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1.hemisphere ~ half of the globe
2.Equator~ imaginary line that circles the middle of the earth; makes Northern and Southern hemispheres
3.Prime Meridian imaginary line that runs North to South; makes Eastern and Western hemispheres
4. absolute location exact position of a place on the earth’s surface; measured in latitude and longitude
5. latitude – imaginary parallel lines that circle the earth; run east to west; measure distance north or south of the Equator
6. longitude imaginary lines, or meridians; run north to south; measure distance east or west of the Prime Meridian
7. map key explains symbols and colors used on a map
8. scale bar – shows distance on a map
9. compass rose – shows direction on a map
10. cardinal directions – north, south, east, west
11. intermediate directions – northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast
12. physical map map that shows landforms and water features
13. political map – map that shows human made features (boundaries, cities, etc.)
14. thematic map – map that shows specific topics in detail
15. axis horizontal or vertical line on a graph that tells what is being measured and units of measurement being used
16. xaxis – horizontal axis
17. yaxis vertical axis
18. GPS device that receives signals from satellites to tell exact locations on the earth
19. GIS computer software that helps geographers gather and use information about a place
strait relatively narrow waterway joining two larger bodies of water
channel the deepest part of a river harbor or a large strait
geyser natural spring that ejects steam and hot water into the air
sea, gulf, bay body of saltwater partially enclosed by land
canal artificial waterway used for irrigation or travel
canyon deep valley with high, steep hills
delta triangular plain formed by the gravel, silt, sand, and clay deposited at a river’s mouth where it slows to meet another body of water
tundra vast treeless plains with permafrost and small, low plants
glacier large body of ice that moves across the earth’s surface
peninsula landform surrounded by water on three sides
island piece of land completely surrounded by water
archipelago chain of islands
fjord long, narrow coastal valley between tall, rocky cliffs
isthmus narrow strip of land between two seas or oceans that connects two larger land areas
plateau large flat area of land that is usually higher than the land around it, with at least one steep slope
plain, prairie large area of relatively flat or gently rolling land
dune ridge or hill of sand blown or drifted by the wind in deserts or on beaches
atoll shaped island formed by coral buildup on the rim of an underwater volcano
ring shaped island formed by coral buildup on the rim of an underwater volcano
crater a hole in the earth
bowl shaped depression in the earth or the funnel
valley elongated lowland between mountain ranges or hills
rainforest a dense tropical evergreen forest with an annual rainfall of at least 100 inches
marsh wetlands area always or sometimes covered with shallow water
mountain rugged mass of rock that rises above the surrounding landscape with steep slopes and a peak or summit
desert dry, barren region that receives little or no precipitation
lake large body of fresh or salt water that is entirely surrounded by land
natural resources – products of the earth that people use to meet their needs
2. renewable resources – cannot be used up; can be replaced
3. nonrenewable resources – cannot be replaced; limited supply
4. acid rain –
abroad in a foreign country
border natural or artificial line separating two pieces of land.
export good or service traded to another area
free trade international exchange of goods and services without taxes or other fees
globalization connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities.
import good traded from another area.
migrant person who regularly moves from place to place, usually in search of work
popular culture goods, services, ideas, and patterns of their use in a population
port place on a body of water where ships can tie up or dock and load and unload cargo.
raw material matter that needs to be processed into a product to use or sell.
standard of living amount of goods and services a person in a specific community or geographic area is able to afford
tariff tax imposed on imports or exports.
trade buying, selling, or exchanging of goods and services.
5. deforestation – cutting down trees without replanting
6. conservation – careful use of resources
7. ecosystems – places where plants and animals are dependent upon one another and their surroundings to live
8. death rate – number of people out of every 1,000 who die in a year
9. birthrate – number of children born each year for every 1,000 people
10. famine – lack of food
11. population density – average number of people living in a square mile or kilometer
12. urbanization – movement to cities
13. emigrate – move to another country
14. refugee – person who flees to another country to escape persecution or disaster
15. developed country – country in which a great deal of manufacturing is carried out
16. developing country – country that is working toward industrialization
17. atmosphere – the blanket of gases, or air, surrounding the earth
18. lithosphere – the earth’s hard outer shell, or land
19. hydrosphere – all the water on earth
20. biosphere – all living things and the environments in which they live
Created by: s732094
Popular Geography sets




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