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Luke Chapter 16

What was the rich man's manager accused of doing? 16:1 Wasting the rich man's possessions
In the parable of the shrewd manager, the rich man said to his manager, "What is this I hear about you? give account of your ______, because you cannot be manager any longer." 16:2 Management
The manager said to himself that he was not strong enough to dig and he was ashamed to _______. 16:3 Beg
When the shrewd manager learned he was going to lose his job, who did he call to see? 16:5 Each one of his master's debtors
According to Jesus, if a person can be trusted with very little, what else can he be trusted with? 16:10 He can be trusted with much
"So if you have not been trustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with __________?" 16:11 True riches
Jesus said, "No servant can serve ________ masters." 16:13 Two
Jesus said, "You cannot serve both _______ and __________." 16:13 God and money
What did the Pharisees love? 16:14 Money
When Jesus spoke to the Pharisees, what teachings did He say were proclaimed until John? 16:16 The law and the Prophets
When talking about divorce, Jesus said that anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman, commits ________. 16:18 Adultery
In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, what did the rich man dress in? 16:19 Purple and fine linen
The beggar named Lazarus was covered with ________. 16:20 Sores
When the beggar named Lazarus dies, where did the angels carry him? 16:22 Abraham's side
To whom did the rich man call out to in Jesus' story about the rich man and the beggar Lazarus? 16:24 Abraham
What was between the rich man and Lazarus after they had died that kept them separated? 16:26 A great chasm
The rich man wanted Lazarus sent to his father's house to do what for his five brothers? 16:28 To warn them
The rich man felt that if his brothers could be warned by someone from the dead, they would ___________. 16:30 Repent
Abraham answered, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be ________ even if someone rises from the dead." 16:31 Convinced
What was the beggar's name in Jesus' story? 16:20 Lazarus
Created by: teamsouthgate
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