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adv tech, location indication and needling

Yin Tang stress, 4 gates, insomnia with racing mind, anxiety, depression
Yintang calms shen/mind; slows firing in brain from beta to alpha
Yintang internal/external wind; post-stroke; headaches; convulsions; benefits nose
Shishencong stimulates the brain
Shishencong calms the spirit, stimulates brain, pacifies wind (headache, windstroke, epilepsy), benefits neural processing of eyes and ears
Shishencong "smart points"
Shishencong used mostly with deficiencies
Yuyao location center of the eyebrow, above pupil
Yuyao benefits the eyes, droopy eylids, supraorbital pain, eyelid twitching, sinus headaches
Taiyang eliminates wind and clears heat (headaches, migranes)
Taiyang reduces swelling and stops pain, liver yang rising, liver fire
Taiyang trigeminal neuralgia, toothache, dizziness
Needle with GB 9 for problems of the eye Taiyang
Taiyang Headache, redness, swelling and pain of the eye Toothache, facial pain
bleed vein if distended from liver yang rising taiyang
Erjian location apex of ear
Erjian major point for heat and swelling, benefits eyes and throat
Erjian red, swelling pain of eyes, sore throat, high fever, mumps, pink eye
Bitong location highest point of nasolabial groove (run from LI 20)
Bitong *Benefits the nose, rhinitis, sinitus, maxillary sinus pain or congestion, nasal congesting, discharge, nose bleed, nasal polyps)
Bailao Location back of neck, 2 cun superior to DU 14, 1 cun lateral to midline
Bailao great for transforming phlegm and dissipating nodules, goiter, scrofula, mass on necks
Bailao stiffness and pain in the neck, stops cough and calms dyspnea
An mian "calm sleep" Location behind the ear, midway between GB 20 and SJ 17, needle perpendicularly 0.5-0.8
Anmian best point to treat insomnia (calms nervous system, over reticular formation)
Anmian calms spirit, pacifies the liver, agitation, restlessness, mania
Ding chuan "stop asthma" Location .5 - 1 cun lateral to the depression below the spinous process of C7 (DU 14)
Dingchuan calms dyspnea and wheezing, lung problems (strong descending action), stops cough
Dingchuan moves wei qi to surface to expel exterior wind
Needle with LU 6 for acute asthma, wheezing, cough, pain of the upper back) Dingchuan
Weiguanxiashu (Yishu- pancreas point) Location 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of spinous process of T8 on inner shu line between UB 17 and 18
Weiguanxiashu caution pneumothorax, needle obliquely 0.5-0.7 toward spine
Weiguanxiashu clears heat and generates fluids (wasting and thirsting), excessive urination with type 1 diabetes
Weiguanxiashu backshu for pancrease, treats pancreativ problems, decreases production of digestive enzymes
Yaoyan Location 3.5 cun lateral to lower border of L4 (level with iliac crest)
Yaoyan benefits the lumbar region, back pain (strain, sprain, certain muscle), works quadratus lumborum
Yaoyan strengthens the kidneys
Shiqizhuxia location midline of lower back below L5
Shiqizhuxia caution spinal canal
Shiqizhuxia tonifies the kidneys and promotes urination, difficult urination (especially when prego)
Shiqizhuxia sacral back pain
Huatuojiaji locations 0.5 cun lateral to BODY of spinous processes, not lower borders, not level w Du or UB points
(HTJJ) regulates and harmonizes the five zang and 6 fu; compression of nerve, stenosis in low back, slows firing of nerves down, use for nerve problems
HTJJ T1-T4 lung and upper limb problems (brachioplexus)
HTJJ T4-T7 heart problems
HTJJ T7-T10 LV and GB
HTJJ T10-T12 Sp and ST (gastrointestinal)
HTJJ L1 and L2 kidney
HTJJ L3-L5 bladder, SI, LI, uterus, lower limbs
HTJJ ervical points neck problems
HTJJ treat herpes zoster at the level of affected segmental nerve (shingles)
Zi Gong Location on the lower abdomen, 3 cun lateral to midline, level with Ren 3
Zi Gong tonifies and warms yuan qi, calms the fetus, raises and regulates qi, regulates menstruation and alleviates pain
Zi Gong irregular menstruation, prevents miscarrige, resivoir of jing for female reproductive parts, tonifies kidneys, uterine bleeding
Shixuan Location on the tips of the ten fingers, .1 cun from fingernail (prick to bleed)
Shixuan opens the portals, revives consciousness, drains heat, pacifies wind
Shixuan reconnects to shen, fainting, numbness of fingers, summer heat stroke, febrile disease
Shixuan swelling and pain of the throat, childhood fright wind
Sifeng location on palmar surface of hand, midpoints of transverse crease of the PIP joints on 2-5 (prick to sqeeze yellow fluid)
Sifeng fortifies the spleen and dissipates accumulation, childhood digestive/nutritional disorders, malnurition, food stagnation
