbs.)
Hua Shi Talcum talcum, "slippery rock" Herbs that Drain Dampness sweet, bland, cold ST, UB Cools summerheat, clears hot painful urinary dribbling; applied topically for damp-heat rashes and sores. (9-15g. When decocted, it should be placed in a separate cloth bag to reduce residual sediment)
Mu Tong Akebiae Caulis akebia caulis Herbs that Drain Dampness bitter, slightly cold UB, HT, SI Promotes urination, directs fire and damp-heat downward and out through the urine, facilitates lactation, unblocks blood stasis. (3-6g)
Yin Chen Hao Artemisiae scopariae Herba virgate wormwood Herbs that Drain Dampness bitter, slightly cold LV, SP, GB, ST Treats jaundice by facilitating the removal of dampness and clearing heat. (9-30g)
Du Huo Angelicae pubescentis Radix Angelica Root, "self-reliant existence" Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness bitter, acrid, warm KD, UB Treats painful obstruction in the lower body, dispels lurking wind in the KD channel. (3-9g)
Mu Gua Chaenomelis Fructus chaenomeles fruit, Chinese quince fruit, "wood melon" Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness sour, warm LV, SP Transforms dampness, harmonizes the SP and ST, alleviates cramping. (6-12g)
Sang Ji Sheng Taxilla Herba taxillu, mulberry mistletoe stems, mistletoe, "mulberry parasite" Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness bitter, sweet, neutral KD, LV Tonifies the LV and KD, nourishes yin and blood, expels wind-dampness, quiets the fetus in pregnancy. (9-15g)
Wu Jia Pi Eleutherococci gracilistyli Cortex eleutherococcus root bar, acanthopanax root bark, "bark of five additions" Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness acrid, bitter, warm KD, LV Clears wind-dampness, warms the KD and LV, stops pain, strengthens the sinews. (4.5-9g)
Qian Hu Peucedani Radix peucedanum root, hogfennel root, "before barbarians" Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat bitter, acrid, slightly cold LU Directs qi downward: assists the dissemination of LU qi, thereby expelling external pathogens; directs fire downward, thereby dissolving phlegm. (3-9g)
Chuan Bei Mu Fritillaria cirrhosae Bulbus Sichuan fritillaria bulb, tendrilled fritillaria bulb, fritillaria, "shell mother from Sichuan" Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat bitter, sweet, slightly cold HT, LU Cools, moistens, directs the LU qi and HT fire downward to transform phlegm, alleviate cough, relieve constraint, and disperse clumped phlegm-heat. (3-9g)
Zhe Bei Mu Fritillariae thunbergii Bulbus Zhejiang fritillaria bulb, Thunberg fritillaria bulb, fritillaria, "shell mother from Zhejiang" Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat bitter, cold HT, LU Cold, drains heat, transforms phlegm-heat, releases constraint, dissipates nodules, especially in the neck and breast. (4.5-9g)
Gua Lou Trichosanthis Fructus trichosanthes fruit Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat sweet, cold LI, LU, ST Cools and transforms phlegm-heat, moistens the Intestines, directs turbid phlegm downward. (9-21g)
Gua Lou Pi Trichosanthis Pericarpium trichosanthes peel Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat sweet, cold LU, ST, LI Cools and transforms phlegm-heat, facilitates the flow of qi in the chest, disperses constrained clumping. (6-12g)
Gua Lou Ren Trichosanthis Semen trichosanthes seed Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat sweet, cold LU, ST, LI Slippery, moistens both the LU and Intestines, cools and transforms phlegm. (9-15g)
Zhu Ru Bambusae Caulis in taeniam bamboo shavings Herbs that Cool and Transforms Phlegm-Heat sweet, slightly cold LU, ST, GB Cools the LU, ST, and GB; scours phlegm, releases constraint, alleviates nausea. (4.5-9g)
Zhi Ban Xia Pinelliae Rhizoma preparatum pinellia rhizome, "prepared half summer" Warm Herbs that Transform Cold-Phlegm acrid, warm, toxic LU, SP, ST Acrid for opening, slippery for directing rebellious qi downward, and bitter for drying; best used for thin phlegm or dampness as well as rebellious ST qi. (3-9g only prepared herb is for internal use)
