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Causes Civil War

Unit 5 Exam

Antebellum Time period before the Civil War that is usually associated with large plantations and cotton. Period in American History that lasted from 1783-1861
Denmark Vesey Plot a freed slave, had organized a plot to revolt in Charleston. He was the Sunday school teacher of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Slave codes After a set of rebellions, these were put in place restricting what the slaves could do and say.
Grimke Sisters Angelina and Sarah. Southern abolitionists from Charleston. Were a part of the group known as "The Society of Friends" or "Quakers"
Abolitionists Someone who wants to end slavery, argues in favor of ending slavery. Examples include William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and the Grimke sisters.
Sectionalism The loyalty to one's area (region or state) over the country as a whole.
Causes of Sectionalism Economics, political interests, and cultural differences.
Missouri Compromise Henry Clay's compromise to solve the problem of which new states entering the Union would be free, and which ones would be slave states. Established a boundary at the 36° 30', it's purpose was to keep the balance between slave and free states equal
Slavery an issue that divided the Union
Protective tariff Issue that divided the nation. South felt they were discriminated against because this hurt their economy, while it only helped the economy in the North, while driving up the prices on manufactured goods.
John C. Calhoun He was upset about the Protective Tariff, very pro state's rights and was a Southern Leader. Andrew Jackson's vice president.
Andrew Jackson "Common man" president. He grew up poor and worked hard for what he achieved politically. Born in South Carolina.
Nullification Crisis Happened after the Tariff of 1828. Calhoun supported it. He believed that states have the right to void laws if they are harmful to the states. The belief is that states came before the Union, so their rights come first.
South Carolina Seen as a radical state after the Nullification Crisis because they were so eager to secede.
The South Carolina Exposition and Protest Written by John C. Calhoun, stated that states could void a federal law
Fugitive Slave Act Required citizens to catch runaway slaves, and allowed Southern slave owners to go North into free states to recover runaways. It was now illegal to aid a slave who is running away.
Compromise of 1850 California entered as a free state, Mexican Cession was now under popular sovereignty, stopped the slave trade in Washington, D.C., and the Fugitive Slave Act now made Northerners return runaway slaves to their owners.
Popular Sovereignty The idea that authority on topics regarding the state rest in the hand of the majority vote of the people. This was a big concept with slavery.
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 This law took away the Missouri Compromise. Instead it decided that new territories would decide on slavery issues through popular sovereignty
John Brown A northern abolitionist who led the attacks in Kansas that led to "Bleeding Kansas," and also the raid on Harper's Ferry in Virginia, where he wanted to start a slave revolt.
"Bleeding Kansas" The name given to the violence that occurred in Kansas. Over 200 people were killed when John Brown, a northern abolitionist led an attack against Pro-Slavery Groups
Dred Scott Slave that was transported by his owner into free territory. After being moved back into slave territory he sued for his freedom, and it made it all the way to the Supreme Court
Supreme Court Decision on Dred Scott He was considered property. The constitutional amendment protects people's property from being taken from them, which meant that Scott had to stay with his owner.
Cotton Important resource in the south, made a strong economy
Free Soiler Someone who isn't against slavery, but is against the SPREAD of slavery. Lincoln considered himself this
Lincoln's view on Slavery That it could stay in the states that already had it, but new states would be free states.
South decided to secede When Lincoln was elected, they felt that they had no say in slavery, and this would hurt their economy too much and change the balance of power with the government.
Westward Expansion Population dramatically increases because of the availability of land.
Result of Nullification Crisis Increased tension between the Federal Government and Southern states.
Election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th U.S. President, and the South responds by seceding from the Union.
cotton gin machine designed to reduce the number of workers needed on a cotton plantation. Removed seeds.
sectionalism loyalty to a particular region or section of the country instead of to the nation as a whole
The Liberator anti-slavery newspaper printed by William Lloyd Garrison
Abolitionist Movement movement whose goal was to outlaw slavery throughout the United States
nullification the idea that a state had the right to declare a federal tariff unconstitutional and void it if it was not in the state’s best interest
Missouri Compromise kept the balance of power in the senate by keeping the number of slave states and free states equal
Free Soilers people who did not want to see new slave states enter the Union
Created by: Kbusby



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