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English 3

English 3 Grading Period 3

1 Conviction belief
1 Proportionate having a correct relationship between parts; balanced
1 Imparted revealed
1 Manifest plain; clear
1 Predominating having influence
1 Transcendent excelling; surpassing
1 Benefactors people who help others
1 Conspiracy secret plot with harmful or illegal purpose
1 Aversion intense dislike
1 Integrity sound moral principles
2 Expedient convenience; means to an end
2 Perverted misdirected; corrupted
2 Posterity generations to come
2 Alacrity promptness in responding; eagerness
2 Inherent inborn
2 Insurrection rebellion; revolt
2 Penitent sorry for doing wrong
2 Effectual productive; efficient
2 Obstruction blockage; hindrance
2 Impetuous impulsive
3 Semblance outward appearance
3 Iniquity wickedness
3 Ostentatious conspicuous; intended to attract notice
3 Sagacious wise; keenly perceptive
3 Portend signify; to indicate in advance
3 Obscurity something hidden or concealed
3 Pensively thinking deeply or seriously
3 Antipathy strong dislike
3 Plausibility believability
3 Resolute determined
4 Rejoinder an answer; response
4 Imprecations curses
4 Inscrutable mysterious; not easily understood
4 Tacit implied but not expressed openly
4 Volition a choice or decision made by will
4 Ferocity fierce cruelty
4 Apparition unexpected sight or ghostlike figure; a supernatural appearance
4 Ubiquitous existing everywhere
4 Erudite scholarly; well informed
4 Incapacitated disabled
5 Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds used especially in poetry to emphasize and link words as well as to create pleasing, musical sounds.
5 Allusion A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art to enrich the reading experience by adding meaning.
5 Foreshadowing Important hints that an author drops to prepare the reader for what is to come, and help the reader anticipate the outcome.
5 Imagery Words or phrases that appeal to the reader’s senses
5 Irony A technique that involves surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions or contrasts
5 Onomatopoeia The use of words that imitate sounds. Examples would be hiss, buzz, swish, and crunch.
5 Figurative Language Language that has meaning beyond the literal meaning; also known as“figures of speech” (Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Personification).
5 Simile comparison of two things using the words “like” or “as,” e.g. “Her smile was as cold as ice.”
5 Metaphor comparison of two things essentially different but with some commonalities; does not use “like” or “as,” e.g. “Her smile was ice.”
5 Hyperbole a purposeful exaggeration for emphasis or humor.
6 Personification human qualities attributed to an animal, object, or idea, e.g. “The wind exhaled.”
6 Facade building front; a superficial appearance or illusion of something
6 Redundant wordy; exceeding what is usual or natural
6 Blase bored with life; unimpressed
6 Haughty snobbish; arrogant
6 Pseudonym false name; pen name
6 Comprise consist of; to include or contain
6 Condescend to behave as if one is conscious of descending from a superior position, rank, or dignity; do something beneath oneself
6 Libel publishing false information
6 Glib smooth-talking; readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so
7 Benign having a kindly disposition; gracious; not malignant
7 Divulge to disclose or reveal
7 Endow to provide with a permanent fund or source of income; to furnish, as with some talent, faculty, or quality; equip
7 Expulsion dismissal; to drive or force out
7 Detract to lessen; to draw or take away or divert
7 Nullify to cancel; to render or declare legally void or inoperative
7 Elation a feeling or state of great joy or pride; exultant gladness; high spirits
7 Ominous foreshadowing evil or harm; foreboding; threatening
7 Mortify to humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self-respect
7 Disdain to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn
8 Averse having a strong feeling of opposition
8 Menial lowly and sometimes degrading
8 Transcend to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed
8 Complacent pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied
8 Niche a distinct segment of a market
8 Empathy the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another
8 Consensus majority of opinion; general agreement or concord; harmony
8 Flaunt to parade or display oneself conspicuously, defiantly, or boldly; to parade or display ostentatiously
8 Conducive tending to produce; helpful; favorable (usually followed by to):"Good eating habits are conducive to good health."
8 Repertoire the entire stock of skills, techniques, or devices used in a particular field or occupation
Created by: remyscott
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