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GRE 12


surmise to guess or suppose something using the evidence you have, without definitely knowing ; guess ; conjecture ; From the looks on their faces, I surmised that they had had an argument.
allege /əˈledʒ/ to state something as a fact but without giving proof ; (بیان کردن (بدون سند ; allege (that)… The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelessly ; it is alleged (that)… It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.
lure to persuade or trick somebody to go somewhere or to do something by promising them a reward ; entice ; فریب دادن ; The child was lured into a car but managed to escape ; Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money.
dwindle to become gradually less or smaller ; تدریجا کاهش یافتن ; dwindling audiences ; a dwindling band of supporters
incentive a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something ; "there is no incentive for customers to conserve water"
curb /kɜːb/ to control or limit something, especially something bad ; تحت کنترل دراوردن ; He needs to learn to curb his temper. A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation.
elite /eɪˈliːt/ a group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc ; a member of the ruling/intellectual elite ; Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.
aisle /aɪl/ a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train, etc, or between rows of shelves in a supermarket ; Coffee and tea are in the next aisle ; "the musical had the audience dancing in the aisles"
intrusive too noticeable, direct, etc. in a way that is disturbing or annoying ; intrusive questions ; The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.
venue a place where people meet for an organized event, for example a concert, sporting event or conference ; The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour; Please note the change of venue for this event.
flawed having a flaw; damaged or spoiled ; seriously/fundamentally/fatally flawed ; a flawed argument ; the book's flawed heroine
impede to delay or stop the progress of something ; مانع شدن ; Work on the building was impeded by severe weather.
devise to invent something new or a new way of doing something ; think up ; A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
arduous involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time ; an arduous journey across the Andes ; The work was arduous.
ensue to happen after or as a result of another event ; follow ; An argument ensued.
ensuing subsequent ; He had become separated from his parents in the ensuing panic. ; They lost track of each other in the ensuing years.
unprecedented that has never happened, been done or been known before ; The situation is unprecedented in modern times ; There were unprecedented scenes of violence in the city's main square.
fastidious being careful that every detail of something is correct ;meticulous ; Everything was planned in fastidious detail ; He was fastidious in his preparation for the big day.
agitate make (someone) troubled or nervous ; تحریک کردن ؛ سراسیمه کردن ; "the thought of questioning Toby agitated him extremely"
pierce to make a small hole in something, or to go through something, with a sharp object ; The arrow pierced his shoulder ; He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife.
accrete grow by accumulation or coalescence. ; با هم یکی شدن ; "ice that had accreted grotesquely into stalactites"
temperance the practice of controlling your behaviour, the amount you eat, etc, so that it is always reasonable; moderation; The temperance movement was at its peak at the end of the 19th century.
notoriety /ˌnəʊtəˈraɪəti/ fame for being bad in some way ; بد نامی ؛ رسوایی ; She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator ; He gained a certain notoriety as a gambler.
eminence fame or recognized superiority, especially within a particular sphere or profession ; fame ; "her eminence in cinematography"
tumultuous /tuːˈmʌltʃuəs/ very loud; involving strong feelings, especially feelings of approval tumultuous applause ; پر هیاهو ; a tumultuous reception/welcome
providential lucky because it happens at the right time, but without being planned ; A providential wind carried the raft to the shore ; well timed ; lucky ; The announcement seems providential at a time when good news is in short supply.
dispassionate not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial ; خون سرد ؛ بی طرف ; "she dealt with life's disasters in a calm, dispassionate way"
imperceptible very small and therefore unable to be seen or felt; نا محسوس ; imperceptible changes in temperature ; The differences were imperceptible to all but the most trained eye ; There was an almost imperceptible pause as she gathered her breath to speak.
relent to finally agree to something after refusing ; به رحم امدن ; ‘Well, just for a little while then,’ she said, finally relenting.
relentless ppressively constant; incessant ; بی رحم ; "the relentless heat of the desert"
precarious not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse ; متزلزل ; "a precarious ladder" He earned a precarious living as an artist.
