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Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology Introduction Worksheet

What is the function of the Cell membrane outer covering of cell (protects cell)
What is the function of the Cytoplasm Water, nutrient, waste (jelly like fluid inside cell)
What is the function of the Nucleus Controls cell activity (contains 23 pairs of Chromosomes)
What is the function of the Mitochondria Energy Source, Power Source (Makes ATP) (Like little batteries floating around)
What is the function of the Endoplasmic reticulum Carries everything around (sub-way system)
Define Energy Ability to do work
Define Metabolism Sum total of all chemical reactions that take place in the body
Building up phase Anabolism
Break down phase Catabolism
Which phase requires (uses) energy? Anabolism
Which phase gives off (produces) energy? Catabolism
Define Tissue Groups of similar cells working together to perform a specific function
Define an organ Group of two or more tissues working together to perform a complex function or common goal
Define a system groups of organs working together to perform a complex function of common goal (12 systems)
A useful substance is called Nutrient
What type of tissue forms skin and membranes? Epithelial
What type of tissue forms bone and fascia? Connective tissue
Which type of tissue contracts, enabling movement? Muscle
Which type of tissue relays electrical impulses? Nervous
The maintenance of a steady state within the body's physical and chemical environment is termed Homeostasis
Define diffusion The movement of particles - anything except water - from an area of greater concentration to lesser concentration
Define osmosis The movement of water from lesser to greater, thin to thick (greater concentration)
Difference between diffusion and active transport diffusion does not require energy, active transport does
Serous membrane Pleura covers lungs and lines thoracic cavity
Serous membrane Pericardium covers heart and lines the pericardial cavity
Serous membrane Peritoneum covers abdominal pelvic organs and lines abdominal pelvic cavity
Integumentary Protection, excretion, respiration
Blood Transportation and fighting infection
Cardiovascular Transportation with heart acting as a pump
Respiratory obtaining oxygen from environment
Urinary (Excretory) Filtration regulation of water balance and blood pressure
Skeletel Framework and support
Muscle Movement by way of contraction
Digestive (Gastrointestinal) Digestion, absorption and elimination
Nervous Provides communication throughout the body`
Endocrin Control, initiate and regulate all body activities`
Reproductive Propogation of the human race
Special Senses Vision, hearing
What term describes a life threatening tumor Malignant
What term describes a slower growing tumor, not life threatening benign
What term designates the spread of a malignancy metastasis
What term for malignancies of the epithelial tissue carcinoma
What term for malignancies of the connective tissue Sarcoma
Osteoma Bone Tumor
Myoma Muscle Tumor
Lipoma Fat Tumor
Papilloma Wart
Nevus Mole
Glioma Nerve
Adenoma Gland
Angioma Vessel (blood vessel)
The study of cells Cytology
The study of tissues Histology
The study of tumors Oncology
The study of blood Hematology
The study of disease Pathology
The study of forms or shapes of living organisms Morphology
Define Superior Above
Define Inferior Below
Define Anterior/Ventral Front
Define Posterior/Dorsal Back
Define Crainal Toward the head
Define Caudal Toward the tailbone
Define Central Toward the trunk
Define Peripheral Towards the extremities
Define Medial Towards the midline (middle)
Define lateral towards the side (outside)
Define Inner Aspect Inside
Define Supine Lying on back, face up
Define Prone Lying on abdomen, face down
Define Deep Away from surface
Define Superficial Toward the surface
Define Proximal toward the origin of a structure
Define Distal Away from the origin of a structure
Define afferent (arriving) conducting toward a structure
Define efferent (exit) conducting away from a structure
Spinal, 1st set. Cervical, C1 - C7
Spinal, 2nd set Thorasic, T1 - T12
Spinal, 3rd set Lumbar, L1 - L5
Spinal, 4th set Sacral (sacrum) 1
Spinal, 5th set Coccygeal (coccyx) 1
Frontal (coronal) Plane Plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior parts (ear to ear)
Sagittal plane Plane that divides the body into right and left parts (through the nose....half on one side, half on the other)
Transverse (looking down) plane plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts (at the waist)
Created by: wenchie040
Popular Medical sets




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