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KNH 209 - 5

Skeletal System

algia pain
amphi both sides
ankyl stiff, fused, closed
arthro joint
brachi arm
calcane calcaneus, heel bone
carp wrist
cervic neck
cheir hand
chondr cartilage
cost rib
crani cranium
dactyl finger, toe
desis stabilize/fuse
ectomy removal of
femur femur, thigh bone
gram written or pictorial record of
humer humerus, upper arm bone
itis inflammation of
kinesi movement
kyph hump
lord swayback, curve
lumb lower back
malacia softening
myel bone marrow
ortho correct, straight
osteo bone
ped foot, child
pelv pelvis
phalang bones of fingers and toes
physis to grow
spondyl vertebrae
vetebro vertebrae
syn joined together
thorac chest
zygo joined/yoked together
axial skeleton skeleton that runs from top of head to bottom of spine; comes from "axis" meaning "imaginary straight line"
appendicular skeleton skeleton made up of arms and legs, shoulders and pelvis; comes from "appendix" meaning "attached to something else"
ligaments "tie" or "bind" bones together
tendons stretch
joints where bones come together
diaphysis shaft of long bone
epiphysis ends of the long bone
medullary cavity inside of the long bone
medulla marrow
periosteum membrane covering the bone
endosteum cells lining inner surface of medullary cavity
cranial bones frontal, temporal bones (2), parietal bones (2), occipital bone
facial bones nasal bone, zygomatic bones (2), maxilla, mandible
maxilla upper jawbone, "jawbone"
mandible lower jawbone, "to crush/devour"
thoracic bones sternum, ribs, cartilage; thoracic cage
costae fluctuantes floating ribs (2); attached only to vertebrae
costae supriae false ribs (3); attached to sternum at one point
costae verae true ribs (7); attached to sternum at separate points
xiphoid process bony projection off end of sternum
clavicle collarbone
scapula shoulder blade
meta beyond
metacarpals lie beyond carpal bones; connect wrist bones to phalanges
tarsus "flat bone", ankle
fibula "fastener"
medial malleolus bony protrusion at end of tibia
synarthrosis joint with no movement; "joined together - joint - condition"
diarthrosis synovial joint; free movement
ampiarthrosis little movement
bursae spaces filled with synovial fluid; found where tendons/ligaments impinge on other tissues
rheumatologist specializes in arthritis/joint conditions
lateral malleolus bony protrusion at end of fibula
abduction movement away from midline
adduction movement towards midline
eversion turning outward
inversion turning inward
pronation to turn downward
supination to turn upward
sprain tear in ligament/fibrous, connective tissue
closed fracture break in bone with no wound or open skin
Created by: moodym
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