trifling small and not important ; trivial ; بیهوده ؛ بی ارزش ; trifling details ; The money involved was a trifling sum.
orthodox generally accepted or approved of; following generally accepted beliefs ; traditional ; orthodox medicine ; He is very orthodox in his views.
ameliorate make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better ; "the reform did much to ameliorate living standards"
ascertain find (something) out for certain; make sure of ; "an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident"
overlook to fail to see or notice something ; miss ; He seems to have overlooked one important fact ; In my hurry to finish the exam I had overlooked part of one of the questions.
apathy he feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about something, or things in general ; بی علاقگی ; There is widespread apathy among the electorate ; public/political/student apathy
sham a thing that is not what it is purported to be ; fake ; "the proposed legislation is a farce and a sham"
dispute a disagreement, argument, or debate ; "a territorial dispute between the two countries"
prophetic accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future ; "his warnings proved prophetic"
monotonous never changing and therefore boring ; dull ; repetitious ; a monotonous voice/diet/routine ; monotonous work ; New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.
harbinger a sign that shows that something is going to happen soon, often something bad ;
rife if something bad or unpleasant is rife in a place, it is very common there ; شایع ؛ متداول It is a country where corruption is rife ; Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.
phony not real or true; false, and trying to trick people ; fake ; She spoke with a phoney Russian accent.
allegation a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing somebody of doing something that is wrong or illegal ; ادعا ; accusation ; to investigate/deny/withdraw an allegation
pesticide ماده ضد افت
equitable fair and impartial ; "an equitable balance of power"
fortuitous /fɔːrˈtuːɪtəs/ happening by accident or chance rather than design ; random ; "the similarity between the paintings may not be simply fortuitous"
dispute an argument or a disagreement between two people, groups or countries; discussion about a subject where there is disagreement ; a dispute between the two countries about the border
ascribe attribute something to (a cause) ; نسبت دادن ; "he ascribed Jane's short temper to her upset stomach"
milieu /miːˈljɜː/ a person's social environment ; background ; "he grew up in a military milieu"
rhetoric speech or writing that is intended to influence people, but that is not completely honest or sincere ; the rhetoric of political slogans ; empty rhetoric ; His speech was dismissed as mere rhetoric by the opposition.
reverence deep respect for someone or something ; "rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead"
iconoclasm criticizing popular beliefs or established customs and ideas ; بت شکنی ; the iconoclasm of the early Christians.
acumen the ability to understand and decide things quickly and well ; تیز بودن ; business/commercial/financial acumen
agonizing causing great pain, anxiety or difficulty ; دردناک ; his father's agonizing death It was the most agonizing decision of her life.
slogan a word or phrase that is easy to remember, used for example by a political party or in advertising to attract people's attention or to suggest an idea quickly ; an advertising slogan; a campaign slogan; The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans.
disseminate to spread information, knowledge, etc. so that it reaches many people ; منتشر کردن ; Their findings have been widely disseminated.
bogus not genuine or true; fake ; "a bogus insurance claim"
miserly /ˈmaɪzəli/ hating to spend money ; خسیس ;
stingy unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous ; خسیس ; "his employer is stingy and idle"
thrift frugal ; صرفه جو
liberality respect for political, religious or moral views, even if you do not agree with them ; She is known for the liberality of her views ; 2- the quality of being generous ;
meticulous paying careful attention to every detail ; fastidious ; meticulous planning/records/research ; Their room had been prepared with meticulous care ; She planned her trip in meticulous detail.
copious abundant in supply or quantity ; "she took copious notes"
scathing criticizing somebody or something very severely ; a scathing attack on the new management ; Her father gave her a scathing look.
avid very enthusiastic about something (often a hobby) ; an avid reader/collector ; She has taken an avid interest in the project (= she is extremely interested in it).