Baxie location when the hand is made into a fist, lie in depressions, proximal to web margins of knuckles
Baxie clears heat and dissipates swelling (ying spring), treats bi syndrome in hands
Baxie treats pain, swelling, stiffness numbness and spasms of fingers/hand
Baxie poor circulation, moxa for Raynauds
Bafeng location on the dorsum of the foot, between the toes .5 cun proximal to margins of web (run needle b/w metatarsals)
Bafeng Clears heat and dissipates swelling (Ying springs); treats disorders of the toes, peripheral neuropathy, numbness
Bafeng malaria, dysmennorrhea (LV 2, GB 43)
Bafeng use for diabetics, raynauds
Yaotongxue "back pain point"
Yaotongxue location dorsum of hand, 2 points, distal to metacarpal bones bw 2 and 3 & 4 and 5 (needle while standing, move back)
Yaotongxue invigorates qi and blood in lumbar region, acute lumbar sprain
Luozhen Location on the dorsum of the hand in the depression proxial to knuckle b/w 2 and 3
Luozhen invigorates qi and blood in neck region, acute pain and stiffness of the neck
Erbai Location on the flexor aspect of the forearm, 4 cun proximal to P7, on both sides of tendon flexor carpi radialis
Erbai treats hemorrhoids, treats prolapse of anus
ZhouJian location tip of olecranon process of ulna (moxa only)
ZhouJian transforms phlegm and dissipates swelling, intestine absecess, scrofula
Jianqian (Jianeiling) Location midway between anterior axillary crease and LI 15
Jianqian benefits the shoulder joing, activates qi and blood, anterior deltoid, bicipital groove pain; numbness paralysis of shoulder joint
Baichongwo location 3 cun proximal to the superior border of the patella, on bulge of vastus medialis
Baichongwo hundred bugs, itching of the skin (wind due to blood deficiency or heat)
Baichongwo clears heat from blood, eliminates wind and drains dampness
Heding Location in the depression at the midpoint of the superior border of the patella
Heding activates qi and blood, benefits the knee joint
Xiyan Location on the knee, in the hollows formed when knee is flext, medial and lateral to the patellar ligament (needle with knee flexed)
Xiyan Caution MRSA, betadine first
Xiyan dispels wind damp, reduces swelling, alleviates pain, knee disorders
Lanweixue Location 2 cun distal to ST 36 on the right leg only (palpate for tenderness)
Lanweixue activates qi and blood, clears heat and fire poison from the LI
Lanweixue appendicitis w/ (ST 25, ST 37, LI 11)
Lanweixue caution check for rebound tenderness (McBurney's sign); don't treat
Dannangxue Location between 1 and 2 cun distal to GB 34, right leg only (palpate for tenderness)
Dannagxue gallstones, gallbladder inflamation (cholecystitis), clears heat, drains damp, diseases of bile duct
Qiuhou location at the inferior border of the orbit, 1/2 the distance b/w lateral border and ST 1
Qiuhou caution blood vessels, no manipulation of needle advised
Qiuhou benefits the eyes, myopia, hyperopia, stabismus, conjuctivitis, glacoma, cateracts
Jiachengjiang Location 1 cun lateral to Run 24, above chin on chin line
Jiachengjiang eliminates wind, stroke, bellspalsy, facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia
An Mian location midpoint bw SJ 17 and GB 20
An Mian indications insomnia, headache, vertigo, palpitations, mental disorders
Bi Zhong location ventral forearm midway bw the transverse wrist crease and elbow wrist crease
Bi Zhong indications forearm pain, paralysis, spasm and contracture of upper ext
Huan Zhong location midway bw Du 2 and GB 30
Huan Zhong indication sciatica, lumbar and thigh pain
Pi Gen location 3.5 cun lateral to lower border spinous process L1
Pi Gen indication lumbar pain, hepatosplenomegaly, prolapse of Kidney, gastritis, enteritis
Shang Lian Qian location above R 23, 1 cun below midpoint lower jaw
Shang Lian Qian indication swallowing or speech difficulties, stomatitis, pharyngitis, salivation
Shen Guan location 1.5 cun distal to Spleen 9
Shen Guan indication increase synovial fluid production to lubricate opposite shoulder, tonifies Kidney
Zhong Kui location midpoint middle finger knuckle - MOXA or acupressure only
Zhong Kui indication N/V, esophageal spasm, hiccups, nosebleed
Zhong Quan location in depression bw LI 5 and SI 4
Zhong Quan indication bronchitis, asthma, corneal opacity
Yi Ming Location 1 cun behind SJ 17 on line toward EOP, above and anterior to An Mian
Yi Ming indication Vision or hearing disorders, vertigo, headache, insomnia, mental illness
Yao Yan location 3.5 cun lateral to LBSP of L4 in depression
Yao Yan indication irreg menses, GYN diseases, prolapsed Kidney, orchitis
Jin Jin location left sublingual veins
