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Medical Terminology

Yellow Module- Muscular System

myosclerosis hardening of muscles
torticollis stiff neck
myorrhaphy suturing of a muscle
epimysium outer covering of a muscle
perimysium outer covering of a small bundle of muscle fibers
endomysium outer covering of each individual muscle fiber
synergist a muscle functioning in cooperation with another muscle
agonist a contracting muscle; the prime mover
antagonist a muscle that opposes the agonist
tendon attaches muscle to bone
ligament attaches bone to bone
myocele herniation of a muscle
myogenesis formation of muscle cells
myology study of muscles
myopathy disease of a muscle
myoplasty surgical repair of a muscle
myorrhexis tearing of a muscle
myomalacia softening of a muscle
myolysis destruction of a muscle
sprain traumatic injury to ligaments around a joint
strain overstretching of a muscle
Achilles tendon major tendon of the heel
sartorius muscle that extends from the pelvis to the calf
muscle tone partial state of contraction
tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
myoischemia lack of oxygen in muscle tissue due to a lack of blood supply
myoedema swelling of a muscle
physical therapy branch of medicine that deals with the restoration of strength & function to injured structures
myodynia pain in the muscle
striated striped appearance of muscles
fascia band of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, & separates muscles
kinesiology study of muscular activity & movement of the body
tonus normal state of balanced muscle tension present in the body when one is awake
flexion decreasing the angle of a joint
extension increasing the angle of a joint
hyperextension overextension of a limb or body part beyond its normal range
elevation lifting a body part
depression lowering a body part
rotation circular movement around an axis
circumduction circular movement of a limb at the far end
supination rotating the arm so the palm is face up or forward
pronation rotating the arm so that the palm in face down or backward
muscle insertion place where the muscle ends; more moveable
muscle origin place where the muscle originates; less moveable
electromyography records the strength of muscle contractions as the result of electrical stimulation
epicondylitis inflammation of the tissues around the elbow
ataxia inability to coordinate muscles in the execution of voluntary movement
hypertrophy over development of a muscle
myofibrils skeletal muscle fibers
atonic lacking normal muscle tone
dystonia abnormal muscle tone
myotonia delayed relaxation of a muscle after a strong contraction
Myasthenia Gravis autoimmune disorder characterized by muscle weakness, chiefly of muscles innervated by cranial nerves
myonecrosis death of individual muscle fibers
visceralgia pain in the viscera
myotrophy wasting away of muscle
muscle tissue composed of fibers that are capable of contraction
myalgia muscle pain
myocyte muscle cell
contracture permanent contracting of a muscle
Created by: ginaliane
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