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Child Health: Infant

PVAMU: Growth and Dvelopment: Newborn/Infant (Exam 1)

How much body weight do newborn lose over 1st 5 days 10%
The anterior fontanels are open until_______ 12-18 months
Babinski Reflex ~ Disapears______ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Stroking along the lateral aspect of the sole and across the plantar surface results in fanning and hyperextension of the toes. ~ Disapears @ 12 months ~ Primitive
Respiratory rate of an infant 30-60 bmp
Respiratory rate of a 12 month old 20-30 bmp
Rooting reflex ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? When infant's cheek is stroked, the infant turns to that side, searching with mouth. ~Disappears @ 3 months ~ Primitive Reflex
Suck Reflex ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Reflexive sucking when nipple or finger is placed in infant's mouth ~ Disappears @ 2-5 months ~ Primitive Reflex
Moro Reflex ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? With sudden extension of the head, the arms abduct and move upward and the hands form a “C.” ~ Disappears @ 4 months ~ Primitive Reflex
Asymmetirc Tonic Neck ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? While lying supine, extremities are extended on the side of the body to which the head is turned and opposite extremities are flexed (also called the “fencing” position). ~ Disappears @ 4 months ~ Primitive Reflex
Plamar Grasp ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Infant reflexely grasp when palm is touched ~ Disappears @ 4-6 months ~ Primitive Reflex
Plantar Grasp ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Infant reflexively grasp with bottom of foot when pressure is applied to plantar surfance ~ Disappears @ 9 months ~ Primitive Reflex
Step Reflex ~ Disappears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? When on foot on a flat surfac, the infant puts the other foot down as if to "step" ~ Disapears @ 4-8 weeks ~ Primitive Reflex
Neck Righting ~ Appears______ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Neck keeps head in upright position when body is tilted ~ Appears @ 4-6 months ~ Protective Reflex
Parachute (Sideways) ~ Appears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Protective extension with the arms when tilted to the side in a supported sitting position ~ Appears @ 6 months ~ Protective Reflex
Parachute (forward) ~ Appears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Protective extension with the arms when held up in the air and moved forward. The infant reflexively reaches forward to catch himself. ~ Appears @ 6-7 months ~ Protective Reflex
Parachute (backwards) ~ Appears_____ ~ Type Primitive or Protective?? Protective extension with the arms when tilted backward ~ Appears @ 9-10 months ~ Protective Reflex
Lack of IgA in mucosal linging of the upper respiartoy track contributes to_______ frequent infections
Newborn pulse rate 120-140 bpm
Infant (1 years old) pulse rate 100 bpm
Stomach capacity of a newborn 1 oz
Ability to conjugate bilirubin and secret bile is present after_____ 2 weeks
When is glomeruli fully matured? 2 years old
Iron stores are sufficient for the first______ of life but will become depleted if iron supplementation does not occur. 6-9 months
The average 12-month-old has _______teeth. 4-8
First primay teeth begin to erupt between the ages of ________ 6-8 months
Trust Vs Misturst When the infant's needs are consistently met, the infant develops this sense of trust. But if the parent or caregiver is inconsistent in meeting the infant's needs in a timely manner, then the infant develops a sense of mistrust.