Tian Nan Xing Arisaematis Rhizoma preparatum prepared arisaema rhizome, jack-in-the-pulpit, "star of the southern heavens" Warm Herbs that Transform Cold-Phlegm bitter, acrid, warm, toxic LV, LU, SP Very acrid, dispersing, warm, and drying; eliminates wind-phlegm in the channels and collaterals; toxic in its raw (unprepared) form. (3-9g)
Jie Geng Platycodi Radix platycodon root, balloon flower root Warm Herbs that Transform Cold-Phlegm bitter, acrid, neutral LU Causes the qi and the actions of other herbs to rise, soothes the throat, releases the exterior, transforms phlegm, expels pus. (3-9g)
Xuan Fu Hua Inulae Flos inula flower, "rotated upturned flower" Warm Herbs that Transform Cold-Phlegm bitter, acrid, salty, slightly warm LV, LU, ST, SP Directs qi downward to stop cough, softens hardened phlegm to break up clumped accumulations, promotes the dissipation of pathogenic water. (3-9g)
Xing Ren Armeniacae Semen apricot seed or kernel Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing bitter, slightly warm, slightly toxic LU, LI Directs the LU qi downward, disperses wind-cold, moistens the Intestines; slightly toxic. (3-9g)
Zi Wan Asteris Radix aster root, purple aster Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing acrid, bitter, slightly warm LU Acrid-dispersing, bitter-draining, yet warm and moistening without drying; stops coughs, facilitates urination, enters both the qi and blood aspects. (5-9g)
Sang Bai Pi Mori Cortex mulberry root bark, morus bark, "mulberry white bark" Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing sweet, cold LU Drains the LU, especially heat in the LU, thereby alleviating cough and wheezing; also drains fluids and treats edema. (6-15g)
Cang Zhu Atractylodis Rhizoma atractylodes rhizome Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness acrid, bitter, warm SP, ST Dries dampness, induces sweating, strengthens the SP and ST, treats atrophy disorders from damp-heat in the lower burner, helps the vision. (3-9g)
Hou Po Magnoliae officinalis Cortex magnolia bark Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness bitter, acrid, warm LI, LU, SP, ST Regulates the qi and directs it downward, disperses fullness, dries dampness, reduces phlegm. (3-9g)
Huo Xiang Pogostemonis seu Agastaches Herba patchouli, pogostemon / agastache, "ornamental orchid" Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness acrid, slightly warm LU, SP, ST Releases the exterior, transforms dampness, harmonizes the middle, alleviates nausea. (3-9g. Double the dosage when used fresh. Do not decoct too long.)
Sha Ren Amomi Fructus amomum fruit, grains-of-paradise fruit, "sand seeds" Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness acrid, warm, aromatic SP, ST Promotes the flow of qi, warms the middle, transforms dampness, improves the appetite, calms the fetus. (3-6g. When decocted, it should be added near the end or its potency may suffer. For best results, crush before use.)
Shan Zha Crataegi Fructus crataegus fruit; hawthorn fruit Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation sour, sweet, slightly warm LV, SP, ST Reduces food stagnation, especially from meat and greasy foods, invigorates the blood flow, alleviates diarrhea and dysentery. (9-12g)
Shen Qu Massa medicata fermentata medicated leaven, "spirit's leaven" Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation sweet, acrid, warm SP, ST Treats food stagnation, promotes the flow of qi, alleviates diarrhea. (6-15g)
Mai Ya Hordei Fructus germinatus barley sprouts, malt Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation sweet, neutral LV, SP, ST Reduces food stagnation due to starches and fruits, softens areas of hardness, improves the appetite. (9-15g. For restraining lactation, use 30-60g.)
Lai Fu Zi Raphani Semen radish seed, raphanus Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation acrid, sweet, neutral LU, SP, ST Transforms phlegm, reduces food stagnation, promotes the flow of qi in the LU, SP, and LI. (4.5-9g; should be crushed prior to use.)
