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WHS Mosaik 1B

auf Deutschauf Englisch
das Blatt Papier piece of paper
der Bleistift,-e pencil
das Heft,-e notebook
der Schnellhefter,- loose leaf notebook; folder
die Landkarte,-n map
das Lehrbuch,"-er college textbook
der Lehrer,- (male)teacher
die Lehrerin,-nen (female)teacher
das Lineal,-e ruler
der Papierkorb,"-e wastebasket
der Radiergummi,-s pencil eraser
der Rucksack,"-e backpack
der Schreibtisch,-e desk
der Kugelschreiber,- ball-point pen
der Kuli,-s pen
der Stift,-e pen
der Schüler,- (K-12 male) student
die Schülerin,-nen (K-12 female) student
die Tafel,-n whiteboard/blackboard
der Taschenrechner,- calculator
der Terminkalender,- personal planner
die Tür,-en door
die Uhr,-en clock
das Wörterbuch,"-er dictionary
die Bibliothek,-en library
der Computer,- computer
das Ergebnis,-se result, outcome
das Foto,-s photo
das Bild,-er picture
die Frage,-n question
die Hausaufgabe,-n homework assignment
die Klasse,-n class; grade
das Klassenzimmer,- classroom
die Mensa, die Mensen college cafeteria
die Schulkantine,-n school cafeteria
die Note,-n grade (on a report card)
die Notiz,-en (Notizen machen) note (take notes)
der Professor,-en (male)professor
die Professorin,-nen (female) professor
das Problem,-e problem
die Prüfung,-en test
die Sache,-n thing
die Schule,-n school
die Universität,-en university
das Zeugnis,-se report card
Wie heißt er/sie? What's his/her name?
Wer ist das? Who is this/that?
Wo ist ________? Where is ________?
Was ist da drin? What's in there?
Wie alt bist du? How old are you?
Wie viel ist...? How much is...?
Wie viele ______ hast du? How many ______ do you have?
Hast du ein Bild? Do you have a picture?
Hast du einen Stadtplan? Do you have a city map?
der Kellner,- waiter
die Kellnerin,-nen waitress
Bedienung! Waiter! / Waitress!
Bitte schön? May I help you?
Ist alles in Ordnung? Is everything alright?
eine Cola, bitte! (I'd like) a coke, please!
einen Kaffee, bitte! a cup of coffee, please!
einen Saft, bitte! a juice, please!
ein Stück Strudel, bitte! a piece of strudel, please!
einen Tee, bitte! a cup of tea, please!
ein Wasser, bitte! a water, please!
Ich habe eine Idee! I have an idea!
der Kindergarten,"- privately run kindergarten
die Grundschule,-n elementary school (grades 1-4)
die Hauptschule,-n lower level secondary school (grades 5-9)
die Realschule,-n middle level secondary school (grades 5-10)
das Gymnasium, die Gymnasien upper level secondary school (grades 5-12 or 13)
die Gesamtschule,-n comprehensive secondary school
die Berufsfachschule,-n trade school
das Abitur high school exit exam
der Abschluss graduation
die Pause,-n break (during school)
die Schultüte,-n paper cone filled with candy (for beginning first graders)
der Schulleiter,- (male) principal
die Schulleiterin,-nen (female) principal
bestehen to pass
durchfallen to flunk
schwänzen to skip class
langweilig boring
interessant interesting
Created by: dwross
Popular German sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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