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Japanese vocabulary

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Amerika The United States of America
Amerikajin American (person from American)
Arigatoo Thank you (most commonly used)
Chigaimasu No, that's wrong
Desu He/She/It/They are
Arigato Gozaimasu Thank you very much (more formal than just Arigato - can be made more formal with doomo)
Sumimasen Excuse me
Doozo Please (go ahead) Here you are (when giving something
Doomo Very (when in tandem with other words) Thanks (when used alone - casual)
E To, towards
Enjinia Engineer
Ga But
Gakkoo School
Gakuin Place of learning
Gakusei Student
Hai Yes
Hajimimashite How do you do?
Iie No
Ja Well, in that case
Jin Person (from a country - used after a country's name)
Ka Ending of a sentence to make it a question
Kaisha Company, office
Kanada Canada
Kanadajin Canadian
Kochira This way
Kookoo High school (short for Kookoo gakkoo)
Kuruma Car
Meishi Business card
Namae Name
Nihon Japan
Nipon Japan
Nihongo Japanese (language)
No (Particle) Shows possession
San Suffix at the end of a name to give respect
Sensei Suffix at the end of a teacher's name
Shichi Seven (Nana)
Shitsurei Desu Ga I'm sorry to trouble you, but...
Soo Desu That's right
Soo Desu Ka I see, is that so?
Suutsukeesu Suitcase
To And (connects nouns)
Watashi I
Watashi no My
Yookoso Welcome
Anata You
Are That thing over there (noun)
Arimasen There isn't/ aren't/ don't have etc
Arimasu Be, exist, there is/are/have
Asoku Over there
Atarashii New
Daigaku University
Dare Who?
Denwa Telephone
Doku Where?
Dore Which one?
Doomo Yoroshiku Nice to meet you
Eki Train station
Ginkoo Bank
Hito Person
Igirisu England
Igirisujin Englishman
Ja Arimasen Isn't, aren't
Dewa Arimasen Isn't, aren't
Jimu Office work, administration office
Kara From
Kochira This person (used in introductions)
Koko Here
Konbanwa Good evening
Konnichiwa Good day, hello (not used early in the morning)
Konpyuutaa Computer
Kore This (Near me - noun)
Kyoo Today
Mina san Everyone
Ni [Particle] shows location of something
Ohayoo Gozaimasu Good morning
Ookii Big
Kuni Country (your country when "okuni"
Oyasumi Nasai Goodnight
Paato Part-time worker
Purintaa Printer
Shinbun Newspaper
Shitsurei Shimasu Excuse me, goodbye
Soko There
Sore That thing near you (noun)
Tsukue Desk
Uchi House, home
Ha [Particle] pronounced "Wa" shows the main subject of the sentence
Wakarimasen I don't know, I don't understand
Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu Pleased to meet you
Amari Not very [used in conjunction with negative verb]
Asatte The day after tomorrow
Ashita Tomorrow
Dai-kirai desu Hate, detest, loathe
Dai-suki desu Love, like very much
Doo How?
Wa doo desu ka How about..?, How is..? [end of sentence]
Eiga Film
Eigo English language
Ga [Particle] regarding, same as "ha" but there are lots of rules as to which one to use
Go-chisoo sama deshita Thank you for the meal
Gohan Cooked rice
Hana Flower
Ii desu Good, fine
Itadakemasu Ritual expression before a meal
Kaigi Meeting
Kiku Chrysanthemum
Kirai desu Dislike
Konban This evening
Mainichi Every day
Miso shiru Miso soup
Shiru Soup
Mizu Water
Nan What?
Nani What?
Ne [Particle] used instead of "ka" to make a question asking for confirmation
Ni shimasu I'll have... [decide on, choose] [end of sentence]
O kudasai Could I have... please? [end of sentence]
O onegaishimasu Could I have... please? [end of sentence]
Wo [Particle] pronounced "o" used before an action verb being performed on an object
Ocha Green tea
Oishii Delicious
Rajio Radio
Resutoran Restaurant
Sakana Fish
Sashimi Raw fish
Suru [verb] Do
Suki desu Like
Suki de ha arimasen Don't like
Sumimasen ga I'm sorry but...
Taberu [verb] To eat
Teishoku Set meal
Tokidoki Sometimes
Tomodachi Friend
Tsukemono Pickles
Wain Wine
Wakaru [verb] To know, understand
Yaki zakana Grilled fish
Yomu [verb] To read
Benkyoo oshimasu (Verb) To study
Benkyoo Study (noun)
De [Particle] meaning "by". Shows how something is being done
Demo However, but.. [used at start of sentence]
Densha Train
Doo shite Why?
Naze Why?
Fun Minute
Gaijin Foreigner
Gomen kudasai Pardon me for the inconvenience
Hajimaru(Verb) To start
Han Half past (For telling the time e.g half past 1)
Hanashi A conversation or chat
Hanashi oshimasu (Verb) To have a conversation
Hashi Chopsticks
Ima Now, at this moment
Imasu Am, is, are (Used only with animated objects)
Inu Dog
Ji O'clock
Jikan Time, hour
Mada Still, not yet
Made Until
Mata Again, once more, another time
Moshi moshi Hello? (Only used for telephones)
Nanji What time?
Ni At (Showing what time)
Niku Meat
Nyuusu News
Ryoori Cooking
Ryoori oshimasu (Verb) To cook
Shigoto oshimasu (Verb) To work
Shigoto Work, employment
Shitsurei shimasu Goodbye (On the telephone)
Sono mae ni Before that
Sore kara And also, after that
Sugu Soon
Takusan A lot, many
Takushii de By taxi
Tenisu Tennis
Terebi TV
Tesuto A test
Agatte kudasai Please come in
Agaru [Verb] To go up (used for entering another's home as well)
Daigakusei University student
De (Particle) at, in - Used to show where an action occured
Doru Dollar
En Yen
Gawa The side of, word ending
Genkan Entrance area, particularly of a home
Gomen kudasai Excuse me, is anyone there?
Hidari Left
Hidari gawa The left hand side
Hon Book
Hyaku Hundred
Ikaga desu ka? How about some..? Would you like some..? (Sentence ending) (Polite form of "Doo desu ka)
Ikura How much? (in terms of money)
Itadakimasu Yes, please (when offered food)
Itte Go
Itte kudasai Please go
Juusho Address
Kado Corner
Kaku [Verb] To write
Kaite kudasai Please write
Koohii Coffee
Created by: CrusadingPirate
Popular Japanese sets




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