Chen Pi Citri reticulatae Pericarpium aged tangerine peel, cirtrus, "aged peel" Herbs that Regulate the Qi acrid, bitter, warm, aromatic LU, SP, ST Promotes the flow of qi, dries dampness. (3-9g)
Qing Pi Citri reticulatae viride Pericarpium unripe tangerine peel, green tangerine peel, "green peel" Herbs that Regulate the Qi bitter, acrid, warm GB, LV, ST Directs downward, dredges the LV, breaks up qi stagnation and clumping, harmonizes the ST. (3-9g)
Zhi Shi Aurantii Fructus immaturus unripe bitter orange, chih-shih Herbs that Regulate the Qi bitter, acrid, slightly cold LI, SP, ST Promotes the flow of qi, unblocks plugs. (3-9g)
Zhi Ke Aurantii Fructus bitter orange Herbs that Regulate the Qi bitter, acrid, slightly cold SP, ST, LI Promotes the flow of qi, unblocks plugs. (3-9g)
Xiang Fu Cyperi Rhizoma cyperus, nut-grass rhizome, "aromatic appendage" Herbs that Regulate the Qi acrid, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, neutral LV, SJ, GB Promotes the flow of qi in the LV and ST channels, regulates menstruation, alleviates pain. (6-12g)
Mu Xiang Aucklandiae Radix aucklandia, saussurea, costus root, "wood fragrance" Herbs that Regulate the Qi acrid, bitter, warm GB, LI, SP, ST, SJ Promotes the flow of qi, stops pain, strengthens the SP and eliminates food stagnation (3-9g)
San Qi Notoginseng Radix notoginseng root, pseudoginseng root, "three seven" Herbs that Stop Bleeding sweet, slightly bitter, warm LV, ST Stops bleeding without causing blood stasis, transforms blood stasis, reduces swelling and stops pain.
Pu Huang Typhae Pollen typha pollen, cattail pollen, bulrush, Herbs that Stop Bleeding sweet, acrid, neutral LV, HT, SP Stops bleeding, removes blood stasis, promotes urination. (3-9g)
Ai Ye Artemisiae argyi Folium mugwort leaf, artemesia Herbs that Stop Bleeding bitter, acrid, warm SP, LV, KD Dispels cold-dampness, stops pain due to cold, stops bleeding, calms the fetus during pregnancy. (3-9g)
Chuan Xiong Chuanxiong Rhizoma Szechuan lovage root, cnidium Herbs that Invigorate the Blood acrid, warm LV, GB, PC Invigorates the blood, promotes the movement of qi, expels wind, stops pain (especially useful for headaches).
Dan Shen Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix salvia root, "cinnabar root" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood bitter, slightly cold HT, PC, LV Invigorates the blood, tonifies the blood, calms irritability due to blood heat (6-15g)
Ji Xue Teng Spatholobi Caulis spatholobus root and vine, "chicken blood vine" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood bitter, sweet, warm HT, LV, SP Invigorates the blood, tonifies the blood, soothes the sinews and invigorates the collaterals. (9-15g)
Yan Hu Suo Corydalis Rhizoma corydalis rhizome, "extended barbarian rope" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood acrid, bitter, warm HT, LV, ST Invigorates the blood, strongly stops pain. (3-9g)
Yu Jin Curcumae Radix curcuma tuber, "constrained gold" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood acrid, bitter, cold HT, LU, LV Cools the blood, breaks up stasis, promotes the movement of qi, relieves constraint. (6-12g)
Yi Mu Cao Leonuri Herba leonurus, Chinese motherwort, "benefit mother herb" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood acrid, bitter, slightly cold HT, LV, UB Invigorates the blood, regulates mensturation, facilitates, urination, resolves toxicity. (9-15g; large doses up to 30g)
Ze Lan Lycopi Herba lycopos, bugleweed, "marsh orchid" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood bitter, acrid, slightly warm LV, SP Gently invigorates the blood without injuring the normal qi, promotes urination. (9-15g)
Chi Shao Paeoniae Radix rubra red peony root, "red peony" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood sour, bitter, slightly cold LV, SP Invigorates the blood, transforms stasis, stops pain, cools heat in the blood.
