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łączone 2 I semestr

Suppress stłumić, zatajać
Formative formative years/period lata/okres kształtowania się osobowości
Juvenile nieletni, młodociany, infantylny
Run wild wymykać się spod kontroli
Inhibited spięty, skrępowany
Authoritarian totalitarny, dyktatorski
Delinquency przestępczość, esp. nieletnich (juvenile delinquency)
Adolescence okres dojrzewania
Steaming nabuzowany, wściekły
Classless bez klasowy (np. Classless society)
Divisive sporny, kontrowersyjny
Inferiority complex kompleks niższości
Prone podatny (prone to do sth : She’s prone to eat too much sweets = ma skłonność do objadania się słodyczami)
Disdain pogarda (syn. Scorn)
Discern rozróżniać
Lateralization a process involving the development of one side of the brain
All~round wszechstronny
Talent will out special abilities will reveal themselves
Riddle zagadka
Give somebody ammunition/provide somebody with ammunition information that you can use to criticize someone or win an argument against them
Verify your facts check your information is correct
Reminisce enjoy talking about memories
The biggest hurdle the most difficult problem to overcome
A gram of truth a small proportion of correct information
Skeletons in the cupboard shocking personal secrets from the past
Draw the line set a limit for sth
Branch of the roots separate line of your ancestry (odciąć się od korzeni)
Accumulate huge amounts of data collect a lot of data
Embellish upiększać
To expose long~buried investigate to find unpleasant or damaging information
To cover sb tracks make evidence more difficult or impossible to find
To muddy sth over sth confuse an issue under discussion
To keep sb in the dark not share information with people who are interested
To dig up dirt on make information public which was unknown for many years
Sweep sth on sth ignore or avoid discussion of an issue
Hoard zapas, zbiór, skarb
Price yourself over market to overcharge (przeceniać) your business
Stark raving mad totally insane; completely crazy; out of control
Stark reminder sth you would like to forget about, unpleasant memories
On the dot arrive/be/get etc. at exactly the right time
Breath of fresh air creative, innovative
Honor your pledge keep your promises
To delve into sth to examine something carefully in order to discover moreinformation about someone or something
(To be back) in a flash w mgnieniu oka
Safe and sound bezpieczny, w jednym kawałku, bez szwanku
Bone dry without a trace of moisture
Bone idle extremly lazy
Dependent population people that don’t generate income, eg children, pensjoners
Complacency samozadowolenie (be/get complacent : spocząć na laurach)
Breakthrough przełom, a discovery or achievement that follows hard work
Ignominious shameful
Saga a long story
Postpone to delay or put back
To backfire odnosić odwrotny skutek
To deter to make sb decide not to do sth
Fertility urodzajny, żyzny, płodny also fertile imagination = bujna wyobraźnia
To enhance to improve sth or make sth look better
To accelerate to make sth go faster or happen more quickly
To coin to invent a new word or phrase
Credibility wiarygodność
Scorn (disdain, contempt) pogarda
Premature przedwczesny
Abrupt sudden and unexpected
Created by: 100000864981632
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