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Science Test A


What atoms makes up a water molecule? 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen
What are the 5 main properties of water? Polarity, Cohesion, Adhesion, Specific Heat, and Solvent
What are the major roles of water on Earth? To generate electricity, regulate temperature, drink, and bathing.
What are ways we can conserve water? Take shorter showers and don't leave the water running.
What creates acid rain? What specific types of molecules? Pollutants create acid rain. The specific types of molecules are carbon dioxide, lead nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide.
Within the water cycle, list the 4 types of precipitation. Rain, Snow, Hail, Sleet
What are the 3 states of matter? Solid, Liquid, Gas
How are molecules and their spacing different with these 3 types? Solid- molecules tightly packed, Liquid- molecules move more freely than a solid, Gas- molecules move freely
Which state of matter has definite shape and volume? Solid
Which state of matter has no definite shape, but definite volume? Liquid
Which state of matter has no definite shape of volume? Gas
What are the 6 phases of change? Sublimation, Deposition, Evaporation, Condensation, Melting, and Freezing
List each and include the state of matter changes. Sublimation- solid to gas Deposition- gas to solid Evaporation- liquid to gas Condensation- gas to liquid Melting- solid to liquid Freezing- liquid to solid
List all of the parts of the water cycle. Condensation, Evaporation, Precipitation, Sublimation, Transpiration, Runoff, Ocean Current, and Ground Water
What are the boiling and freezing points of water? In degrees F & C. Boil- 212 degrees F, 100 degrees C; Freeze- 32 degrees F, 0 degrees C
What 3 phase changes release energy? Deposition, Condensation, Freezing
What 3 phase changes absorb energy? Sublimation, Evaporation, Melting
What phase change creates clouds? Condensation
Why is atmosphere important to living things? It is made of gases that living things need to survive and it protects the Earth
What 3 major gases make it up? Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
What are the 3 major greenhouse gases? Carbon dioxide, Methane, Water Vapor
How are the greenhouse gases increasing global warming? They collect and trap heat.
What are the future effects of this temperature increase? Glaciers melt, water level rises.
List the layers of the atmosphere in order, from the Earth's crust up to space. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
Where is the ozone layer? Stratosphere
What atoms make up one molecule of ozone? 3 Oxygen
What are the 3 types of heat transfer? Radiation, Convection, Conduction
List one example of Radiation. Toes are warmed in front of a space heater.
List one example of Convection. Water in a heated pot begins to boil.
List one example of Conduction. A cheek is burned by a hot curling iron.
For each type, list which state of matter it uses to transfer the heat. Radiation- gases; Convection- liquids and gases; Conduction- solids
What is air pressure? The result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area.
What 2 pieces of equipment are used to measure air pressure in the atmosphere? Aneroid Barometer and Mercury Barometer
As altitude in the atmosphere increases, air pressure... Decreases
As altitude in the atmosphere increases, density... Decreases
Are there more or fewer air molecules at higher elevations in the atmosphere? Fewer
What are the lines called on a map that connect points of equal air pressure? Isobars
Created by: mcurtin15
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