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two components of whole blood plasma and formed elements
3 types of formed elements in whole blood red blood cells, white blood cells & platelets
red blood cells carry oxygen & get rid of carbon dioxide
white blood cells fight infection
platelets are responsible for clotting
hemotocrit the percentage of total blood volume composed of red blood cells - diseases of the blood can be detected by measuring the red blood cell count
normal hemotocrit males - 40-54% while females have 38-47%
normal red blood count males: normal RBC 4.6-6.2 million RBC/cubic mm; for females, normal RBC is 4.2-5.4 million/cubic mm
platelets normal count 250,000-400,000 platelets per microliter of blood
WBC - white blood count 5,000-10,000 white blood cells /microliter of blood
Differential white blood count what is percentage of each of the five kinds of white blood cells?
normal percentages WBC neutrophils - 60-70%; lymphocytes, 20-30%; monocytes, 2-8%; eosinophils, 1-4%; and basophils, .5-1%
what does WBC mean? elevated neutrophil means bacterial infection; allergic reactions mean that eosniophil and basophil counts are elevated
granular leukocytes (3 types) basophils, easinophils, neutrophils
2 types of agranular leukocytes lymphocytes and monocytes
neutrophil WBC 2-4 lobes; purple color; phagocytized microorganisms
basophil stains blue-purple-looks as if it has no nucleus because the granules are so close together; releases histmine; promotes inflammation - basophils "fill" the body - also heparin; which prevents clot formation
eosinophil nucleus often bilobed, looks like neutrophil but its orange-red or bright red - the color - think "eo" orange or red - eleveated in parasitic infections
monocyte no granules (agranulocyte largest of blood cells - kidney-shaped or horseshoe-shaped nucleus - phagocytic cell
lymphocyte - no granules (agranulocyte) nucleus very round - takes ups entire cell - tumor control,
platelet cell fragment surrounded by plasma membrane - contains granules
antigen any substance that, when it comes in contact with other cells, induces a state of sensitivy or immune response Gr. "anti" -gen "producing"
antigenic having the properties of an antigen (allergen) - immunogenic
antibody (Ab) an immunoglobulin molecule with a aspecific amino acid sequence evoked in humans or other animals by an antigen and characterized by reacting specifically with the antigen in some demonstrable way,
antigen protein that can interact with an antibody
antibody looks like a letter "y" - specific to antigen
agglutination clumping - when antibodies in plasma bind to the antigens on the surfaces of red blood cells, they form molecular bridges taht connect red blood cells
hemolysis rupture of red blood cells; can be a reaction to blood transfusion
antigen - also called agglutinogens function and location - protein that can interact with an antibody - found on red blood cells
antibodies or agglutinins location and function - antibody that causes clumping or agglutination of the bacteria or other cells (red blood cells) - in plasma l. ad "to" gluten "clump"
Rh- and Rh+ blood types Rh+ means that person has certain antigens (the D antigens) on their RBC's red blood cells - about 85% of Caucasians & 88% African-Americans have this - a person with Rh- does NOT have these antigens
Antigen/antibody reaction when antibodies in plasma bind to antigens on red blood surface, they form molecular bridges that connect the red blood cells - this is called clumping or agglutination - can clotting within blood vessels, cause kidney damage, and even death. REactions c
Created by: walterina4327
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