Tao Ren Persicae Semen peach kernel, persica Herbs that Invigorate the Blood bitter, sweet, neutral HT, LI, LV, LU Invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, moistens the Intestines, stops cough and wheezing. (4.5-9g)
Hong Hua Carthami Flos safflower, carthamus, "red flower" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood acrid, warm HT, LV Invigorates the blood, stops pain. (3-9g)
Huai Niu Xi Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix achyranthes root, "ox knee" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood bitter, sour, neutral LV, KD Unprepared form: breaks up blood stasis, unblocks menstruation, guides blood to descend, directs fire downward; prepared form: tonifies the LV and KD, strengthens the sinews and bones. (6-15g)
Chuan Niu Xi Cyathulae Radix cyathula root, "ox knee from Sichuan" Herbs that Invigorate the Blood sweet, bitter, neutral LV, KD Invigorates the blood, unblocks the menses, expels wind, drains dampness. (4.5-9g)
Zhi Fu Zi Aconiti Radix lateralix preparata processed aconite accessory root, daughter root of Szechuan aconite, "appendage" Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold acrid, hot, toxic HT, KD, SP Revives devastated yang qi, tonifies the fire at the gate of vitality, guides the actions of other herbs into all twelve channels, expels cold-damp painful obstruction.
Gan Jiang Zingiberis Rhizoma dried ginger rhizome Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold acrid, hot HT, LU, SP, ST Warms the SP, transforms thin mucus, unblocks the channels, revives the yang. (3-9g)
Rou Gui Cinnamomi Cortex cinnamon bark Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold acrid, sweet, hot HT, KD, LV, SP warms and tonifies the yang, disperses cold, promotes the movement of blood (1.5-4.5g)
Wu Zhu Yu Evodiae Fructus evodia fruit Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold acrid, bitter, hot, slightly toxic LV, SP, ST Strongly warms the middle and lower burners, stops nausea and vomiting due to cold, alleviates cold pain in the chest and abdomen. (1.5-4.5g)
Ren Shen Ginseng Radix ginseng root, "man root" Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, slightly bitter, slightly warm LU, SP Powerfully tonifies the primal qi of the five organs, nourishes the yin, revives from collapse, stops heavy bleeding. (3-9g decocted; 0.5-1g as a powder. In emergencies up to 30g can be decocted, divided into multiple doses.)
Dang Shen Codonopsis Radix codonopsis root, "group root" Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, neutral LU, SP Tonifies the middle burner, augments the SP and LU qi. (6-9g)
Tai Zi Shen Pseudostellariae Radix pseudostellaria root Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, slightly bitter, neutral LU, SP Tonifies the qi and yin, but rather weakly. (9-30g)
Huang Qi Astragali Radix astragalus root, milk-vetch root Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, slightly warm LU, SP Raises the yang qi, tonifies the SP and LU qi, stops sweating, facilitates urination, promotes the discharge of pus, generates flesh. (9-15g; when a high dosage is required, up to 30g can be used)
Shan Yao Dioscoreae Radix dioscorea rhizome, Chinese yam, "mountain herb" Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, neutral KD, LU, SP Tonifies the qi and yin of the LU, SP, and KD; secures the essence. (9-30g; when a large dosage is required, from 60-240g may be used)
Bai Zhu Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma (white) atractylodes rhizome, ovate atractylodes Herbs that Tonify the Qi bitter, sweet, warm SP, ST Tonifies the SP qi, dries dampness, quiets the fetus. (6-15g)
Da Zao Jujubae Fructus jujube, Chinese date, "big date" Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, warm SP, ST Tonifies the qi and blood, generates fluids, harmonizes the SP, moderates the toxic effects of other herbs. (3-12 dates or 10-30g)
