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Rocks Midterm

cenzoic era 65 Ma ago to present (Age of Mammals and Flowering Plants
index fossil fossil distinctive of a particular segment of geologic time
Ga giga anna, one billion years (1 x 109 yr
Ma mega anna, one million years (1 x 106 yr
Mesozoic Era 250 to 65 Ma ago (Age of Reptiles and Naked Seed Plants
Paleozoic Era 550 Ma to 250 Ma ago (Age of Animals Without Backbones and Spore Plants
Phanerozoic Eon 550 Ma ago to present (Age of Ecologically Specialized Megascopic Life
Precambrian Eon formation of Earth (4,500 Ma ago) to 550 Ma ago (Age of Ecologically Generalized Microscopic Life
Superposition overlying"; in a sequence of (undeformed) sedimentary rocks, "older below, younger above
Geologic Cycle igneous ----> sedimentary----> metamorphic rock
Igneous Rocks formed from solidification
Sedimentary Rocks mineral deposited by water
Metamorphic Rocks changes in pre existing rock
Supergroup two or more groups
group two or more formations
formation mappable rock unit
member distinctive part of formation
trilobite became extinct, are Paleozoic index fossils
fossil evidence of pre-existent life, morphological or chemical
verticalists life/environment through time
horizontalist life/environment through space
micropaleontologists shelled protists
paleobotanists fossil algae, fungi, and higher plants
vertebrate backboned animals(dinosaurs, birds, fish,mammals
Precambrian paleobiologists stromatolites and microorganisms
Archaea rRNA domains of life- composed of archaeal prokaryotes
Bacteria rRNA domains of life, composed of bacterial prokaryotes
Eucarya composed of eukaryotes
Created by: marisalodo
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