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LCC nursing

jdannels LCC nursing unit 6 notes

Pain Threshold the level of stimulus needed to produce the perception of pain
pain tolerance the amount of pain a Pt can endure w/o it interfering with normal function
physical dependence the physical adaptation of the body to the presence of an opiod or other substance
psychologic dependece(addiction) a pattern of compulsive opiod use characterized by a continuous craving for the substance and the need to use it for effects other than pain relief
drug tolerance and drug dependence are involontary behaviors that involve physiologic changes
drug abuse and drug addiction are voluntary behaviors that invole active drug seeking
Pain is whatever the person experiencing it says it is and exsits whenever they say it does.
physiology of pain reception, perception, reaction
reception transmission from nerve fibers to brain. A-delta fibers and C-fibers, transmit implulses from periphery to dorsal horn, substance P released
Protective Reflex Response cause withdrawl from painful stimuli
Neurotransmitters substance P, serotonin, prostaglandins
neuromodulators endorphins and dynorphins, bradykinin
what decreases endorphins prolonged stress, prolonged pain, alcohol
what increases endorphins brief pain/stress, laughter, exercise, acupuncture, TENS, massive trauma, sexual activity
Gate control theroy if the gate is closed pain cant travel to the brain. if the gate is open pain passes through to the brain.
what can open the gate fear of pain, tissue damage, monotony
what can close the gate massage, postion change, heat/cold, guided imagery, distraction
perception point at which person is aware of the pain
reaction physiological and behavioral
physiological reaction react with fight or flight or PSNS or SNS
behavioral reaction anticipatory, sensation, aftermath
acute and chronic pain can be chronic malignant, chronic nonmalignant, and chronic intermittent pain
acute pain short duration, usually well defined cause, decreases with healing, reversible, mild to severe, may be accomp. by anxiety.
chronic pain usually greater than 3 months, may or may not have a defined cause, begins gradually/persists, exhausting and useless, mild to severe, may be accomp. by depression and fatigue.
somatic pain skeletal muscle and joints
visceral organs and smooth muscle
superficial skin and muscous membranes
vascular vascular tissue
referred visceral nerve fibers
neuropathic patho of damaged CNS
nocieptive pain from chemical or noxious stimuli
somatic pain characteristics sharp, aching, localized, throbing
viseral pain characteristics dull cramping colicy
neuropathic pain characteristics shooting buring electric like
factors influencing pain age/gender, culture/religion, meaning of pain, attention, anxiety, fatigue, past experience, coping style, family and social support, NS integrity
Role of nurse Pt advocate/attitude, establish trust and rapport, assess for/identify pain, coordinate/collaborate with team, educate self and others
assessment ABC's ask, believe, choose, deliver, empower/enable
characteristics of pain onset and duration, location, severity, quality, pain pattern
measures of pain relief non-pharmacological and pharmacological
Gas exchange is either neural or chemical
cardiac output amount of blood ejected from left ventricle/min
stroke volume amount of blood ejected form the ventricle with each contraction
factors affecting oxygenation decrease o2 carrying capacity, decreased inspired o2 concentration, hypovolemia, increase metabolic rate, conditions that affect chest wall movement
alterations in cardiac function disturbances in conduction, altered cardiac output, myocardial ischemia, left sided heart failure, right sided heart failure, impaired valvular function
alterations in respiratory fuctioning hyperventilation, hypoventilation, hypoxia
developmental factors affecting oxygenation premee infants, infants and toddlers, school age kids, young middle aged adults, older adults
lifestyle factors affecting oxygenation nutrition, exercise, smoking, substance abuse, anxiety
assessment of oxygentation risk factors, fatigue, pain, breathing patterns(dyspnea, orthopnea, wheezing)cough (productive), respiratory infections, medication use.
implementation of oxygenation health promotions, acute care, restorative care.
Created by: jdannels
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