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Med Terms- 24

endocrine system plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis
homeostasis stable internal body environment
hormones travel through the blood to target organs
hypersecretion when a gland releases too much hormone
adenocarcinoma cancerous tumor gland
adenomalacia softening of gland
parts of adrenal gland adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
glucose primary sugar used by body for energy production
hyperglycemia blood condition of excessive sugar
orchiopexy surgical fixation of the testes
ovariorrhexis ruptured ovary
pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon
pancreatitis pancreas inflammation
parathyroid hormone raises blood levels of calcium
melatonin plays a role on regulation body's circadium rhythm
pinealectomy surgical removal of a pineal gland
pituitary gland master gland
hypopituitarism condition of insuficient pituitary gland secretion
polydipsia too much thirst
polyuria condition of producing too much urine
thymosin important for immune system's development
thymoma thymus gland tumor
thyromegaly enlarged thyroid gland
acromegaly enlargement of bones of head and extremities
adrenal virilism excessive testosterone in females
blood serum test used to study function of endocrine glands
corticosteroids have strong ant-inflammatory action
cretinism results in poor physical and mental development
Cushing syndrome resulting from mypersecretion of adrenal cortex
diabetes insipidus (DI) caused by insufficient antidiuretic hormone
diabetes mellitus (DM) 2 forms: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1) and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2)
dwarfism lack of growth hormone
exopthalmos protruding eyeballs
gigantism excessive body growth
glucose tolerance test (GTT) test for initial doagnosis of diabetes mellitus
goiter enlargement of the thyroid gland
Hashimoto disease chronic form of thyroiditis
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) available in pill, injection, or adhesive skin patch forms
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) type 1; patient must take insulin injections
myxedema puffy and dry skin
noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) type 2
radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test of thyroid function
tetany nerve irritability and painful muscle cramps
thyrotoxicosis results from extreme hypersecretion of thyroid hormones
Na + sodium
Created by: briannasmith12
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