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World Religions

How does Buddhism begin? With a man
How was Buddha concieved? A white elephant in Queen Maya's dream
What is the Buddha's name Prince Siddartha Guautama
What were the four passing sights old man, sick man, dying man, and a monk
what was the name of his son and wife Princess Yasodhara and Rahula
where and when was the Buddha born 563 BCE in Napal
when did the Buddha die? 483
when did the Buddha go to the great going forth? age 29
Buddha as an ascetic? he nearly died of malnutrition
How long was his path of renunciation? 29 years
Who offered him the rice? Sujata
How many of his friends did he abandon? 5
How long did he meditate under the bodhi tree? 49 days
What did Mara tempt him with? beautiful women
What did he turn the flaming rocks into? flowers
What was Mara's final temptation? offered him nirvana?
Why did Buddha not go? He said "some will understand."
Who are you? I am awake.
Meaning of Budh= Awake
Where was the Buddha's first sermon? deer park
What are the 4 noble truths? Life is suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, to end suffering avoid desires, to avoid desires follow the eightfhold noble path.
Eighth fold path Right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindulness, right concentration
What is the middle way of Buddhism? neither the path of desire nor reincarnation
What are the 3 marks of existence? 1) suffering 2)anatman 3) impermanence or anicaa
nirvana goal of Buddhist. to blow out as fire ceases to draw.
How long did Buddhist teach? 45 years
How did he die? His friend Cunda gave him food poisoning
Primary Buddhist Text Pali canon/Tipitaka/ 3 baskets
Lotus sutra the most significant of the Mahayana sutras
3 jewels of Buddhism I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the dharma , I take refuge in the sangha
Nagarjuna 2nd Buddha
Meaning of Lao Tzu old fellow
Legendary founder of taosim Lao Tzu in 604 BCE
Discern the Tao the way of being in the world
Founder of Confucianism Confucius
five fundamental relationships 1. Children look up to parents. 2. wife looks up to husband. 3.younger siblings look up to older sibling 4. younger friend looks up to older friend. 5. subject looks up to ruler.
What does Confucius say? When you are not yet able to serve people, how can you serve the spirits?You do not understand life, how can you understand death? Heaven has appointed me to teach the doctrines.There is heaven- it knows me. He who offends the gods has no one to pray to.
Continued Humanity forms one body with heaven, Earth, and myriad things.
Created by: vlucci
Popular Chinese sets




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