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7-4.5 Burnette

Causes and Course of World War II

Drives for Empire when a nation pushes to conquer other countries and take more territory or land
Appeasement when Britain and France let Hitler have what he wanted in hopes of avoiding another world war; didn’t work
Isolationism when the U.S. did not want to get involved in European problems or wars in the 1930s
Invasion of Poland German invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, led to British and French declarations of war on Germany, officially starting WWII
Invasion of the Soviet Union German invasion of the Soviet Union in June, 1941, massive mistake, led to the defeat of Germany in WWII
Campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean failed attempts by the Axis to seize the Suez Canal, followed by successful Allied seaborne invasions of North Africa, Sicily, and Italy in order to attack the “soft underbelly” of Axis occupied Europe
War Guilt Clause part of the Versailles Treaty that blamed Germany for starting WWI
Ethiopia African country attacked by Italy in 1935
The League of Nations international body that tried to keep world peace after WWI; it failed badly
Rhineland area of Germany bordering France
Axis Alliance Germany, Italy and Japan fought against the Allies in WWII
Francisco Franco dictator of Spain, 1939-1975
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 war in Spain between the Republicans and Nationalists, who won
Neutrality Acts U.S. laws that prohibited the country from loaning money or selling weapons to countries at war, and thus, hopefully, preventing some of the issues that had led the United States into the Great War (World War I)
Sudetenland mountainous part of Czechoslovakia taken by Hitler in 1938
Munich Conference of 1938 when British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler and let him have the Sudetenland
Albania small country in the Balkans on the Adriatic coast
Japan's Drive for Empire Japan’s Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere included Manchuria, French Indochina, the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), and the Philippines
expansionism when a country takes over other countries and more land
Invasion of Manchuria Japan invaded Manchuria, part of China, in 1931
Economic sanctions stopping the sale of goods or services to a country in order to punish it
Blitzkrieg or "lightning war" very effective German military tactic of combining tanks, artillery, infantry and air power to swiftly defeat its opponents
Soviet Non-Aggression Pact when Germany and the Soviet Union agreed not to fight each other before WWII
Battle of Britain 1940 air war over Britain; Britain won and prevented a German sea invasion as a result
Radar an electronic device that can use bounced signals to locate enemy planes and ships, etc.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspirational, defiant, and victorious leader of Britain during WWII
the Balkans area of southeastern Europe with many smaller countries
Yugoslavia medium-sized Slavic country in the Balkans
President Franklin D. Roosevelt President of the U.S. during the Great Depression and WWII
Cash and carry policy 1939 policy that allowed the United States to sell weapons to the Allies that were paid for with cash and transported on the purchasing country's ships
Lend-Lease Act 1941 law that allowed President Roosevelt to lend or lease weapons and other supplies to countries that were important to the interests of the United States
French Indochina part of Asia controlled by France, modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
embargo to cut off the supply of particular goods to a country
Pearl Harbor Japanese sneak attack on Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941, led to U.S. involvement in WWII
Battle of the Coral Sea May 4-8, 1942, U.S. vs. Japan, first naval battle with aircraft carriers and the ships did not sight each other, saved Australia from potential Japanese invasion
Battle of Midway June 4-7, 1942 naval battle, U.S. vs Japan, U.S. cracked Japanese codes and won, it was a turning point for the war in the Pacific theater
"Island-hopping" “leapfrogging” strategy that bypassed Pacific islands that were heavily secured by Japan in favor of taking islands that were strategically located in the drive to reach the main islands of Japan yet easier to seize, thus saving countless American lives
turning point a battle whose results change which side is winning, and which side wins a war
Battle of Guadalcanal series of naval and land battles between the U.S. and Japan in the Solomon Islands fought from August 1942—Feb., 1943; first U.S. offensive (attack); U.S. won
Eastern Front fighting in Eastern Europe, massive battles mostly between Germany and the Soviet Union; most of the fighting in WWII was done on the Eastern front
General Dwight Eisenhower American WWII General who commanded (led) Allied forces in North Africa, Italy (initially), at the invasion of Normandy (D-Day), and in Western Europe
General Erwin Rommel Commander of German forces in North Africa during WWII, known as the “Desert Fox;” also commanded beach defenses in Normandy during D-Day
Battle of Stalingrad key battle of WWII on the Eastern front; fought between Germany and the Soviet Union from Aug. 1942—Feb. 1943; Germans lost and surrendered their Sixth Army
Sicily island off the “toe” of the Italian “boot"
The Invasion of Normandy or "D-Day" military operation to liberate German-controlled France and northern Europe; began on June 6, 1944 and the Allied forces were able to liberate France by September
Battle of the Bulge Battle fought from Dec. 16th 1944—Jan. 25th, 1945 in the Ardennes Forest on the Western front between the Americans and the Germans. Hitler’s last strategic offensive. Germany lost
Battle of Iwo Jima key battle in the Pacific theater between the U.S. and Japan. Very bloody battle. U.S. won and used Iwo Jima as an airfield to support strategic bombing of Japan
Battle of Okinawa U.S. -- Japan WWII battle from April to June, 1945 for control of the northernmost Ryuku Island to be used as a base from which to invade Japan. Very bloody battle. Japan lost. Made President Truman think using the atomic bomb would save lives
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII sooner, first use of atomic weapons
the Holocaust when the racist Nazis killed six million Jews and others in concentration camps during WWII
Created by: oburnette
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