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Chapters 9 and 10

American Pageant Chapters 9+10 2007 test questions.

The American Revolution was... An example of accelerated evolution rather that outright revolution.
As part of the egalitarian movement of the American Revolution... Several Northern states abolished slavery.
Early signs of the abolitionist movement can be seen in the... Emancipation of some slaves.
The Founding Fathers failed to eliminate slavery because... A fight over slavery might destroy national unity.
As a result of the Revolution's emphasis on equality, all of the following were achieved except... Full equality between women and men.
The most important outcome of the Revolution for white women was that they... Were elevated as special keepers of the nation's conscience.
One reason that the United States avoided the frightful excesses of the French Revolution is that... Cheap land was easily available.
The economic status of the average American at the end of the Revolutionary War was... Probably worse than before the war.
The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when... All states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national government.
The major issue that delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation concerned... Western lands.
The Articles of Confederation left Congress unable to... Enforce a tax-collection program.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provided for the ______ and ______ of public lands in the Old Northwest. ...the SURVEY and SALE of...
A. Britain B. France C. Spain D. Barbary Coast 1. Threatened American commerce in the Mediterranean. 2. Demanded repayment of wartime loans. 3. Occupied a chain of trading forts in the Old Northwest. 4. Controlled important trade routes. A - 3 B - 2 C - 4 D - 1
After the Revolutionary War, both Britain and Spain prevented... America from exercising effective control over about half of its total territory.
Shay's Rebellion convinced many Americans of the need for... A stronger central government.
Under the Articles of Confederation, the relationship between the thirteen states... Convinced many that a stronger central government was necessary.
The issue that finally touched off the movement toward the Constitutional Convention: Control of Commerce.
The Constitutional Convention was called to... Revise the Articles of Confederation.
This man was NOT present at the Constitutional Convention... Thomas Jefferson.
The "Father of the Constitution": James Madison.
Term for many of the delegate at the Constitutional Convention. Nationalists.
The idea that all tax measure should start in the House of Representatives was made to appease... The larger states with the most people.
True/False?: The state governments after the Revolution stayed mostly under the tight political control of the eastern seaboard elite. False.
True/False?: The American Revolution created a substantial though not radical push in the direction of social and political equality. True.
True/False?: The movement toward the separation of church and state was greatly accelerated by the disestablishment of the Anglican church in Virginia. True.
True/False?: After the Revolution, slavery was abolished in New York and Pennsylvania, but continued to exist in New England and the South. False.
True/False?: The United States experienced hard economic times and some social discontent during the years of the confederation (1781-1787). True.
True/False?: The Articles of Confederation were weak because they contained neither an executive nor power to tax and regulate commerce. True.
True/False?: Shay's Rebellion significantly strengthened the movement for a stronger central government by raising the fear of anarchy among conservatives. True.
True/False?: The states sent their delegates to Philly in 1787 for the purpose of writing a new Constitution with a strong central government. False.
True/False?: The "Great Compromise" between large and small states at the convention resulted in a bicameral legislature with different principles of representation in each. True.
True/False?: The anti-federalists opposed the Constitution partly because they thought it gave too much power to the states and not enough to Congress. False.
True/False?: The Federalists used tough political maneuvering and the promise of a bill of rights to win a narrow ratification of the Constitution in key states. True.
Mount Vernon Conference Called by Washington to discuss issues of the independent colonies.
Alexander Hamilton The first Secretary of Treasury.
Society of Cincinnati Oldest military organization still in existence today.
Annapolis Convention Meeting held in which only 5 states sent representatives.
Virginia Plan Plan of government that favored the larger states.
New Jersey Plan Plan that favored the small states in creation of a new federal government.
"Three-Fifths" Compromise Compromise that counted slaves for representation in Congress.
XYZ Affair Agreement in which Spain agreed to open up the lower Mississippi River.
Governor Morris Represented Pennsylvania at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Wrote the Preamble.
Connecticut Plan Bicameral Legislature (NJ Plan + Virginia Plan)
Edmund Randolph Advocated the Virginia Plan.
"Citizen" Edmond Genet The French Ambassador to the United States.
Jay Treaty A Britain-United States treaty that helped avoid another war.
Pinckney Treaty The treaty that helped establish Spanish- American friendship.
Public Land Act ╔═══════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═════╦═════╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠══╦══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚═════╩══╩══╝
Created by: 10cbiedenharn



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