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Animal Farm ch 5-7

Vocabulary for animal farm chapters 5-7 this was my homework

Pretext a reason that you give to hie your real reason for doing something
Procure obtain something; persuade or causing something to do something
advocate a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy; to publicly recommend or support
appeal a serious or urgent request to make a serious or urgent request
liable being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm
cunning having skill in achieving ones ends by deceit or evasion
abolished to formally put an end to
solicitor a person whose job involves talking to many people and trying to persuade them; a chief law officer of a city, town, government department
prosper to become very successful (financially)
compensate to provide someone with a fair payment for loss or injury
cryptic having a mysterious meaning
malicious having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person
expulsion depriving someone of membership; the force removal from homeland
indignation an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something
conceal to keep from sight
famine extreme scarcity of food
thwart prevent someone from accomplishing a goal
treachery a betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature
scapegoat a person who is unfair blamed for something that others have done
purge to remove people from an area, country organization, ext., often in a violent and sudden way; the often violent and sudden removal...
Created by: GABY.MOOK
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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