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Energy Unit Test

Sloop's Energy Unit test

What is Chemical energy? Potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together.
What is Kinetic Energy? energy an object has due to its motion
When you hold hands with your girlfriend or boyfriend, which heat transfer method is taking place? Conduction
When you heat up a substance, what typically happens to the volume of the substance? It increases
What is potential energy? energy an object has due to its position
The earth receives energy from the sun through which heat transfer method? Radiation
What is Chemical energy? Potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together.
Conduction mainly occurs in which state of matter? Solids
True or False. Radiation can occur through a vacuum. True. We receive the sun’s radiation through space.
The heat transfer method that typical makes second story homes hotter on the 2nd floor and cooler on the 1st floor. Convection
This heat transfer principle is demonstrated when rice is seen swirling around in a pot of water. Convection
When you heat up a substance, what typically happens to the volume of the substance? It increases
When you increase the heat energy in an object, does that increase or decrease the density? Decreases the density (that’s why hot air and water rise)
Even though you don’t touch the eye of a stove, you can feel the heat due to this heat transfer method. Radiation
Our clothes keep us warm or cool due to this heat transfer method. Conduction
What is it called when heat is transferred through matter by a collision of atoms? Conduction
As the mass of an object increases, how are the potential and kinetic energy affected? Potential AND Kinetic Energy increase
Kinetic or Potential? – Energy in a battery Potential (Chemical)
Kinetic or Potential? – Energy in food Potential (Chemical)
Kinetic or Potential? – Rubber band flying across the room Kinetic (Motion)
Kinetic or Potential? – Light from distant stars Kinetic (Light waves)
Kinetic or Potential? – Electrical energy Kinetic (electrons moving)
Kinetic or Potential? – Nuclear energy from the sun Potential (Nuclear)
Kinetic or Potential? – Sound vibrations from a stereo Kinetic (Sound waves)
What value does the “g” in the formula for Potential Energy (PE = m ∙ g ∙ h) stand for? 9.8 m/s2
Any time friction occurs, there is a loss of energy to the system in what type of energy? Thermal energy
True or false. Whenever there is a nuclear explosion, some energy is destroyed. False. Energy can not be created or destroyed.
The elastic energy in a rubber band is transferred into thermal energy and what 2 other forms when it is shot? Sound and Motion
What type of energy occurs when electrons move through a substance? Electrical
Direct or Indirect. What relationship exists between the mass of an object and its kinetic energy? Direct
Direct or Indirect. What relationship exists between the gravity on a planet and potential energy? Direct
What type of energy occurs when compounds are broken down? Chemical
What type of energy is also called stored mechanical? Elastic
What type of energy is caused by vibrating molecules so it cannot occur in a vacuum, like outer space? Sound
On a roller coaster, where is the maximum potential energy found? At the top of the highest hill
On a roller coaster, when is the kinetic energy zero? Whenever the coaster is stopped
On a roller coaster, when are the kinetic energy increasing and the potential energy decreasing? Going down any hill or finishing a loop
What is the kinetic energy of a 10 kg bowling ball rolling at a speed of 5 m/s? KE = ½ m∙v2 KE = ½ 10∙(5)2 = 125 J
What is the kinetic energy of a 100 kg man rolling down a hill at a velocity of 3 m/s? KE = ½ m∙v2 KE = ½ 100∙(3)2 = 450 J
What is the kinetic energy of a 0.06 kg potato being shot from a potato gun at a speed of 10 m/s? KE = ½ m∙v2 KE = ½ 0.06∙(10)2 = 6 J
What is the potential energy of a 15 kg dog on top of a 5 meter high roof? PE = m∙g∙h, where g = 9.8 m/s2 PE = m∙g∙h= 15∙5∙9.8 = 735 J
What are the appropriate units for ENERGY? Joules
What is the ability to do work called? Energy
What is the approximate PE of a 100 kg man on top of a 5 meter high dive? PE = m∙g∙h, where g = 9.8 m/s2 PE = m∙g∙h= 100∙5∙10 = 5000 J
Which has more potential energy – a 20kg goat on a 2m high car or a 0.04kg hamster on a 2000m skyscraper? Goat = 400J and Hamster = 800J
In a light bulb, what 2 types of energy is the electrical energy converted into? Thermal and Light
In an alarm clock, what 3 types of energy is the electrical energy converted into? Sound, Light, and Thermal
In a wind-up toy, what type of energy do you start with and what 2 types do you end up with? Start with Elastic and End with Sound and Motion
When you wind up a toy, are you increasing its potential or kinetic energy? Potential
What is mechanical energy? Energy associated with the position AND motion of an object
Kinetic energy depends on what? SPEED and MASS
What is sound energy? energy of particles bouncing off of each other
What is Thermal Energy? total energy of the particles in an object
Created by: msloop
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