Gan Cao Glycyrrhizae Radix licorice root, "sweet herb" Herbs that Tonify the Qi sweet, neutral all 12, but principally: HT, LU, SP, ST Tonifies the SP qi, moistens the LU, moderates urgency and toxicity, drains fire. (1.5-9g, or 15-30g)
Shu Di Huang Rehmanniae Radix preparata cooked rehmannia root, prepared Chinese foxglove root, "cooked earth yellow" Herbs that Tonify the Blood sweet, slightly warm HT, KD, LV Tonifies the blood, enriches the yin, generates essence, augments the marrow. (9-30g)
Zhi He Shou Wu Polygoni Multiflori Radix Preparata prepared fleeceflower root, prepared flowery knotweed root, "prepared crow-black-haired Mr. He" Herbs that Tonify the Blood bitter, sweet, astringent, slightly warm LV, KD Nourishes the blood and yin, preserves the essence. (9-30g)
Dang Gui Angelicae sinensis Radix tangkuei, Chinese angelica root, "state of return" Herbs that Tonify the Blood sweet, acrid, warm HT, LV, SP Tonifies the blood, invigorates the blood, regulates menstruation, alleviates pain. (4.5-15g)
Bai Shao Paeonia Radix alba white peony root, peony Herbs that Tonify the Blood bitter, sour, mildly cold LV, SP Tonifies the LV blood, extinguishes wind, stops pain, nourishes the LV and SP yin. (6-15g)
E Jiao Asini Corii Colla ass-hide glue, donkey-hide gelatin, gelatin Herbs that Tonify the Blood sweet, neutral KD, LV, LU Tonifies LV blood, moistens LU yin, replenishes KD essence, stops bleeding. (3-9g. This is separately dissolved then added to the other decocted herbs.)
Gou Qi Zi Lycii Fructus lycium fruit, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine fruit Herbs that Tonify the Blood sweet, neutral LV, LU, KD Enriches the yin of the KD and LU, nourishes the LV blood, mildly tonifies the KD yang. (6-12g)
Long Yan Rou Longan Arillus flesh of the longan fruit, longan, "dragon eye flesh" Herbs that Tonify the Blood sweet, warm HT, SP Nourishes the blood, tonifies the qi, calms the spirit (9-15g)
Lu Rong Cervi Cornu pantotrichum deer velvet Herbs that Tonify the Yang sweet, salty, warm KD, LV Fortifies the primal yang, generates essence, augments the marrow. (1-2g taken in pill or powder form, or chased with a strained decoction)
Rou Cong Rong Cistanches Herba cistanche, fleshy stem of the broomrape Herbs that Tonify the Yang sweet, salty, warm LI, KD Tonifies the KD yang, enriches the essence and blood, moistens the Intestines. (9-21g)
Yin Yang Huo Epimedii Herba aerial parts of epimedium, "licentious goat wort" Herbs that Tonify the Yang acrid, sweet, warm KD, LV Tonifies the KD yang and the fire at the gate of vitality, disperses wind-dampness. (3-9g)
Ba Ji Tian Radix Morindae Officinalis Morinda root Herbs that Tonify the Yang acrid, sweet, slightly warm KD Tonifies the KD yang without being overly drying, augments the essence, expels wind-dampness. (6-15g)
Du Zhong Eucommiae Cortex eucommia bark Herbs that Tonify the Yang sweet, slightly acrid, warm KD, LV Tonifies the LV and KD, strengthens the sinews and bones, quiets the fetus. (9-15g)
Xu Duan Dipsaci Radix dipsacus, Japanese teasel root, "reconnect what is broken" Herbs that Tonify the Yang bitter, sweet, acrid, slightly warm KD, LV Tonifies the KDs and LV, gently invigorates the blood, calms the fetus during pregnancy. (9-18g)
Tu Si Zi Cuscutae Semen cuscuta, Chinese dodder seeds Herbs that Tonify the Yang acrid, sweet, neutral KD, LV Warms the primal yang, nourishes the yin, secures the essence, tonifies the KD, LV and SP without being cloying. (6-15g)
Sha Shen Glehniae Radix glehnia root, "northern sand root" Herbs that Tonify the Yin sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold LU, ST Nourishes the yin, clears the LU, augments the ST, generates fluids. (9-15g)
Xi Yang Shen Panacis Quinquefolii Radix American ginseng root, "western foreign root" Herbs that Tonify the Yin sweet, slightly bitter, cold HT, KD, LU Tonifies both the qi and yin, cools fires from yin deficiency. (3-6g; usually cooked separately in a double boiler.)