avidly enthusiastically
ephemeral lasting for a very short time ; بی دوام ؛ زودگذر; "fashions are ephemeral"
egalitarian /iˌɡælɪˈteəriən/ based on, or holding, the belief that everyone is equal and should have the same rights and opportunities ; تساوی گرایی ; an egalitarian society
plutocrat a person who is powerful because of their wealth
convict to decide and state officially in court that somebody is guilty of a crime a convicted murderer ; متهم کردن ؛ محکوم کردن ; He was convicted of fraud ; There wasn't enough evidence to convict her.
cynical believing that people only do things to help themselves rather than for good or honest reasons ; بد بین ; Do you have to be so cynical about everything? ; a cynical view/smile
insincere دورو ; saying or doing something that you do not really mean or believe ; an insincere smile
rational based on reason rather than emotions ; a rational argument/choice/decision ; rational analysis/thought ; There is no rational explanation for his actions.
disinterestedness lack of self-interest
cherish to love somebody/something very much and want to protect them or it ; Children need to be cherished ; گرامی داشتن ؛ محبوب کردن ; her most cherished possession
disquieting inducing feelings of anxiety or worry ; نگران کننده ; "he found Jean's gaze disquieting"
ritual a series of actions that are always performed in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremony ; تشریفات ; religious rituals ; She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
accede to agree to a request, proposal, etc ; تن دادن ; He acceded to demands for his resignation. Japan had little choice but to accede.
reckless ; impetuous showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions ; He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety ;بی پروا; She was a good rider, but reckless ; He had always been reckless with money ; to cause death by reckless driving
wary cautious ; Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride ; She was wary of getting involved with him ; He gave her a wary look.
bureaucracy the system of official rules and ways of doing things that a government or an organization has, especially when these seem to be too complicated ; تشریفات اداری وکاغذ بازی ؛ unnecessary bureaucracy We need to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy in the co.
imperious assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering ; مغرورانه ؛آمرانه ; "his imperious demands"
unsparing not caring about people's feelings ; بی رحمانه ؛ ظالمانه ; She is unsparing in her criticism ; an unsparing portrait of life in the slums
frivolity lack of seriousness; lightheartedness بی معنی بازی ؛ ; "a night of fun and frivolity"
penance an act that you give yourself to do, or that a priest gives you to do in order to show that you are sorry for something you have done wrong ; توبه و طلب بخشایش ; an act of penance
austerity sternness or severity of manner or attitude ; ریاضت ; "he was noted for his austerity and his authoritarianism"
prodigal too willing to spend money or waste time, energy or materials ; extravagant ; ولخرج ; a prodigal administration
thorny causing difficulty or disagreement ; موجب ناراحتی ; a thorny question/issue/problem
ample enough or more than enough ; plenty of ; ample opportunity/evidence/space/proof ; There was ample time to get to the airport ; Ample free parking is available.
intractable hard to control or deal with ; رام نشدنی ; "intractable economic problems"
attain succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for) ; "clarify your objectives and ways of attaining them"
ruminate think deeply about something ; ponder ; "we sat ruminating on the nature of existence"
prosaic /prəˈzeɪɪk/ ordinary and not showing any imagination ; unimaginative ; ordinary ; a prosaic style
hackneyed /ˈhæknid/ used too often and therefore boring ; clichéd ; a hackneyed phrase/subject
trite overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness ; old ; obsolete ; "this point may now seem obvious and trite"
extraneous not directly connected with the particular situation you are in or the subject you are dealing with ; irrelevant ; فرعی ؛اضافی ; We do not want any extraneous information on the page. Coughs and extraneous noises can be edited out.
eclipse a loss of importance, power, etc. especially because somebody/something else has become more important, powerful, etc ; تحت الشعاع قرار دادن; The election result marked the eclipse of the right wing. Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century.
besiege to surround a building, city, etc. with soldiers until the people inside are forced to let you in ; محاصره کردن; Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender ; Fans besieged the box office to try and get tickets for the concert.
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