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PCB 3063

Exam 2

sex-linked the inheritance of characteristics encoded by genes located on the sex chromosomes, which often differ in males and females
non-mendelian general term that refers to any pattern of inheritance in which traits do not segregate in accordance with Mendel’s laws.
sex influenced Autosomal trait expressed as a dominant in one sex and as a recessive in the other (ex: male pattern baldness)
sex-limited Autosomal trait expressed in one sex only (ex: cock feathering)
polygenic inheritance recognizable by their expression as a gradation of small differences (ex: many genes and factors affect your height and skin color)
barr bodies the random inactivation of additional X chromosomes
aneuploidy change in the number of individual chromosomes (+/-) that can occur due to multiple reasons
epistasis term applied when one gene interferes with the expression of another
pleiotropy the effect of a single gene on more than one characteristic.
nondisjunction the chromosome pairs fail to separate in meiosis I
palindromic read the same forward and backward on opposite DNA prime sides
karyotype analysis a match display of chromosomes that is not representative of how they are in the cell
holandric passing from father to son
incomplete dominance a condition when neither allele is dominant over the other; heterozygotes express an intermediate phenotype relative to the parental phenotypes (ex: pink snapdragons)
codominance occur when rather than expressing an intermediate phenotype, the heterozygotes express both phenotypes (ex: AB blood type)
penetrance Percentage of organisms that have a given Genotype that then express the Phenotype
expressivity Degree to which a character is expressed
Rh incompatibility If the mother is Rh- and the baby is Rh+, mother will develop an antigen to the Rh+. If she tries to have a 2nd baby, her white blood cells will attack the babies (Rh+) red blood cells and lyse them. If mother is Rh+ and baby is Rh- then nothing happens.
mutually exclusive one event will prevent another event from happening
Autosomal not sex linked
Created by: JacobGant
Popular Genetics sets




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