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# 1 ELA

Literary Elements

Character person, animal, or personified object in a story
Characterization NOT the description of the character. It is how the character is developed. The method used by a writer to develop a character.
What method does a writer use to show characterization? 1)showing the character's appearance 2)displaying the character's actions 3)revealing the character's thoughts 4)letting the character speak 5)getting the reactions of others
Describe a static character. one who does not experience a basic character change during the course of the story
Describe a dynamic character. One who experiences a basic change in character through the events of the story. This change is internal and may be sudden, but the events of the plot should make it seem inevitable.
Protagonist the central or main character (person, animal, or personified object) in the plot
Antagonist -the force in conflict with the protagonist -it may be society, nature, or fate, as well as another person -it can also be the protagonist's own self, if he or she has an internal conflict
Conflict -the struggle between the protagonist and an opposing force -there are several types that may be present in any one story
Internal Conflict or (person vs self) -occurs when the protagonist struggles within himself or herself -pulled by two courses of action or by differing emotions -frequently leads to a dynamic change in the protagonist
External Conflict -person vs society -person vs nature -person vs person
Resolution -conflicts are resolved -concludes the action
Person vs Person Protagonist is against another person in an argument or fight
Person vs Society happens when the protagonist is in conflict with the values of his or her society
Person vs Nature takes place when the protagonist is threatened by an element of nature
Person vs Self occurs when the protagonist struggles within himself or herself
Point of View -angle in which the story is told -narrator
First Person Point of View -uses "I" -a character is telling the story
Second Person Point of View -uses "you" -the narrator speaks directly to the reader -seldom used -found most often in nonfiction today
Third Person Limited Point of View -uses "he, she, or they" -we are told the thoughts and feelings of only one character (sometimes, but very seldom, of two or three characters)
Third Person Omniscient Point of View -uses "he, she, or they" -we are told everything about the story, including the thoughts and feelings of all the characters, and even information in the author's mind which no character knows
Plot -the story line -it is what happens -sequence of events
Exposition -the introductory material which gives the setting, creates the tone, presents the characters, and presents other facts necessary to understanding the story
Setting includes the place and the time period in which the story takes place
Rising Action -a series of events that builds from the conflict -it begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax
Climax -it is the high point of the story for the reader -frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion -the point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted
Falling Action the events after the climax which close the story
Theme -general idea or insight about life that a writer wishes to express -the underlying meaning of the story, a universal truth, a significant statement the story is making about society, human nature, or the human condition
What shouldn't you do when writing a theme? -it is NOT described in terms of the plot -DO NOT mention the characters or the plot when describing theme
Motivation character's reason for behavior, feelings, or actions
Dialogue conversation between the characters
Irony the contrast between what is expected or what appears to be and what actually unexpected twist or surprise
Dramatic Irony this occurs when the audience or reader knows more than the character knows
Irony of Situation this refers to a happening that is opposite of what is expected or intended
Verbal Irony the contrast between what is said and what is actually meant
Flashback an action that interrupts to show an event that happened at an earlier time which is necessary to better understanding
Foreshadowing the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature
Created by: carlsond
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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