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A&P Final

A&P Final Exam

what does the hormone cortizol regulate aldosterone
"master gland" pituitary
Where is bile produced liver
where is bile stored gallbladder
where are sperm produced testes
What are the 3 layers of the skin Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
What part of the brain controls judgement and memory cerebrum
name of space between two nerves synapse
universal donor type O
universal recipient type AB
name of outer layer of the kidney cortex or renal cortex
thrombosis blood clot
embolus blood clot traveling through a vein
where are the Axillary lymph nodes armpits
where are the Cervical lymph nodes neck
where are the Mediastinal lymph nodes chest
where are Inguinal lymph nodes groin
Where are adrenal glands located Above each kidney
Arteries carry blood away from the heart
Arthroscope instrument to visually examin a joint
broncho lung
capillaries where gas exchange occurs
cornea refracts light into eyes
diarrhea liquid fecal matter
epiglottis flap of cartilage that covers larynx
femur largest, longest bone and its in the thigh
gastro stomach
incontinence invulantary release of urine or feces
laproscope instrument to visually examin abdomin
opthalmology study of the eye
oliguria scanty urination
oxytocin uterine contraction hormone
pharynx throat
phlebitis inflammation of a vein
pulse expansion and contraction of artery wall
trachea windpipe
tracheostomy surgical opening in trachea
veins carry blood to the heart
venogram record of a vein
define preeclampsia metabolic disease of pregnancy
x-ray of the bladder cystogram
rappid flow of blood hemorrhage
# of chromosomes in humans 46
which part of the long bone contains red bone marrow? epiphysis with cancellous
condition of a virus traveling over the neural pathway shingles
normal respiration rate in breaths per minute for adults 12-20 breaths
laceration ragged edge wound
Put in order: 1. Urethra 2. Urinary bladder 3. Renal Pelvis 4. Ureter 3,4,2,1
sigmoidoscope instrument to visually examin large intestine
otoscope instrument to visually examin ear
ophthalmoscope instrument to visually examin eye
gastroscope instrument to visually examin stomach
colposcope instrument to visually examin vagina
bronchoscope instrument to visually examin lungs
onych/o nail
hypo- below, under
-dynia pain
-megaly enlargement, large
-malacia abnormal softening
pil/o hair
-gram record of
auto- self
rhin/o nose
-rrhexis rupture
pneum/o lung
cost/o rib
brady- slow
encephal/o brain
ante- before, in front of
lymphangi/o lymph vessels
dys- painful, difficult
anti- against
-algia pain
gastr/o stomach
agglutin/o clumping
arthr/o joint
lymphaden/o lymph node or lymph gland
-rrhea discharge
thorac/o chest
myel/o bone marrow
orth/o straight
crin/o secrete
intra- within, inside
-rrhaphy suture
-sclerosis hardening
-rrhage excessive, abnormal flow
corne/o pupil
derm/o skin
myring/o eardrum
-pathy disease
-therapy treatment
multi- many
kal/i potassium
-dipsia thirst
cardi/o heart
calc/o calcium
hyper- above, over
-lysis destruction
-trophy nourishment development
glyc/o sugar
cephal/o head
aden/o gland
ot/o ear
-graphy process of recording
-opia vision condition
-paresis weakness
electr/o electricity
audi/o hearing
neur/o nerve
dipl/o double
-penia too few
colp/o vagina
-stenosis narrowing
Created by: emilyannegraham
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