Mai Men Dong Ophiopogonis Radix ophiopogon tuber, "luxuriant winter" Herbs that Tonify the Yin sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold HT, LU, ST Nourishes the yin of the ST, SP, HT, and LU, clears heat, quiets irritability. (6-15g)
Tian Men Dong Asparagi Radix asparagus tuber, "heavenly gate winter" Herbs that Tonify the Yin sweet, bitter, very cold KD, LU Tonifies the yin of the LU and KD, generates fluids, cools heat due to yin deficiency. (6-12g)
Mo Han Lian Ecliptae Herba eclipta Herbs that Tonify the Yin sweet, sour, cool KD, LV Nourishes the yin of the LV and KD, cools heat, stops bleeding, blackens the hair. (9-15g)
Nu Zhen Zi Ligustri Lucidi Fructus ligustrum, privet fruit, "female chastity seed" Herbs that Tonify the Yin bitter, sweet, cool KD, LV Tonifies the LV and KD yin, clears heat, brightens the eyes, blackens the hair. (9-18g)
Gui Ban Testudinis Plastrum fresh-water turtle plastron, testudinis, tortise plastron Herbs that Tonify the Yin salty, sweet, cold HT, KD, LV Strongly tonifies the LV and KD yin, subdues the yang, strengthens the bones, unblocks the Conception vessel. (15-45g)
Bie Jia Trionycis Carapax Chinese soft-shelled turtle shell (dorsal aspect) Herbs that Tonify the Yin salty, slightly cold LV, SP Tonifies the yin, subdues the yang, clears heat from deficiency, softens areas of hardness, disperses clumping. (9-30g)
Shan Zhu Yu Corni Fructus cornus, Asiatic cronelian cherry fruit Herbs that Stabilize and Bind sour, slightly warm KD, LV Augments the LV and KD, secures the primal qi, prevents abandonment. (6-12g)
Wu Wei Zi Schisandrae Fructus schisandra fruit, "five-flavored seed" Herbs that Stabilize and Bind sour, sweet, warm HT, KD, LU Contains leakage of LU qi, grasps the qi, enriches the KD, stops diarrhea, nourishes the LV, quiets the spirit, generates fluids. (3-6g)
Lian Zi Nelumbinis Semen lotus seed Herbs that Stabilize and Bind sweet, astringent, neutral HT, KD, SP Tonifies and stabilizes the SP, HT, and KD; calms the spirit. (6-15g)
Qian Shi Euryales Semen euryale seeds Herbs that Stabilize and Bind sweet, astringent, neutral KD, SP Tonifies and restrains the SP and KD, eliminates dampness. (9-15g)
Fu Xiao Mai Tritici Levis Semen light wheat grain, "floating little wheat" Herbs that Stabilize and Bind sweet, slightly salty, cool HT Augments the HT qi, inhibits the HT fluids, clears heat from the pores and interstices, and thus stops spontaneous sweating and nightsweats. (15-30g)
Hai Piao Xiao Sepia Endoconcha cuttlefish bone, cuttlebone Herbs that Stabilize and Bind salty, astringent, slightly warm KD, LV, ST Stops bleeding, secures the essence, dries dampness, reduces gastric acidity. (6-12g)
Long Gu Fossilia Ossis Mastodi dragon bone", fossilized vertebrae/bones of the extremities (usually of mammals) Substances that Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit sweet, astringent, neutral HT, LV, KD Calms with heaviness, binds with astringency, secures the normal qi. (15-30g; should be cooked first when used in decoctions)
Mu Li Ostreae Concha Oyster Shell Substances that Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit salty, astringent, cool LV, KD Secures deficiency leading to leakage and loss; softens masses or nodules due to constrained heat and phlegm, augments yin deficiency with floating yang leading to disorders in the channels of the HT, LV and KD (9-30g)
Suan Zao Ren Ziziphi spinosae Semen spiny zizyphus seeds, sour jujube seed, zizyphus, "sour date seed" Herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit sweet, sour, neutral GB, HT, LV, SP Nourishes the HT yin and LV blood, promotes sleep, inhibits sweating. (9-15g)
