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Chemistry vocabulary

Physical Science, Chemistry vocabulary for Coach LeBlanc's stinky fourth period

Technology application of science to meet human needs
Pure science continuing search for scientific knowledge
Scientific Theory a tested possible explanation of a natural event
Scientific Method a series of logical steps to follow in order to solve problems
Hypothesis a possible answer that you can test in some way
Weight force with which gravity pulls on a quantity of matter
Matter anything that has mass and takes up space
Chemistry study of matter and how it changes
Viscosity resistance of a liquid to flow
Kinetic Theory matter is made of atoms and molecules that act like tiny particles. they are always moving. the higher the temperature, the faster they move. at the same temperature, heavy particles move slower than lighter ones
Evaporation change of a substance from a liquid to a gas
Law of conservation of mass Mass cannot be created or destroyed
valence electrons electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom
ionization process of adding or removing electrons from an atom or group of atoms
alkali metals highly reactive metallic elements located in group one of the periodic table
noble gases unreactive gaseous elements located in group 18 of the periodic table
mixture combination of more than one pure substance
compound substance made of atoms of more than one element bound together
alkanes contains single carbon bonds and ends in -ane
alkenes contains double carbon bonds and ends in -ene
polymer large organic molecule made of many smaller bonded units
exothermic reaction reaction that transfers energy from the reactants to the surroundings usually as heat
endothermic reaction reaction in which energy is transferred to the reactants from the surroundings usually as heat
synthesis reaction reaction of at least 2 substances that form a new, more complex compound
decomposition reaction reaction in which one compound breaks into at least 2 products
coefficient number in front of the chemical formulas when balancing equations
enzyme protein that speeds up a specific biochemical reaction
equilibrium state in which a chemical reaction and its reverse occur at the same time at the same rate
heterogeneous mixture mixture formed by substances that are not uniformly mixed
homogeneous mixture mixture formed by mixing individual units that turn into the same throughtout
suspension mixture that looks uniform when stirred or shaken but separates into different layers when it is no longer agitated
colloid mixture of very tiny particles of pure substances that are dispersed in another substance but do not settle out of the substance
distillation process of heating a substance (mixture) to vaporize one substance in order to separate the substances
pH scale scale used to determine whether a substance is acidic, neutral or basic, and how acidic or basic it is
emulsifier protein that keeps lipid droplets dispersed in water so that it can spread throughout the entire mixture
radioactive emitting radiant energy by the disentigration of atomic nuclei
fusion process in which light nuclei combine at extremely high temperature, forming heavier nuclei and releasing energy
fission process by which a nucleus splits into two or more smaller fragmentsm, releasing neutrons and energy
four types of nuclear radiation 1. alpha particles 2. beta particles 3. gamma rays 4. neutron emission
Mass number protons + neutrons
Created by: Kati
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