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NRTC AP 2014 Final

Comprehensive Study Material for Anatomy & Physiology

What is the homeostatic pH of blood? 7.35-7.45
Where do sperm develop? semeniferous Tubules
The inferior portion of the uterus Cervix
Expected serum potassium range 3.5-5mEq/L
Transport mechanism by which oxygen moves in & out of the lungs diffusion
Connective tissue that surrounds the vas deferens and blood supply to testes spermatic cord
Projections at the end of the fallopian tube fimbriae
Glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood stream endocrine glands
Glands that secrete hormones to a duct or onto the skin exocrine glands
weight bearing bone of the lower extremity tibia
longest bone of the body femur
Hormone that decreased blood calcium levels calcitonin
Hormone secreted by alpha cells glucagon
hormone secreted by beta cells insulin
hormone sected by delta cells somatostatin
Both endocrine and exocrine gland pancreas
drains the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver into the duodenum common bile duct
Leydig cells produce testosterone
life of an RBC 120 days
Area where blood antigens are located on the blood cell
area where blood antibodies are located in the plasma
Largest fluid compartment intracellular space
Bones that build osseous tissue osteoblasts
Bones that destroy osseous tissue osteoclasts
Main mineral corticoid aldosterone
Known as the "fight or flight" resposne sympathetic nervous system
Hormone that increases metabolic rate T3 or T4 (thyroid hormones)
Type of immunity given by mom to baby natural passive immunity
Type of immunity acquired by developing the chicken pox as a child natural active immunity
Melatonin is secreted into the blood stream by this gland pineal
also known as the "ear drum" tympanic membrane
Hearing structures are located here Cochlea
Muscle contraction requires Calcium and____________ ATP
Cecum is attached to this structure appendix
joints of the cranium sutures
location of the visual cortex occipital lobe
location of the respiratory center medulla
Cranial Nerve X Vagus
Cranial Nerve I Olfactory
The Phrenic nerve innervates this structure Diaphragm
This joins to the rectus abdominus linea alba
bone that allows the head to shake "no" axis
group of lymph nodes in the groin inguinal
group of lymph nodes in the neck cervical
group of lymph nodes under the arm axillary
Ability of the heart to conduct its own electrical impulses automaticity
The elimination of more water than sodium dehydration
Prevents viral replication interferon
antimicrobial proteins that cause bacterial lysis complement system
Primary sex organs testes and ovaries
Most common site of egg fertilization fallopian tubes
Also known as the "rest and digest" reaction parasympathetic nervous system
Cranial nerve V trigeminal
wave like motion that propels food down the digestive tract peristalisis
longest muscle of the body sartorius
most common site of heart rate assessment radial pulse
Valve between the right atrium and right ventricle tricuspid
largest artery aorta
only artery to carry deoxygenated blood pulmonary artery
decreases alveolar surface tension surfactant
pad of cartilage that joins the pubic bones symphysis pubis
Hormone that causes increased blood sugar glucagon
area of the brain responsible for coordinated motor movements cerebellum
location of the auditory cortex Temporal lobe
top layer of the integument epidermis
deepest layer of integument hypodermis or subcutaneous
gel in the cell cytoplasm
Control center of the cell nucleus
hormone that causes reduced urine volume Anti-diuretic hormone
Cells having receptors for specific hormones target cells
movement of water across a semipermeable membrane osmosis
Allergic reaction that reaches respiratory compromise anaphylaxis
bone break in which bone protrudes through skin compound fracture
the "master gland" pituitary
articulation that causes the mouth to open and close temporomandibular joint
colored muscle that determines how much light enters the eye iris
bending of light on the lens so that if focuses on the optic disc refraction
Cranial Nerve XII Hypoglossal
another name for pain receptor cells nociceptors
Created by: kleer
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