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Greek/Latin Words

Basement The lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage. (Root Word: Bas-means low)
Capture Capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping. (Root Word: Cap-means to take or seize)
Credible Capable of being believed. (Root Word: Cred-means to believe)
Predict Make a prediction about; tell in advance. (Root Word: Dict-means to speak or say)
Induce Cause to do; cause to act in a specific manner. (Root Word: Duc or Duct-means to lead)
Artifact A man-made object taken as a whole. (Root Word: Fac or Fact-means to make or do)
Autograph A person's own signature. (Root Word: Graph-means to write)
Dialog A conversation between to persons. (Root Word: Log-means word or study of)
Mortal Subject to death. (Root Word: Mort-means die or death)
Spectacles Optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision. (Root Word: Spec or spect-means to see)
Biography An account of the series of events making up a person's life. (Root Word: Bio-means life)
Transport Move something or someone around; usually over long distances. (Root Word: Trans-means across)
Asterisk A star shaped character* used in printing. (Root Word: Ast-means star)
Multiple Having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual. (Root Word: Multi-means many)
Scribble Write down quickly without much attention to detail. (Root Word: Scrib-means to write)
Microscope Magnifier of the image of small objects. (Root Word: Micro-means small)
Claustophobia A morbid fear of being closed in a confined space. (Root Word: Phobia-means fear)
Thermal Related to or associated with heat. (Root Word: Therm-means heat)
Omniscient Infinitely wise. (Root Word: Omni-means all knowing)
Geography Study of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and surface of vegetation. (Root Word: Geo-means earth)
Created by: 3106080
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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