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AH- CH 34 iggy

Adult Health I

an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, is the most common problem of nose and sinuses rhinitis
hay fever, allergies rhinitis
is triggered by hypersensitivity reactions to airborne allergens, especially plant pollen or molds allergic rhinitis
occurs either intermittently with no seasonal pattern or continuously whenever the person is exposed to alergens such as dust, animal dander, wool, and foods chronic rhinitis
rebound nasal congestion from overuse of nose drops or sprays rhinitis medicamentosa
coryza common cold
common cold acute viral rhinitis
a release of natural chemicals such as histamine, from WBC in the nasal mucosa allergen
runny nose rhinorrhea
block the chemicals released by WBC from binding to receptors sites on blood vessels and nasal tissues, preventing local edema and itching antihistamines
constricting blood vessels thus decreasing edema decongestants
used to decrease the rebound nasal congestion during teh time immediatley after discounting the drug steroid nasal sprays
what are alternatives therapies for rhinitis? echinacea, vit C, zinc (cold-eeze, zicam)
an uncomplicated cold subsides within ____ days 7-10
is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of one or more sinuses sinusitis
swelling can obstruct the flow of secretions from the sinuses, which may cause infection
often follows rhinitis sinusitis
the mucus membrane is permanently thickened from repeated inflammation chronic sinusitis
sinusitis most often develops in the ___ maxillary and frontal sinuses
complications of sinusitis are ___, ___, and ____ cellulitis, abscess, and meningitis
nasal swelling, congestion, headaches, facial pressure, pain, tenderness to touch, lowgrade fever, cough, and purulent or bloody drainage are s/s of __ sinusitis
maxillary antral puncture and lavage (antral irrigation) may be an out pt procedure done for __ sinusitis
incision is made under the upper lip into the maxillary sinus and the infected mucosa is then removed caldwell-Luc procedure
"sore throat" pharyngitis
common inflammation of mucous membranes of the pharynx pharyngitis
accounts for more than 50 million office visits a year in the US pharyngitis
most common cause of pharyngitis group A betahemolytic streptococcus
s/s are sore throat, dryness, throat pain, pain on swallowing, difficulty swallowing, and fever pharyngitis
odynophagia painful swallowing
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
hyperemia redness
"hot potato" voice comes from ___ tonsillar abscess occuring with pharyngitis
fever, dull tympanic membrane, enlarged red tonsils, yellow exudate, purulent nasal drainage, headache, WBC elevated, abrupt onset, and local lymph node enlargement are s/s of ___ pharyngitis bacterial
no fever, dull tympanic membrane, no exudate, sore throat, rhinitis, hoarseness, WBC <10,000, headache are s/s of ____ pharyngitis viral
what are some complications of bacterial (group A streptcoccoal) pharyngitis? rheumatic fever,acute glomerulonephritis, peritonsillar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess, otitis media, sinusitis, mastioditis, bronchitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever
what is a rare complication of pharyngitis that can be a medical emergency? epiglottitis
is an inflammation and infection of the tonsils and lymphatic tissues located on each side of the throat tonsillitis
crypts small valleys across the surface of the tonsils
filter organisms and protect the respiratory tract from infection tonsils
tonsillitis is a ____ airborne infection contagious
causative agent of sinusitis streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae, diplococcus, or bacteroides
bacterial causative agent of pharyngitis group A streptococcus, staphylococcus, haemophilus influenzae, pneumonococcus, corynebacterium diphtheriae, neisseria gonorrhoeae
viral causative agents of pharyngitis adenovirus, rhinovirus, epstein-barr virus, cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, herpesvirus, coxsackievirus A, echovirus
causative agents of tonsilitis streptococcus (main one), staph aureus, h. influenza, and pneumoncoccus
s/s of acute tonsilitis are: sudden onset of sore throat, fever, muscle aches, chills, dysphagia, odynophagia, pain in ears, HA, anorexia, malaise, "hot potato" voice, red pus tonsils, inflammed uvula
is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the larynx and may or may not include edema of the vocal cords laryngitis
causative agents of laryngitis exposure to irritating inhalants, overuse of voice, inhalation of volatile gases, or intubation, GERD
3 surgical methods to help sinusitis antral irrigation, caldwell-luc procedure, and endoscopic sinus surgery
tonsillitis is less common in __ adults
aphonia temporary voice loss
s/s of laryngitis are: hoarseness, dry cough, difficulty swallowing
nurse management for laryngitis is __ symptom relief and prevention (voice rest, steam inhalations, > fluid intake, throat lozenges)
laryngitis can be a sign of related disease processes __ and ___ throat or lung cancer
is a highly contagious acute viral respiratory infection that can occur in adults of all ages influenza
s/s of influenza are: severe HA, muscle aches, fever, chills, fatigue, weakness, and anorexia
who are recommended to get the flu vaccine? ppl over 50, ppl with chronic illnesses, immunosuppressed, health care personale, those living in institutions
amantadine and rimantadine have been effective tx for __ influenza A
ribavirin has been an effective tx for ___ influenza B
is an excess of fluid in the lungs resulting from an inflammatory process pneumonia
in pneumonia, inflammation occurs in the ____, the ____, and often the ___ interstitial spaces, alveoli, and bronchioles
if the infection of pneumonia goes into the pleural cavity it is called __ empyema
atelectasis alveolar collapse
hypoxemia insufficient O2 in the blood
solidification of lungs, lack of air space consolidation
pneumonia can be caused by: bacteria, viruses, myoplasmas, fungi, rickettsiae, protozoa, and helminths, toxic gases, chemicals, smoke, and aspiration of water, food, fluids, and vomitus
5th leading cause of death pnemonia
highest incidence of ppl with pnemonia are: older adults, immunosuppressed, hopitalized ppl, nursing home ppl, mechanically ventilated ppl
what kind of pnemonia is most common? community-acquired is more common
common problems associated with pnemonia hypoxemia, ventilatory failure, atelectasis, pleural effusion, and pleurisy
what causative agent is the hightest cause of death of nosocomial pnemonia? pseudomonas aeruginosa
s/s of pnemoina are: flushed cheeks, bright eyes, and anxious expression, CP, myalgia, HA, chills, fever, cough, tachycardia, dyspnea, tachypnea, and sputum
what is heard when ascultating the lungs of a pt with pnemonia? crackles, wheezing, sounds heard over areas of density or consolidation, tactile fremitus is > over areas of pneumonia
a rash may occur with pneumonia if ___ is the causative agent mycoplasma infection, cytomegalovirus infection, or rocky mountain spotted fever
Created by: TayBay15
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