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amend to change by removing errors or making corrections or adiitions
conformity similarity in form, action, or thought; action in agreement with customs or popular opinion
diminish to make or become smaller; to reduce
endeavor a serious attempt or effort
endeavor (V) to make an effort or to do or accomplish
evasive tending to trying to avoid or escape from escaping, especially by using cleverness.
gullible easily decieved or tricked
inferior poor quality; below average
inferior 2 low or lower in quality
loathe to feel intense dislike or disgust for
nostalgia a longing for what is past or far away or for happier times of long ago
notable deserving notice or attention; remarkable
procrastinate to put off
stamina the ability to resist
torrent a swift flow or heavy rain
unnerve to cause to lose one's courage or confidence
vulnerable capable of being hurt emotioally or phsiycally; easily hurt
antidote as substance or treatment given oppose the effects of poison or something that works to correct or cure a bad or evil condition
bedlam great confusion and disorder
designate to show by mark, sign, or symbol; to call by a certain name; to selcect or appoint for a certain purpose or duty; to appoint
ethical relating to what is right or wrong in behavior; agreeeing with the rules of society or of a paticular group; moral
extansice large in area, amount, effect, influence, and so on
indispensable absolutly nessercery; essential
medival like or having to do with the middle ages
oust force to leave or drive out
preposterous so against the truth or ridiculous
seep t o ooze or leak out
succumb to give in under pressure or to die
vanity extreme pride
vigilant staying watchful and alert
witticism a clever remark
accomplice one who knowingly participates with another in a crime; partner in crime
concur to defeat or agrree
crevice a narrow crack in our thorogh something
decent proper and fitting; fairly good
detract to take away or lessen
exotic foreign; unusual
flinch to draw back; wince
gruesome causing horror and disgust
haughty over proud of oneself
horde a large crowd
makeshift used as a temporary substitude for the proper desired thing
phobia an extreme and unreasonable fear of something
reluctance a feeling of being unwillingness
rivarly competition; an effort to obtain something
vocation an occupation or trade
admission confession
dear expensive
decided un questionable or detrimend
edge advantage
fancy imagination, fondness, to imagine;
forge to form or to move forward slowly
game courageous; ready; lame
rude crude
slanted change the thing
steal to move quietly
stunt to hold back growth
tax to burden
toy to play or fool with
weigh to consider with carefully
annihilate to destroy
erate to scold
brink the edge
devise to invent
dormant not active
drone humming; tiresome speaking;low humming
embed to set firmly
frenzy a wild outburst or great excitment
hurtle to move swiftly
improable unlikely
jeopardy great danger
lax careless, not strict, loose
meager barely eough
obstruction an obstacle
undeniable unquestionable, and certain
absurd ridiculous
boycott refusing to buy, sell, or use a product
clamber to climb awkwardly
divert to change the direction or course of
forlorn miserable
haven place of safety
logic correct reasoning; a way of reasoning
reconcile to make satisfied or to make up
skeptical showing doubt
superflous unnecessary
tempo the speed of music, rate of activity
toxic posionous
vivid clear, bright, strong
waver to be unsteady to hesititate
zoology the study of animals
basic sitation the first part of a plot
characters the people in the story
conflict a struggle between opposing characters or opposoing forces.
internal conflict takes place in the characters mind
external conflict sturrgles of a character with other people
setting where the plot takes place
foreshadow when the storytelllers give you hints about whats gonna happen
suspense the anxious feeling that the author writes in a story
climax the interesting part in the story (the emotional part)
resolution the last part of the story
direct characterization the way an author writes about an character directly
indirect characterization you have observe the character to gather info.
static character the same all the time
dynamic character they change in the story
five ways an author lets the reader know about characters speech, what other people think of him/her, looks,actions, and thoughts
Created by: s732094
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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