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Topic 3:Astron. C

Earth in the Universe, pgs. (48 - 50)

If you are asked a question about a planet in our solar system, what page and table must you reference? Page 15, bottom, ESRT., Solar System Data
Can you list and describe the terrestrial planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars. The inner four planets. They are small in diameter and high in density.
Can you list and describe the Jovian planets? Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus. The outer four planets. They are large in diameter and low in density. ( gas giants of hydrogen and helium )
Which planet classification possesses the most moons? Jovian. Mercury and Venus have no moons, and Earth only one.
Describe the relationship between period of revolution, and distance from the Sun of the planet or satellite. Further away means greater period of revolution.
Can you compare the diameter of Jupiter, and the Sun, to that of Earth? Jupiter is 10X, Sun is about 100X greater in diameter than Earth.
Are you able to define period of rotation? Amount of time it takes for a planet to to make one spin around an imaginary axis, 360 degrees, or one planetary day.
What is an ellipse? An oval shape revolutionary path with two (2) center points. One of the points is the Sun, the other is in outer space and is mathematically determined.
What are the foci? The distance between the two center points of an ellipse.
Define the major axis. The distance between the "tips of the football" of an elliptically shaped orbit.
Can you state the formula for determining planetary eccentricity? E = Focal Distance / Length of the Major Axis ( *use a ruler )
If the eccentricity value is close to zero, what will the orbital path look like? Like a circle, as is suggested by the value of zero.
As a satellite gets closer to it's primary, what happens to kinetic energy? Kinetic energy increases ( velocity increases ).
Compare aphelion and perihelion. "A away, P is next to me." Aphelion is when Earth is furthest from the sun, July 4th; while perihelion is Earth closest to the Sun Jan. 3rd.
Define gravity: The force of attraction between objects.
List the two factors that determine gravity. 1) *Distance , 2) Mass . 1) *Closer = stronger, 2) More mass = stronger.
Why do some satellites have an atmosphere, while others do not? Gravity is the key. Larger mass celestial objects like Earth have atmospheres, while low mass celestial objects like our moon have no atmosphere.
Define inertia: A body at rest tends to remain at rest, a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
Created by: whearn
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