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Eng3h midterm vocab

Vocabulary tests 1 & 2 English 3 honors midterm

Complacent self-satisfied without awareness of danger
Contemptuous showing or expressing disdain; scornful
Feign to put on a show of emotion; to pretend or make something up
Fractious irritable; unruly
Supercilious displaying arrogant pride; scornful
Reproach to find fault with a person; blame
Intimation a hint or suggestion
Unobtrusive inconspicuous; unassertive; reticent
Contiguous touching; in contact; near; adjacent in time
Deft nimble; skillful; clever
Ineffable too great or intense to be expressed in words; unutterable
Insidious stealthy, subtle, cunning, or treacherous
Rancor malicious resentfulness or hostility; spite
Tumult a loud confused noise, as of a crowd or commotion
Turgid overblown, inflated, or pompous
Dilatory tending or inclined to decay or wasting time
Divot a piece of turf dug out of a grass surface by golf club or horse's hooves
Pasquinade an abusive satire posted in a public place
Redolent having a pleasant smell; fragrant
Humidor a humid place or container for storing tobacco
Lascivious filled with or showing sexual desire
Junta a military group taking control of the government by force
Injunction an order from court
Rankle to cause annoyance
Defamation slander
Quail to recoil in terror
Inculcation teaching by repetition
Evade to avoid
Deposition a formal statement made before a trial by witness who will not be present
Transfix to cause someone to be unmoving because of shock
Agape having the mouth open because of shock
Halt to bring or come to an abrupt stop
Allegiance loyalty to a person, country, or group
Imperceptible impossible to see, notice or understand
Auger a sharp tool that is used chiefly for making holes
Qualm a feeling of doubt or uncertainty
Plaintiff a person who sues another person
Fathom to understand the reason for (something)
Confound to surprise and confuse
Ameliorate to make better or more tolerable
Daft mad; insane
Predilection a tendency to do or to be attracted to something
Gull to deceit or cheat
Calumny a misrepresentation intended to harm another's reputation
Deference respect and esteem due a superior or an elder
Perjury the voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath; false swearing
Affidavit a sworn statement in writing made especially under oath or on affirmation before an authorized magistrate or officer
Probity the quality of a person who is completely honest
Inept lacking skill or ability
Contention something (such as a belief, opinion, or idea) that is argued or stated
Created by: mcnmode
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