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Cancer tx and care

principles of radiation 1. sensitivity varies-resistant c bones, muscle, nerves (need larger dose, more at risk for toxicity), sensitive c ovary, lymphoid, bone marrow (fastest reproducers, can use smaller dose b/c easier to kill) 2. Interferes c cell division 3. External or i
External Radiation -painless-teach pt -lie still, 15-30 minutes, may have to restrain body part, don't wash off 'target marks' -alone -no residual radioactivity -don't apply lotion-contain metal that heats up c next radiation tx -not dangerous afterwards
Internal Radiation (brachytherapy) 1. Unsealed injection: tx thyroid c/ radioactive iodine, thyroid grabs it up quickly and it kills 2. Sealed-insertion of radioactive seeds: for specific area-prostate; pts are radioactive
Principle of Time rotate nursing staff, family-less than 5 hours TOTAL spent c/ pt; nursing staff-less than 1 hour total; no children allowed
Principle of Distance more than 6 feet away if possible
Principle of Shielding Keep room door shut, and wear lead aprons; in isolation; apron especially over reproductive organs, infertility & birth defects; no prg staff or family around
Care of pt c unsealed source radiation emits for 5 days; -body secretions contaminated, flush toilet 2X, radioactive bag for garbage, linens, food; -limit visitor contact (>5hrs); -isolation; -disposable dishes/separate linens; -assess for normal tissue damage, in local area of tx; -always glo
Care of pt c sealed source radiation -isolation; -no pregnant or child visitors; -time, distance, shielding; -assess for normal tissue damage
Radiation Toxicity Varies c: -intensity of dose -degree of exposure, how much of body was radiated -radiosensitivity of cells -individual differences
Radiation toxicity sx -fatigue -n/v, only if abd area was radiated -skin (erythema, desquamation, pigmentation, ulcers-painful) -throat (dysphagia, dry mouth, hoarse-hard on salivary glands, may need artificial saliva) -abd (diarrhea, sterility-important to talk to pt, pos
Chemotherapy -disrupts cell function -affects rapidly dividing cells -well-nourished cells are maximally affected: need increased amino acids c proteins -may need combination of drugs, almost always -very dramatic dx b/c poison in body
Typical chemo regimen 1. chemotherapeutic medication- the toxic drug, wear gloves. 2. Steroids-to decrease swelling 3. Rescue drugs (leukavorin)-by-products end in bladder, often causing damage, given 60-90 mins after chemo has started to coat bladder to decrease damage. Enc
Chemo admin 1st dose-specialized chemo nurse, stays c pt, often anaphylaxis; watch for extravasation-drug infused into tissue, flush c neutralizing solution continually, use mainly center IV sites; Timing is very important-often given @ NOC; Wear gloves-even c bags
WBC facts normal count 5-10,000, 10-14 day lifespan, neutrophils 60-70% (3-7000), if neutrophils <1500, isolation
ANC Absolute Neutrophil Count-(segs (mature) + bands (babies))/100 X Total WBC
Standing order for slight temp Blood culture X2 (15 min. apart), and then give Tylenol
Bone Marrow Depression: Leukopenia -monitor temp, could be high or low c/ overwhelming infection/septic -high protein, high calorie diet-to keep chemo working and to make new WBCs; -rest/hydration -Handwashing! -No fresh fruit or flowers-pseudomonas in water -No standing water -Skin
Platelet facts normal count 150-450,000; 20,000 before transfusion, need to pool ppl's bood b/c causes Ab formation that increases risk of transfusion reaction in later years; lifepan 7-10 days
Bone Marrow Depression: Thrombocytopenia sx of bleeding -petechiae -tarry stools -purpura (petechiae & ecchymosis) -Ecchymosis -coffee ground emesis -rectal bleeding -epitaxis -hemoptysis -hematuria-blood in urine, cloudy 1st; -change in LOC from brain bleeding -watch menstrual bleeding-count pads
Thrombocytopenia, cont... -avoid injections, apply pressure 5 mins. -avoid blowing nose -avoid trauma to rectum (use stool softeners to avoid constipation) -no suctioning -Transfuse PRN
RBC facts -normal Hgb: men-14-16, women 12-14; -anemia Hgb <9 (pale, activity intolerant) transfuse; -lifespan, 30-90 days;
NADIR low point of WBC, RBC, platelets; maximum risk for sx; different for each chemo med
Bone marrow depression: anemia blood transfusion if Hgb <9; sx: pallor, exercise intolerance, tachycardia
GI disorders: N/V -small, frequent meals -eat food at room temp (no aroma) -clear liquids PRN-don't waste calories -bland foods-add protein -high protein (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese) -anti-emetics, do this 1st & eval timing -steroids (decadron, solu-medrol-anti-s
GI disorders: taste changes -avoid sweet, fatty, fried, spicy foods -salty foods are easier to tolerate -supplement diet c/ non-sweet foods -lozenges to remove metal taste
GI disorders: diarrhea -monitor output -anti-diarrheals -IV therapy for fluid replacement -high risk for GI bleeding & infectino from skin breakdown
Skin Disorders: stomatitis inflammation of mouth -careful assessment every shift -bland diet -50%H2O2 rinses-offer lozenges after -viscous xylocaine- to numb, caution, use q-tip to apply -assess for candida,hrush(nystatin-Swish & swallow, but sweet tasting, best if left in tac
Skin Disorders: other Peri-anal or vaginal ulcerations-very painful. -may be caused from colon bact. -prevent c betadine washes and douches -caution c iodine or seafood allergy -possible fistulas
Skin burns: radiation -keep dry -no soap or rubbing, pat dry -no lotions -no sun (use prescription sunscreen) -no heat to skin -soft loose clothing -don't wash off marks -no ice b/c it decreases circulation
Alopecia -hair will fall out unevenly -hair will grow back -scalp hypothermia may work(ice pack to decrease blood flow & delivers less chemo to hair) but NOT in brain metastasis -wigs -referral
Urinary Sx -cystitis from damage to tubules -increase in uric acid excretion from chemo -monitor uric acid, BUN, creatinine, UA (kidney infection); gout, uric acid crystals in system-visible in toes; -Allopurinol, helps excrete uric acid; -Assess: clarity of uri
Sexuality -discuss risk of infertility before tx -sperm banking? -if WBC decreased, check c Dr about safety of sexual activity -irregular menses common -genetic mutation possible if prg -normal to have decreased libido, impotence during & after tx
Psychosocial issues -pain -control -fear about pain; discuss options -social support -body image changes (hirsutism-endocrine), -Ascities-fluid in stomach
End of life issues -control over living c cancer; could be about food, timing, bathing, etc. -grief-anger, may take it out on nurse, allow them to vent -finances -decision making
Created by: rlvander
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