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Dendrology - UM - Gymnosperms ALL

shortleaf pine Pinaceae Pinus echinato
Jeffery pine Pinaceae Pinus jeffreyi
ponderosa pine Pinaceae Pinus ponderosa
red pine Pinaceae Pinus resinosa
longleaf pine Pinaceae Pinus palustris
jack pine Pinaceae Pinus banksiana
pitch pine Pinaceae Pinus rigida
Scots pine Pinaceae Pinus sylvestris
Lodgepole pine Pinaceae Pinus contorta
loblolly pine Pinaceae Pinus taeida
black spruce Pinaceae Picea mariana
white spruce Pinaceae Picea glauca
Engelmann spruce Pinaceae Picea engelmannii
blue spruce Pinaceae Picea pungens
Sitka spruce Pinaceae Picea sitchensis
Norway spruce Pinaceae Picea aibes
incense-cedar Cupressaceae Calocedrus decurrens
western redcedar Cupressaceae Thuja plicata
northern white-cedar Cupressaceae Thuja occidentalis
Rocky Mountain juniper Cupressaceae Juniperus scopulorum
common juniper Cupressaceae Juniperus communis
redwood Cupressaceae Sequoia sempervirens
giant sequoia Cupressaceae Sequoiadendron giganteum
Pinaceae Pinus aristata Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Ginko Ginkgoaceae Ginko biloba
Pinyon Pinaceae Pinus edulis
Eastern white pine Pinaceae Pinus strobus
whitebark pine Pinaceae Pinus albicaulis
Pacific yew Taxaceae Taxus brevifolia
limber pine Pinaceae Pinus flexilis
Western white pine Pinaceae Pinus monticola
sugar pine Pinaceae Pinus lambertiana
tamarack Pinaceae Larix laricina
subalpine larch Pinaceae Larix lyallii
western larch Pinaceae Larix occidentalis
western hemlock Pinaceae Tsuga heterophylla
mountain hemlock Pinaceae Tsuga mertensiana
balsam fir Pinaceae Abies balsamea
white fir Pinaceae Abies concolor
grand fir Pinaceae Abies grandis
subalpine fir Pinaceae Abies lasiocarpa
Douglas-fir Pinaceae Psudotsuga menziesii
eastern hemlock Pinaceae Tsuga canadensis
Created by: JGILL40167
Popular Earth Science sets




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