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Lord of the Flies

Vocabulary chapter 1-4

wacco excellent
wizard excellent
motif a dominant idea or central theme
enmity positive, active, and typically mutual hated or ill will
specious having deceptive attraction or allure; showy
furtive done by stealth
strident characterized by harsh, insistent and discordant sound
eccentric deviating from an established or usual pattern or style
mortification subjection and denial of bodily passions and appetites by abstinence
indignation anger aroused by somethings unjust, unworthy, or mean
pliant pliable, easily influenced; yielding, suitable for varied uses
pallor deficiency of color esp. of the face: paleness
immure to enclose within or as if within walls
hiatus an interruption in time or continuity
contemptuously manifesting, feeling, or expressing contempt
gesticulated use dramatic gestures instead of speaking
compelled forced or oblige to do domething
errant erring or straying from the proper course or standards
martyred a person who is killed or suffers for a religion, cause, and etc.
ebullience the qualify of lively or enthusiastic expression of though and feeling
mime a performance done without speaking
recrimination an angry statement in which you accuse
tumult a state of noisy confusion or disorder
batty crazy
cracker crazy
inscrutable difficult to understand
seductive making someone do or want something; sexually attractive
vicissitudes the quality or state of being changeable; alternating change
compulsion the sate of being forced to do something
opaque not letting light though; difficult to understand or explained
declivities moderately steep
rapt showing complete interest in something
tacit expressed or understand without being directly stated
perceptible able to be seen or notice; able to be perceived
riotous behaving in a violent and uncontrolled
dazzle paint British term for camouflage; used to disguise troops, ships and guns
bloody cursed; damned
one for his nob a hit on his head
give him a fourpenny one hit him on the jaw
blatant very obvious and offensive
belligerence an aggressive or truculent attitude, atmosphere, or disposition
chastisement to criticize harshly for doing something wrong
impalpable incapable of being felt by touch
myriad a very large number of things
appalled to cause to feel fear; shock, or disgust
malevolent having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person
ravenous very hungry
Scare a bare rocky place on a mountainside or other steep slope; or a protruding isolated rock
Created by: llin1415
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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