Cephalocaudal The development of GROSS motor skills from head to toe
Gross Motor Skills: 1 month Lifts and turns head to side in prone position ~ Head lag when pulled to sit ~ Rounded back in sitting
Gross Motor Skills: 2 months Raises head and chest, holds position ~ Improving head control
Gross Motor Skills: 3 months Raises head to 45 degrees in prone ~ Slight head lag in pull to sit
Gross Motor Skills: 4 months Lifts head and looks around~Rolls from prone to supine~Head leads body when pulled to sit
Gross Motor Skills: 5 months Rolls from supine to prone and back again~Sits with back upright when supported
Gross Motor Skills: 6 months Tripod sits
Gross Motor Skills: 7 months Sits alone with some use of hands for support
Gross Motor Skills: 8 months Sits unsupported
Gross Motor Skills: 9 months Crawls, abdomen off floor
Gross Motor Skills: 10 months Pulls to stand~Cruises
Gross Motor Skills: 12 months Sits from standing positionWalks independently
Proximodistal Development of FINE motor skills from the center to the periphery
Fine Motor Skill Examples INfant batting hand or 12 months old feeding him/herself
The newborn is __(1)__ preferring to view objects at a distance of ___(2)__ (1)nearsighted ~ (2) 8 to 15 inches
Binocularity is________ ~ It develops at___(1)____and is well established at __(2)__ The ability to fuse two ocular images into one cerebral picture. ~ (1)6 weeks (2) 7 months
Color vision devleops by________ 7 months
Sense of smell develops (slowly/rapidly) Rapidly (7 day old infant can smell the diffrence between his mothers milk)
Fine Motor Skills: 1 Month Fists mostly clenched~Involuntary hand movements
Fine Motor Skills: 3 Months Holds hand in front of face, hands open
Fine Motor Skills: 4 Months Bats at objects
Fine Motor Skills: 5 Months Grasps rattle
Fine Motor Skills: 6 Months Releases object in hand to take another
Fine Motor Skills: 7 Months Transfers object from one hand to the other
Fine Motor Skills: 8 Months Gross pincer grasp (rakes)
Fine Motor Skills: 9 Months Bangs objects together
Fine Motor Skills: 10 Months Fine pincer grasp~Puts objects into container and takes them out
Fine Motor Skills: 11 Months Offers objects to others and releases them
Fine Motor Skills: 12 Months Feeds self with cup and spoon~Makes simple mark on paper~Pokes with index finger
Age infant smiles 2 months
Age infant interacts with caregiver by smiling widely and gurling 3 months
Age wheninfant mimics the paretns facial movements 3-4 months
Age when infant enjoys socially interactive games i.e. patty cake 6-8 months
Stranger Anxiety~Develops~ The perviously happy infant becomes slingy and whiny when approached by strangers. ~ Develops @ 8 months~ Infant recognizes him/herslef as a separte individual.
Most common cause of death for infants ages 6-12 months Injury
Infant car seat should face the __(1)__of the car until the infatn is __(2)__of age adn weights___(3)_____ pounds (1) rear (2) 12 months (3) 20 lbs
When should solid foods be introduced? 4-6 months
Fluid Requirements: Infant 100 ml/kg/day for first 10 kg ~ 50ml/kg/day for next 10 kg
Fluid Requirements: Newborn 140 ml/kg/day
Calorie Requiremnets: Infant 1 to 6 months: 108 kcal/kg ~ 6 to 12 months: 98 kcal/kg
Calorie Requiremnets: Newborn 105-108 kcal/kg/day
Let-Down Reflex When the baby sucks at the breast, oxytocin is released from the posterior pituitary, causing the lactiferous sinuses to contract.The let-down reflex is triggered not only by suckling at the breast but also by thinking of the baby or when the baby cries.
Cow's milk provides________kcal 20kcal/ounce
Ability to swallow solid foods doesn't become completely functional until_______ 4-6 months
Introduce new foods every __(1)__days to allow for the identification of __(2)__ (1) 4 to 7 days (2) food allergies
When should a cup be introduced 6 to 8 months
Weaning from the bottle at age __(1)__ helps to prevent__(2)__ (1) 12 to 15 months (2) dental caries
T/F: Physical discipline i.e. spanking can be used during infancy False
Colic~When dose it resolve?~ Possible causes? inconsolable crying that lasts 3 hours or longer per day and for which there is no physical cause.~3 months~gastorintestinal/ neurological problems, temperament or paretning styles.
Always burp baby at least ______times per feeding 2 or 3 times
Keep the baby upright for __(1)__minutes after feeding and do not lay the infant__(2)__ (1) 30 minutes (2) Prone
When should pacifier weaning begin? 6-9 months
S&S of a teeting infant Excessive drooling, giting on hard objects, increase finger sucking, irritablity, refusal to eat, and sleeping troubles
Created by: sparklerobinson
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