Bai Zi Ren Platycladi Semen arborvitae seed, Oriental arborvitae, Chinese arborvitae, biota Herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit sweet, neutral HT, KD, LI Nourishes the HT blood and yin to calm the spirit, moistens the KD and LI. (3-9g)
Yuan Zhi Polygalae Radix polygala root, Chinese senega, thinleaf milkwort, "profound will" Herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit bitter, acrid, slightly warm HT, LU Transforms phlegm, opens the HT orifice, reestablishes harmonious communication between the HT and KD. (6-15g)
Ye Jiao Teng Polygoni Multiflori Caulis fleeceflower caulis, "nocturnal commingling vine" Herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit sweet, neutral HT, LV Nourishes the HT, calms the spirit, unblocks the collaterals, expels wind. (15-30g)
She Xiang Moschus navel gland secretions of the musk deer, musk, "musk deer fragrance" Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices acrid, warm, aromatic HT, SP, LV Intensely aromatic to open all the orifices and awaken the spirit, stop pain, and unblock the channels and collaterals by invigorating the blood. (0.03-0.1g)
Shi Chang Pu Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma grassleaf sweetflag rhizome, acorus, "flourishing reeds" Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices acrid, bitter, warm, aromatic HT, ST Transforms dampness, strengthens the SP and ST, dislodges phlegm, opens the sensory orifices. (3-9g)
Gou Teng Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis uncaria vine, gambir, "hook vine" Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors sweet, slightly cold PC, LV Drains LV heat, settles LV wind. (6-15g; should not be decocted for longer than 20 minutes)
Tian Ma Gastrodiae Rhizoma gastrodia rhizome, "heavenly hemp" Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors sweet, neutral LV Calms the LV with gentle nourishment, extinguishes wind. (3-9g)
Bing Lang Arecae Semen areaca, betel nut Herbs that Expel Parasites acrid, bitter, warm LI, ST Expels parasites, resolves firm accumulations, facilitates urination, resolves phlegm and food stagnation, directs qi downward. (6-15g)
Ma Huang Ephedra Herba ephedra stem, ma-huang, "hemp yellow" Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, slightly bitter, warm LU, UB Induces sweating, calms wheezing, promotes urination. (2-9g)
Gui Zhi Cinnamomi Ramulus cinnamon twig, cassia twig Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, sweet, warm HT, LU, UB Light and warm, releases the muscle layer, umblocks yang qi, warms the middle. (3-9g)
Jing Jie Schizonepetae Herba schizonepeta stem or bud Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, slightly warm LU, LV Harmonious in nature: aromatic and acrid, but not excessively so; slightly warm, but not drying; its light, ascending qualities allow it to be used for both wind-heat and wind-cold, while also for venting wind-heat from the blood. (4.5-9g)
Fang Feng Saposhnikoviae Radix saposhnikovia root, ledebouriella root Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, sweet, slightly warm UB, LV, SP Moderate, slightly warm, and less drying than most wind-expelling herbs; used for all wind disorders; treats dampness, and also diarrhea and pain in the bowels. (4.5-9g)
Qiang Huo Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix notopterygium root, chiang-huo Warm Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior acrid, bitter, aromatic, warm UB, KD With a clear, strong aroma it travels through the qi level; light in weight, it reaches to the vertex and upper body, travels through the limbs, and expels superficial dampness. (3-9g)
Created by: kellyjelly
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