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ACT English Practice

abbreviate shorten
abstinence act of refraing from
adulation high praise
adversity misfortune
aesthetic pertaining to beauty
amicable agreeable
anachronistic out-of-date
anecdote short account of event
anonymous nameless
antagonist opponent
arid extremely dry
assiduous hard-working
asylum sanctuary
benevolent friendly
camaraderie trust among friends
censure to criticize harshly
circuitous indirect
clairvoyant able to see the future
collaborate to work together
compassion sympathy
compromise to settle differences
condescending patronizing
conditional provisional
conformist follower of customs
congregation crowd of people
convergence joining of parts
deleterious harmful
demagogue rabble-rousing leader
digression straying from main point
diligent hard-working
discredit dishonor
disdain to regard with scorn
divergent variant
empathy sharing of feelings
emulate follow an example
enervating tiring
enhance improve
ephemeral momentary
evanescent short-lived
exasperation irritation
exemplary outstanding
extenuating guilt diminishing
florid flushed
fortuitous lucky
frugal thrifty
hackneyed overused
haughty arrogant
hedonist pleasure seeker
hypothesis theory requiring proof
impetuous rash
impute to attribute to someone
incompatible unable to work together
inconsequential trivial
inevitable unavoidable
integrity honesty
intrepid fearless
intuitive instinctive
jubilation joy
lobbyist persuader of legislators
longevity long life
mundane ordinary
nonchalant calm
novice beginner
opulent wealthy
orator speaker
ostentatious displaying wealth
parched dried up
perfidious disloyal
precocious talented beyond one's age
pretentious pompous
procrastinate to delay unnecessarily
prosaic run-of-the-mill
prosperity wealth
provocative inflammatory
prudent wise
querulous irritable
rancorous hateful
reclusive withdrawn
reconciliation agreement after a quarrel
renovation state of being renewed
resilient quick to recover
restrained controlled
reverence profound respect
sagacity wisdom
scrutinize to observe carefully
spontaneity impulsive action
spurious phony
submissive meek
substantiate to verify
subtle elusive
superficial lacking in depth
superfluous more than enough
suppress to end an activity
surreptitious secret
tactful diplomatic
tenacious persistent
transient temporary
venerable respectable due to age
vindicate to clear from blame
wary watchful
Created by: Nevin2e
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