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Study for test on Electromagnetic and Mechanical Waves

What are the electromagnetic waves with the highest frequency? gamma rays
Electromagnetic energy is classified by the length and ___________ of its wave. frequency
Which form of electromagnetic energy has the shortest wavelength? gamma rays
What is frequency? number of waves in one second
What is wavelength? distance from highest point of one wave to the highest point of the next wave
Microwaves, infrared waves, and radio waves are examples of what type of wave? electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves travel at the _________. speed of light
What type of waves do not require a medium to travel in? electromagnetic waves
What do radio waves transfer between a cell phone and a cell tower? energy
In a __________, electromagnetic waves travel at half the speed of light. vacuum
Name the visible spectrum of light from the longest to shortest wavelength. red, orange, green, blue, indigo, violet
Light will travel fastest in a _____________. vacuum
A wave transfers ____________. energy
An electromagnetic wave travels from the sun through space at the _________________. speed of light
Gamma rays have ______ _______ than microwaves do. more energy
__________ is made up of visible energy and not visible energy. sunlight
How is the visible energy from the sun different than the non-visible energy? different wavelengths
If light shines on a piece of paper, the light is _____________. reflected
You can see most objects because ______________. the light reflects off them.
The ________ of an electromagnetic wave determines the color of the light. frequency
What color tee-shirt will reflect the most light? white
A rainbow is cause by ________________. refraction
Electromagnetic waves can travel with a __________. medium
What does green glass appear green? It reflects green light.
What type of waves require a medium? mechanical waves
What proof are SETI scientists looking for so they know if there is actually another civilization outside of our solar system? Non-natural signs like mathematical, repetitive, periodic pictures
wavelength times frequency equals ____________ speed
Radio waves have a relatively ________ frequency and _______ wavelength. low, long
Name three types of electromagnetic waves that have a lower frequency than visible light. Radio, microwaves, infrared
Name three types of electromagnetic waves that have a higher frequency than visible light. ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
In what type of wave is the motion perpendicular to the direction of travel? transverse
In what type of wave is the motion parallel to the direction of travel? longitudinal
Created by: cnorthrop
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