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Vocab Test 1

facetious humorous; playful joking
ostentatious meant to impress others; flashy
optimum best possible; most favorable; most desireable
detriment something that causes damage, harm, or loss
vicarious experienced through imagination; not experienced directly
dexterous skillful in using the hands or body
scrupulous careful about moral standards; conscientious
gregarious sociable; enjoying and seeking the company of others
discretion good judgement or tact in actions or speaking
sensory having to do with seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling
instigate to bring about by moving others to action; stir up
rudimentary fundamental; necessary to learn first
resilient able to recover quickly from harm, illness, or misfortune
collaborate to work together on a project; cooperate in an effort
zealot a person totally devoted to a purpose or cause
squelch to silence or suppress; crush
venerate to respect deeply; revere
despondent downhearted; hopeless; overwhelmed with sadness
retrospect reviewing the past; considering past events
scoff to make fun of; mock; refuse to take seriously
juxtapose to place close together; especially in order to compare or contrast
lethargy a great lack of energy; inactivity due to laziness; sluggishness
ambiguous able to be interpreted in more than one way; not clear
inane without sense or meaning; foolish
dissident a person opposed to established ideas or beliefs, especially in politics or religion
embellish to decorate; beautify by adding details
subsidize to support financially; provide a grant or contribution
fritter to spend or waste a little at a time
inadvertent unintentional; accidental
sporadic happening now and then; occasional
relinquish to surrender (something); give (something) up
impetuous done or acting in a hurry, with little thought; impulsive
maudlin tearfully sentimental; overly emotional
berate to criticize or scold harshly
ubiquitous existing or seeming to exist everywhere at the same time
zenith the highest point or condition; peak
estrange to make unsympathetic or unfriendly; alienate
infallible not capable of error or failure; unable to make a mistake
euphoric overjoyed; having an intense feeling of well-being
regress to return to an earlier, generally worse state, condition or behavior
dormant inactive; alive but not actively growing, as if asleep
disseminate to spread or scatter widely; distribute
irrevocable not able to be cancelled or undone; irreversible
proliferation a rapid spread or increase
corroborate to confirm; strengthen with further evidence; provide proof of
precipitate to cause to happen quickly, suddenly, or sooner than expected
hoist to lift, especially with some mechanical means, like a cable
charlatan a fake; a person who falsely claims to have some special skill or knowledge
diverge to branch off in different directions from the same starting point; to become different
illicit illegal
Created by: buscehan
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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