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Nursing Arts

Medical Abbreviations

AB, ab, Ab abortion
ABG arterial blood gases
abd abdomen
AC, ac before meals
ad lib as desired
ADD attention deficit disorder
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Amb, amb ambulatory, ambulance
Amt amount
AR apical rate
ARMD age related macular degeneration
AROM active range of motion
ASA aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid
ASD atrial septal defect
ax axilla, axillary
BE barium enema
BID, bid twice a day
bil, bilat bilateral
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BX, Bx Biopsy
CA, ca cancer/carcinoma
CAP, cap capsule
cath catheterization
CBC complete blood count
CC chief complaint
CCU cardiac care unit
C/O, c/o complaining of
COLD chronic obstructive lung disease
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPE complete physical exam
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CXR chest x-ray
CVA cerebrovascular accident
DOB date of birth
D/C, d/c discontinue
D & C dilating and curettage
dec deceased
DOA dead on arrival
DOD date of death
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
DtaP diphtheria tetanus acellular pertussis
DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DVT deep vein thrombosis
Dx diagnosis
ECK, EKG electrocardiogram
EMG eletromyogram
ENT ears, nose and throat
ER emergency
exam examination
FBS fasting blood sugar
FROM full range of motion
F/U follow-up
FUO fever of unknown origin
Fx fracture
GC gonorrhea
GI gastrointestinal
GB gallbladder
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disorder
G, Gm, g gram
gr grain
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary, gastric ulcer
GYN gynecology, gynecologist
Hb, Hgb, Hg hemoglobin
HA headache
HTN hypertension
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HAV hepatitis A virus
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCV hepatitis C virus
H & P history and physical
hr, h hour
HS, hs hour of sleep, at bedtime
Hx history
HPV human papilloma virus
ICU intensive care unit
I & D incision and drainage
ID intradermal
IM intramuscular
ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator
inj injection
IOL intraocular lens
IOP intraocular pressure
I & O, I/O intake and output
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IV intravenous
JCAHO joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations
kg kilogram
Lab, lab laboratory
LASIK laser assisted in situ keratomileusis
lb pound
LD, L & D labor and delivery
LMP last menstrual period
MRSA Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
MD muscular dystrophy
mg milligram
MI myocardial infarction
ml milliliter
mo month
MS multiple sclerosis
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MVP mitral valve prolapse
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs`
NKDA/NKa no known (drug) allergies
NPO nothing by mouth
N & V nausea and vomiting
O2 oxygen
OB obstetrics, occult blood
OD overdose
OP outpatient
OR operating room
OT occupational therapy
PA & lat posteroanterior and lateral
pc after meals
PE pulmonary embolism
PED, ped pediatrics
PI present illness
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PO. postop postoperative
PO, po by mouth, orally
PP postpartum, postprandial
preop, pre-op preoperative
PRK photo reactive keratectomy
prog prognosis
PROM passive range of motion
PT physical therapy, prothrombin time
PERLA & D pupils equal; reactive to light; accommodation and distance
PERRLA pupils, equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
PFT pulmonary function test
PTSD post traumatic stress disorder
qhs every night
QID, qid four times a day
RA rheumatoid arthritis
R rectal
R, resp respiration, respiratory
RO, R/O rule out
QNS quantity not sufficient
RT respiratory therapy
Rx prescription
SOB shortness of breath
spec specimen
STAT immediately
sub-Q, subQ subcutaneous
supp suppository
Sx symptoms
T & A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
tab tablet
TIA transient ischemic attack
T, temp temperature
TB tuberculosis
Tid three times a day
Tx treatment
UA urinalysis
UGI upper gastrointestinal
ung ointment
URI upper respiratory infection
US ultrasound
UTI urinary tract infection
VA visual acuity
VD venereal disease
VS vital signs "vitals"
VF visual field
WNL within normal limits
WT weight
y/o year old
Created by: wenchie040
Popular Medical sets




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