yu ye location Right sublingual veins
Jin Jin Yu Ye indications upper GI tract inflammation, aphasia, emaciation and thirst
Qian Zheng "one hole" location 0.5-1.0 cun ant to ear lobe between St 6 and St 7
Qian Zheng "one hole" caution facial artery may lie beneath- instead thread from St 4 to St 6 w 2-3 cun needle
Qian Zheng "one hole" indication deviation of face and mouth, ulcers of tongue and mouth,
Burn the Mountain technique purpose tonifying - pushes heat into body and keeps it inside
Burn the Mountain technique lift and thrust 3 x at superficial medial and deep levels
Cool the Heaven purpose sedating, clears heat, reduces body temperature
Cool the Heaven technique opposite of Burn the Mountain
for any type of neck pain lou zhen
for any type of lower back pain daily treatment w only one the MOST TENDER yao tong xue point and have patient walk, bend forward and backward for 10-15 minutes, stay with patient as they walk around
for acid regurg Zhong Quan on dorsum wrist crease bw LI 5 and SJ 4 in depression on radial side common extensor tendon, needle perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun
what point stimulates the ovaries but not the uterus for irregular menses or infertility? zi gong xue
needle an mian 0.5-0.8 perp
needle ba feng/ ba xie 0.5-0.8 oblique not all of them, just as needed
needle Bai chong wo ( 100 insects) 1-1.2 perp
locate Bai Chong Wo 1 cun above Sp 10
needle Bai Lao 0.3-0.5 perp
needle Bi Tong transverse 0.3-0.5
needle Bi Zhong perp 1-1.2
needle Dan Nang Xue perp 0.8-1.2
needle ding chuan perp 0.5-0.8
needle Er Bai perp 0.5-1.0
needle Er Jian perp 0.1-0.2
Needle He Ding perp 0.3-0.5
needle the cervical and thoracic HTJJ perp 0.5 to 1.0
needle lumbar HTJJ perp 1-1.5
needle Huan Zhong perp 1-2 inches ++
needle jia cheng jiang perp 0.5-1.0
prick to bleed only jin jin yu ye
needle jian qian aka jian nei ling perp 0.8-1.2
needle lan wei xue (appendix point) perp 1-1.2
needle lou zhen perp 0.5-0.8
needle pi gen perp 0.5-0.8
needle Qian Zheng oblique 0.5-1.0
needle Qiu Hou perp 0.5-1.2
needle shang lian quan oblique 0.8-1.2
needle shi xuan perp 0.1-0.2
needle shi qi zhui xia perp 0.8-1.2
needle si feng prick to squeeze out yellow fluid
needle si sheng cong transverse 0.5-1.0 inward to supplement, outward to sedate
needle tai yang perp 0.3-0.5
needle wei guan xia shu oblique 0.5-0.7
needle xi yan perp 0.5-1.0
needle yao qi transverse 1-2 inches
needle shen guan on the spleen channel 1.5 cun distal to Sp 9 is master tungs main point for tonifying the Kidney
Master Tong points Shui Jin threaded to Shui Tong - location and action especially w Shen Guan bilat for 30 minutes 0.4 cun below corner of mouth and 0.5 cun medial and inferior to that, for asthma, bronchitis, angina, common cold, productive cough
Master Tong point Huo Zhu Xue (Fire Ruler Point) is found just distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones, which is the original location of Tai Chong (Liver 3) and has the function of treating palpitations, vertigo, heart weakness, uterine inflammation, fibroid tumors, headaches due to heart disease, liver yang rising, TMJ, groin pain, and prostatitis.
Master Tong point Tian Huang (Heaven Emperor) is at the same location as SP 9 (Sanyinjiao), but has different functions of shoulder pain, hyperacidity of the Stomach, nephritis, diabetes, proteinurea, frequent urination, prostatitis, heart disease, vertigo, insomnia, high blood pressure, neck pain, and treats other disorders of the Spleen, Kidney and Liver channels.
5 points equidistant found at the proximal segment of the big toes just distal to Spleen 2 a set of five points on the Spleen channel at the junction of the red and white skin on the big toe Zu Wu Hu (Foot Five Tigers), flexibly used for a multiple of musculoskeletal disorders arising from wind cold, damp Bi syndrome, arthritis, joint pain and swelling.
Master Tung Wu Hu Xue (Five Tiger points), are located at and treat the junction of the red and white skin on the proximal segment of the thumb, Whether on hands or feet, the Wu Hu points are flexibly used for a multiple of musculoskeletal disorders arising from wind cold, damp Bi syndrome, arthritis, joint pain and swel
Wu Hu and Zu Wu Hu 5 treats pain of the heel or plantar region,
Wu Hu and Zu Wu Hu 1 treats pain of the fingers.
Wu Hu and Zu Wu Hu 2 treats pain of the hand/palm.
Wu Hu and Zu Wu Hu 3 treats pain of the toes or is used as an assistant point to strengthen the effect of the other Wu Hu points.
Wu Hu and Zu Wu Hu 4 treats pain of the dorsal foot.
Yao Qi location
Created by: kalyana
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