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Math Problems

Chemistry & Physics/CRNA/Have calculator handy!

Example: If the atmospheric pressure on a mountain is 550mmHg, what is the partial pressure of oxygen? Concentration of Oxygen of room air = 21% Atm pressure on mountain = 550mmHg=total pressure 21%x550mmHg=115.5 mmHg for O2
Example: What are the partial pressures of N2O and O2 if they are delivered to a patient in a 70%/30% N2O/O2 mixture? What law explains this? Dalton's law of partial pressures. Total pressure= 760mmHg atmospheric pressure Concentration N2O=70% Concentration O2= 30% Partial pressure of N2O= 70%x760mmHg=532mmHg Partial pressure of O2=30%x760mmHg= 228mmHg
Problem, if the flow of O2 from an E-size cylinder is 5L/min, how long will it take a full O2 cylinder to empty? Pressure of O2 in E cylinder=2200 psi Volume of gas/O2 in a full E cylinder=660L (660L)/(5L/min)=132min, or about 2 hours.
Problem if the pressure in an O2 E cylinder is 1,100 psi and the flow is 5L/min, how long will it take the cylinder to finish emptying? Tank is half full, 2200psi/2=1100 and 660L/2=330 5L/min x 330/time=66min or just over 1 hour
What is the vapor pressure of Enflurane at 20C? What is the Minimal Alveolar Concentration of that gas (MAC)? Enflurane = 175 mmHg MAC=1.68%
What is the vapor pressure of Halothane at 20C? What is the MAC? Halothane=243 mmHg MAC=0.75%
What is the Vapor pressure at 20C of Isoflurane? MAC? Isoflurane=239 mmHg MAC=1.15%
What is the Vapor pressure at 20C of Sevoflurane? MAC? Sevolflurane= 170 mmHg MAC=2.1%
What is the Vapor pressure at 20C of Desflurane? MAC? Desflurane=669 mmHg MAC=6.0%
What is MAC? the Minimal Alveolar Concentration
The Minimal Alveolar Concentration is ? 1 MAC=the minimal alveolar concentration of an inhalation agent at which 50% of the patients will not respond to surgical stimulation.
What is the minimum standard O2 concentration patients can receive during anesthesia? 30% O2
Problem: If Isoflurane is added to a flask of oxygen, what is the % oxygen and % isoflurane in the flask above the liquid? Vapor pressure is 239 mmHg, Partial pressure of after Isoflurane is added = (760-239 mmHg)=521 mmHg %O2=521/760 x100 = 68.6%
Problem: If enflurane is added to a flask of oxygen, what is the % enflurane and the % oxygen in the flask above the liquid? 760mmHg-175mmHg= 585 mmHg oxygen 175/760=.230 x 100=23% Enflurane 585/760=.769 x 100=76.9 % Oxygen
Problem: If desflurane is added to a flask of oxygen, what is the % desflurane and the % oxygen in the flask above the liquid? PP of desflurane=669mmHg 669/760=.88 x 100= 88%= desflurane 760-669= 91mmHg O2 91/760=.119 x 100= 12%=oxygen
What are the dimensions of an E cylinder of Oxygen? Dimensions: 2 feet long and 4 inches in diameter
When do you need to replace your Oxygen E cylinder? At what pressure? 200 psi
What are the dimensions of an H cylinder of Oxygen? Dimensions: 4 feet long and 9 inches in diameter
What is the purpose of the E cylinder? Most often used for portable oxygen sources for transport.
What is the purpose of the H cylinder? Sources of gas for small or infrequently used pipeline "gas-bank" systems
what is the pressure in a full E cylinder of oxygen, how much volume is in a full E cylinder? 2200 psi. 660L
If your E cylinder of oxygen is 2/3 full how much oxygen do you have left? 660Lx2/3=440L
How much volume is in a full H cylinder? 6900L Still at 2200 psi for oxygen in H tank
What color is an oxygen tank? Green
What color is a CO2 tank? Gray
What color is a N2O tank? Blue
What color is a cyclopropane tank? orange
what color is a helium tank? Brown
What color is nitrogen? Black
What color is medical air? Yellow
if the flow of o2 from an e-size tank is 5 L per minute, the tank will last 2 hr/ 660/5=132min/2hr
full e tank stats service capacity=1900psi volume of o2=660 2200psi evolves 660 half full 1100 psi evolves 330
with a 6 liter/min flow and a mixture of 70% n2o and 30% o2 what is the flow of n2o/min 4.2L
when the pressure gauge on a n2o tank begins to fall rapidly the the tank no longer carries n2o liquid form
what volume will 2 moles of gas occupy at standard temp (0 degree C) and 1 atm. whose law 1 mole = 22.444.8 l, avogadro
what is the partial pressure of a gas if it s concentration is 5% 760 x .05 = 3838mm hg
when halothane is added to a flask containing 100% o2 the new concentration of o2 will be 68%
what is partial pressure of isoflurane when the concentration delivered to the pt is 1.5% 11.4 760x1.5=1140 1140/100=11.4
the partial pressure of O2 at 1atm is 159mm hg
if halothane is added to a flask sitting on a lab bench containing 100% O2, what will be the resulting pp of O2 in the gas above the halothane liquid 760-243=517
the partial pressure of O2 in the arterial blood increases from 100 to 600mm hg, the amount of dissolved O2 increases by how much 1.5ml o2/100ml blood
if map is 100mm hg, cvp is 10mm hg, and cO is 4.5 l/min, the resistance to flow thru the svr in dynes cm-5sec is 1600/ svr=80x(100-10)/4.5
Created by: honeybeeforeman
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